[cite]Posted By: Chirpy Red[/cite]Too big for their boots. Both of them. Both a casulty of the very low standards we accept these days in the world of entertainment.
Patrick Stewart is actually a very good actor, but he lets himself down with this sort of thing. James Corden is funny, but after the same joke over and over again it gets bit much.
I find Corden basically fine in small doses, but he's suffering from terrible overexposure - something that even the most talented can't survive (and Corden is definitely not one of those!). He's an adept comic actor and has some likeable enthusiasm, but it wears thin when he's on all the time
The chav's latest tv favourite. Quite liked Gavin and Stacey but it seems every time I turn the tv on his stupid face is staring back at me cackling away.
I was once on a plane flown by a Captain Picard, fact.
[cite]Posted By: colthe3rd[/cite]The chav's latest tv favourite. Quite liked Gavin and Stacey but it seems every time I turn the tv on his stupid face is staring back at me cackling away.
I was once on a plane flown by a Captain Picard, fact.
You sure it was a plane. He normally flies something a little more high tech than that.
Cordon wins. This was a completely unwarranted attack on James. Don't get me wrong they were bothchildish but for that attack I lost respect for old Pat
[cite]Posted By: Chunes[/cite]Used to like him, now just wish he'd get off my television screen.
Patrick Stewart is probably one of the finest Shakespearian actors this country has ever produced.
Well he's got his own show every night on ITV during the world cup.....so a bit more over exposure for him! (expect it to be a less funny version of Fantasy Football)
I dont understand why when people get a certain level of success/ publicity that the knives come out.
I know what people mean about over exposure someone comes along who is quite funny then the tv execs think "Aah the mainstream like him" so lets get him every bit of air time available ie Graham Norton (liked him years ago cant stand him now) , Jimmy Carr and now Corden all of whom were quite funny in their own right when they hit the scene but tend to get over exposed.
But from Corden's point of view its probably a limited shelf life if you are one dimensional and have limited talent and if you co wrote a hit sitcom and then all of a sudden every tom, dick and harry is offering you work you aint gonna say no thanks ill turn the dosh down knowing that in ten years time if you did you would probably be working in a call centre in High Wycombe telling the birds there that you used to be the fat kid in grange hill...."roly?" they'd ask and he'd say no, not even that fat kid as he cried into his danish.
Cordon to me is going down the overexposure route. Perhaps he realises that at best he has only a moderate talent and is trying to cash in whilst the going is good.
Gavin & Stacey was mildly amusing but everything else he has done since has been tosh imho - Horne & Cordon was utter rubbish especially.
Why is corden still on telly after the battering his sketch show/film got? Had the misfortune of serving him in a pub i used to work in, loud twat who wanted everyone to know who he was.
[cite]Posted By: Tom Hovi[/cite]Cordon to me is going down the overexposure route. Perhaps he realises that at best he has only a moderate talent and is trying to cash in whilst the going is good.
Gavin & Stacey was mildly amusing but everything else he has done since has been tosh imho - Horne & Cordon was utter rubbish especially.
Nail on the head. He is cashing in on Gavin and Stacey and churning out a lot of garbage which the TV companies are lapping up. Can't blame him for wanting to make the most of it while he can but he seems to be filling the screen with his ample frame every time you switch on. In five years time we'll be wondering whatever happened to that fat bloke off the telly.
[cite]Posted By: Sussex_Addick[/cite]I find Corden basically fine in small doses, but he's suffering from terrible overexposure - something that even the most talented can't survive (and Corden is definitely not one of those!). He's an adept comic actor and has some likeable enthusiasm, but it wears thin when he's on all the time
Couldn't agree more. Gavin and Stacey had some great moments and it's really not my kind of thing, but the sketch show and film were just a case of pushing out too much weak material too quickly.
Cant bring myself to watch it on you tube as i might not be able to uncurl my toes again. But hadnt corden been picking on the Jonas brothers all night which was upsetting people?
Don't know who the Jonas brothers are and didn't see the show but did see the clips on You Tube. Corden is a bit of a tosser and makes me cringe at times, we are certainly seeing too much of him at the moment, Gavin & Stacey is funny and the characters and the casting is excellent...so thumbs up to him as co-writer there. I have always admired Patrick Stewart and I don't know why he had a go, perhaps he really was offended by Corden standing there with his hands in his pockets. I can't imagine their paths having crossed that often but you never know maybe there is a dislike for one another going on, their faces both looked full of hatred but trying to look cool. An unfortunate episode where they both made pratts of themselves.
If it came down to a punch-up my money would be on Stewart!!
interesting though that the bird from avatar stood up for corden over stewart and also remarked that she would pay to see stewart die on stage any day.
I think Corden has over exposed himself but he's enjoying his fame (and money) right now and why shouldn't he? Gavin and Stacey was a very good sitcom and well written alongside Ruth Jones. Patrick Stewart looks like he's lost the plot a bit there.
[cite]Posted By: falconwood_1[/cite]I despise Fatty Corden more than anyone on TV.
A bit harsh in my opinion, there are far more annoying characters on tv than Corden who is basically a bit of a lad enjoying his few minutes of fame. Gavin and Stacey was superb, the stuff he did with the England team last year and then this year for Sport Relief was also funny.
His 'comedy' show with Matt Horne was a complete disaster though.
This thread does make me chuckle, similar to Davina McCall yesterday. They both have become well known faces on the TV and now most seem to think that they are over exposed and take the opportunity to slag them off. I'm so glad that I'm pretty talentless, I'd hate to make it big in this country just to be public enemy number one!
Patrick Stewart is actually a very good actor, but he lets himself down with this sort of thing. James Corden is funny, but after the same joke over and over again it gets bit much.
Patrick Stewart is probably one of the finest Shakespearian actors this country has ever produced.
I was once on a plane flown by a Captain Picard, fact.
You sure it was a plane. He normally flies something a little more high tech than that.
Well he's got his own show every night on ITV during the world cup.....so a bit more over exposure for him! (expect it to be a less funny version of Fantasy Football)
I quite like Corden and think A League Of There Own was excellent.
I know what people mean about over exposure someone comes along who is quite funny then the tv execs think "Aah the mainstream like him" so lets get him every bit of air time available ie Graham Norton (liked him years ago cant stand him now) , Jimmy Carr and now Corden all of whom were quite funny in their own right when they hit the scene but tend to get over exposed.
But from Corden's point of view its probably a limited shelf life if you are one dimensional and have limited talent and if you co wrote a hit sitcom and then all of a sudden every tom, dick and harry is offering you work you aint gonna say no thanks ill turn the dosh down knowing that in ten years time if you did you would probably be working in a call centre in High Wycombe telling the birds there that you used to be the fat kid in grange hill...."roly?" they'd ask and he'd say no, not even that fat kid as he cried into his danish.
James Cordon is a funny guy, one of the lads type, and League of their Own was great fun. Looking forward to his world cup show.
Gavin & Stacey was mildly amusing but everything else he has done since has been tosh imho - Horne & Cordon was utter rubbish especially.
Thinking about laughter-free 20 minutes I spent tolerating that show makes feel slightly ill.
Nail on the head. He is cashing in on Gavin and Stacey and churning out a lot of garbage which the TV companies are lapping up. Can't blame him for wanting to make the most of it while he can but he seems to be filling the screen with his ample frame every time you switch on. In five years time we'll be wondering whatever happened to that fat bloke off the telly.
If it came down to a punch-up my money would be on Stewart!!
A bit harsh in my opinion, there are far more annoying characters on tv than Corden who is basically a bit of a lad enjoying his few minutes of fame. Gavin and Stacey was superb, the stuff he did with the England team last year and then this year for Sport Relief was also funny.
His 'comedy' show with Matt Horne was a complete disaster though.