I was on holiday in Sorrento. I remember sitting by the pool and hearing some bloke talking about an attack in New York but didn't pay it any attention when we went back to our room Mrs. dave went for a shower while I switched on BBC World. At first it didn't compute I thought it was a movie and then it slowly hit me what had happened. Can't ever recall being so shocked at a world event I was 7 when JFK was shot (although I do remember it) but this day will live with me forever.
I also remember how tight airport security was on the way home and how quiet the plane was. It was an event that changed the world forever.
I.T class at school. The humanities teacher came in and said that a plane had hit the WTC. I had no idea what the WTC was. Then he ran in and said a second plane had hit. I didnt think anything of it until I got home from school and watched it on the news.
It may sound strange but I am fascinated about events such as this. I will watch countless programmes and docs about it. Stuff like Tsunami's and earthquake's too. Real events just seem to fascinate me, no matter how morbid or sad
I.T class at school. The humanities teacher came in and said that a plane had hit the WTC. I had no idea what the WTC was. Then he ran in and said a second plane had hit. I didnt think anything of it until I got home from school and watched it on the news.
This, but swap I.T with German and the humanities teacher with the German teachers mate.
Working on a reception desk, had no idea it was happening on the screen above my head for a while. Saw the second plane hit live... thought it was an action replay of the first one. Had no idea the scale of it. Truly didn't realise how big the buildings were and that airliners had hit. Thought it was more like a Lear Jet hitting a wall.
I came back in from rugby training at school early that day to go to the dentist, so I saw it on the tv outside the changing room while everyone else was still outside.
Also had been up the towers exactly a month before on a family holiday, which is what really hit me as I was only young. Still got the bouncy ball I bought at the top that day...
I was working for a firm called Eurobrokers at the time and wathced it all unfold live on TV from the dealing room. Our New York office was in the 2nd tower and the confusion and terror that was coming from there was horrific. We lost 61 staff that day.
I know work for a firm called BGC, who bought Eurobrokers in 2005. BGC lost over 650 staff.
To mark the anniversary we now hold a Charity Day where all our revenues go to good causes. Originally the money was to help the bereaved families but it has grown so much it now extends to many good causes, mainly in the UK. Since it began in we raised over £80 million.
This is my first since 2005 as I worked for another firm in the interim period.
Some may see these things as a bit cynical and originally I did but being involved today has changed my mind.
We had Prince William and Harry in earlier and have had loads of celebs since. Rod and Penny, Rob Brydon, Anna Freil, Jeff Stelling, Gary McAllister and many more.
I got Barry Hearne to deal with one of my clients who is an O's fan. Both were delighted. Had a chat to Barry and he was a very nice man.
Danny Dyer arrived a few minutes ago!
As I write Frank Bruno has just walked in and received a spontaneous standing ovation and cheers of Bruno! Bruno! It was fantastic and the only one we've had all day and it brought a tear to my eye.
I was watching one of the many documentaries last night. It's weird when you see the people talking about it and then, as they recount it, they just break down. I've personally seen it when chatting to former colleagues when I was working out there. They were in the building and escaped in time to tell the tale and they would be fine talking about it and then just stop - and fall apart.
To this day it's the most surreal day of my life. Still can't believe it happened
I was working for a firm called Eurobrokers at the time and wathced it all unfold live on TV from the dealing room. Our New York office was in the 2nd tower and the confusion and terror that was coming from there was horrific. We lost 61 staff that day.
I know work for a firm called BGC, who bought Eurobrokers in 2005. BGC lost over 650 staff.
To mark the anniversary we now hold a Charity Day where all our revenues go to good causes. Originally the money was to help the bereaved families but it has grown so much it now extends to many good causes, mainly in the UK. Since it began in we raised over £80 million.
This is my first since 2005 as I worked for another firm in the interim period.
Some may see these things as a bit cynical and originally I did but being involved today has changed my mind.
We had Prince William and Harry in earlier and have had loads of celebs since. Rod and Penny, Rob Brydon, Anna Freil, Jeff Stelling, Gary McAllister and many more.
I got Barry Hearne to deal with one of my clients who is an O's fan. Both were delighted. Had a chat to Barry and he was a very nice man.
Danny Dyer arrived a few minutes ago!
As I write Frank Bruno has just walked in and received a spontaneous standing ovation and cheers of Bruno! Bruno! It was fantastic and the only one we've had all day and it brought a tear to my eye.
Do you know who Brian Clark is? Pretty sure he worked for Euro Brokers too and was one of the fire marshalls on the floor who helped to get about 200 people out after the first plane hit the other tower. Saw a documentary the other day about his descent from the 84th (?) floor, incredible.
I had just started giving a lecture, when one of the students came in a said that a plane had crashed in New York. As the afternoon drifted o managed to pick up snippets of info, but it was all very sketchy until I got home and turned on the telly, still get chills thinking about that day, it was truly surreal.
Was living in Chicago, just feeding my daughter who was a few months old and watching the TV when the planes hit, still sends shivers. Chicago was a ghost town and I could see the Sears Tower from my apartment, my in-laws who lived in the Chicago suburbs were begging us to get out of the city.
I was working for a firm called Eurobrokers at the time and wathced it all unfold live on TV from the dealing room. Our New York office was in the 2nd tower and the confusion and terror that was coming from there was horrific. We lost 61 staff that day.
I remember the CEO of your company (Cantor Fitzgerald) being interviewed a week after the event and he was obviously beyond distraught, it absolutely broke my wife and I down when we watched it. He was only out of the office because his son was starting school that day.
I must have walked past your building today as I saw Danny Dyer getting into a cab at lunchtime in Canary Wharf. Great fundraising day.
There are so many amazing stories from this day. Good friend of mine Bob is only alive because his son was messing around getting ready for school and missed his bus meaning his father was late for work.
Another was a lady who worked for me and transferred to the New York office. She simply missed her train that day otherwise she too would have been in the office on the 90th floor when the plane struck.
I know there are hundreds of similar stories and it just goes to show maybe there is a guardian angel out there for some people
I was on a training course so had no idea. Called my other half (from a phone box!) who was at home with our baby and she told me about it. She was on maternity leave from an American firm and was pretty upset. Seems so long ago, I've not used a phone box since then I don't think (nor had any training courses). I didn't understand the scale of it till I got home and watched on TV. It's one of those few moments that people talk about where I can actually remember where I was.
Can't begin to imagine wanting to or having to work there I would never relax or not be looking out the window and everytime a plane hit the horizon wondering would this happen again
Working in the City. First I heard was a colleague received a call from her husband saying the first plane had hit, then another to say another one had hit. Then it hit home this wasn't just a simple aviation disaster (like a small plane lost control) but a real terrorist attack. All the internet news sites were locked. They screened the events on one of the meeting room screens. Everyone just standing there in sheer horror and shock. I also remember tales of London and other major cities being under attack including Canary Wharf but it didn't materialise. Still didn't hang around and was gone around 3.30pm to go home and watch the events unravel on tv. Surreal doesn't quite cover it...like a disaster movie...
Was in Dublin for the day with meetings. Had lunch in a bar which had a whole wall set up with multiple TVs making a huge single picture and saw the second plane hit the Tower on this huge display. Flew back from Dublin that night to London. Both airports and the flight were eerily quiet and subdued. Just relieved when the plane touched down safely.
I woke up here in Oz and saw the images here first thing in the morning on TV and presumed - like many others - that it was some ad for a new Bruce Willis blockbuster and ignored it.
It was only when I channel surfed and realised it was the same stuff on every channel that the penny dropped.
I remember, clear as a bell, thinking straightaway to myself, "The Yanks are going to blow the shit out of someone for this."
I went to New York for the first St Patrick's Day Parade after 9/11, and at this one given point, it may have been the exact time that the first plane hit, the entire parade turned towards where the towers had been for a minute's silence. Still chokes me up.
I was in a quiet part of Surrey, too early for a sales call. I decided to pop into a Pub for a coffee, looked up at the TV screen, and thought good grief this looks like a good film. I then picked up on the atmosphere, and realised that I was watching a massive human disaster.
"In the year 2000, Family Guy faced a nearly insurmountable obstacle when Fox decided to cancel the show. And while there’s been a lot of buzz since then over the cartoon’s ability to survive this and yet another cancellation in 2002, what’s truly fascinating is the story of how it survived the terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. On that day, Family Guy creator Seth McFarlane was scheduled to be aboard American Airlines Flight 11, the first jet to hit the World Trade Center. “Through a combination of me being hung over and being late the next day,” MacFarlane once told an interviewer, “I missed it by 10 minutes. It was very, very fortunate.” In the same interview, McFarlane said he would never make a gag out of 9/11. "
"In the year 2000, Family Guy faced a nearly insurmountable obstacle when Fox decided to cancel the show. And while there’s been a lot of buzz since then over the cartoon’s ability to survive this and yet another cancellation in 2002, what’s truly fascinating is the story of how it survived the terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. On that day, Family Guy creator Seth McFarlane was scheduled to be aboard American Airlines Flight 11, the first jet to hit the World Trade Center. “Through a combination of me being hung over and being late the next day,” MacFarlane once told an interviewer, “I missed it by 10 minutes. It was very, very fortunate.” In the same interview, McFarlane said he would never make a gag out of 9/11. "
I also remember how tight airport security was on the way home and how quiet the plane was. It was an event that changed the world forever.
It may sound strange but I am fascinated about events such as this. I will watch countless programmes and docs about it. Stuff like Tsunami's and earthquake's too. Real events just seem to fascinate me, no matter how morbid or sad
Also had been up the towers exactly a month before on a family holiday, which is what really hit me as I was only young. Still got the bouncy ball I bought at the top that day...
I know work for a firm called BGC, who bought Eurobrokers in 2005. BGC lost over 650 staff.
To mark the anniversary we now hold a Charity Day where all our revenues go to good causes. Originally the money was to help the bereaved families but it has grown so much it now extends to many good causes, mainly in the UK. Since it began in we raised over £80 million.
This is my first since 2005 as I worked for another firm in the interim period.
Some may see these things as a bit cynical and originally I did but being involved today has changed my mind.
We had Prince William and Harry in earlier and have had loads of celebs since. Rod and Penny, Rob Brydon, Anna Freil, Jeff Stelling, Gary McAllister and many more.
I got Barry Hearne to deal with one of my clients who is an O's fan. Both were delighted. Had a chat to Barry and he was a very nice man.
Danny Dyer arrived a few minutes ago!
As I write Frank Bruno has just walked in and received a spontaneous standing ovation and cheers of Bruno! Bruno! It was fantastic and the only one we've had all day and it brought a tear to my eye.
Never gets any less shocking to think that it actually happened, even 12 years down the line.
Will be a tough day for our mates on the other side of the pond.
To this day it's the most surreal day of my life. Still can't believe it happened
I must have walked past your building today as I saw Danny Dyer getting into a cab at lunchtime in Canary Wharf. Great fundraising day.
Another was a lady who worked for me and transferred to the New York office. She simply missed her train that day otherwise she too would have been in the office on the 90th floor when the plane struck.
I know there are hundreds of similar stories and it just goes to show maybe there is a guardian angel out there for some people
Also I stood next to the railings to the church where all of the photos of the missing were put on to. That was haunting.
I didn't understand the scale of it till I got home and watched on TV. It's one of those few moments that people talk about where I can actually remember where I was.
I actually drove by in a cab on Monday and the Freedom Tower is huge. With it almost ready to be occupied I have no idea what the take up has been.
It was only when I channel surfed and realised it was the same stuff on every channel that the penny dropped.
I remember, clear as a bell, thinking straightaway to myself, "The Yanks are going to blow the shit out of someone for this."