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What is the worst (well known) live band you have seen



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    I nearly said Paul Young. He supported Genesis @ the old Wembley stadium during the Invisable Touch tour. Oh dear lawd above he was cack!

    Then at the same venue during Summer XS, Blondie forced Hothouse Flowers to cut their set short cos the gig was over running & they had a plane to catch.

    The Flowers were rocking the audience & were clearly put out but made way for what they thought was rock royalty. But as soon as the old tart started to sing, jaysus she was tripe! Could'nt sing a note. So double disappointment for me as the Flowers didnt get to finish their amazing set and Debby Harry was rubbish & i loved the Eat to the Beat album, was one of my favs as a kid.
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    Los Lobos - Kentish Town forum about 1987
    Only knew La Bamba and the rest of the gig was listening to obscure songs sung in Spanish to a mainly Spanish audience.

    Kajagoogoo - dont know where.
    It lasted about 50 minutes in which time they sang Too Shy to open gig, as a filler when crowd heckled and as the encore.

    Primal Scream - the Coronet at Elephant & Castle, absolute shambles in awful venue.
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    Last year I had to endure New Kids on The Block and Boyzone both at the O2 and both within about a month of each other (if memory serves me well)...was hell....was for work and I drew the short straw for living closest to the venue... Did surprise me when I heard that Stephen Gately had died on holiday, as was sure I had see him die on stage a few months earlier...

    Oh well....I've been to some great gigs too to make up for it...
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    Hard Fi at Brixton Aacdemy. On their albums they just about managed to get away with the fact that the lead singer couldn't sing for his life but live he was truely shocking.

    Suppose that's why they disapeared off the face of the earth...
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    Kiss, Wembley Arena Sept 87. Utter tosh, not in make up and played like they couldn't give a flying f.......

    Top it all I crashed my car on the way home
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    The Kooks, saw them waiting for some other band to come at Oxegen, were incerdibly shite.
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    Cher c1989... changed her clothes 9 times and sung 8 songs. The rest of the time we were watching Videos
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    I nearly said Paul Young. He supported Genesis @ the old Wembley stadium during the Invisable Touch tour. Oh dear lawd above he was cack!

    Then at the same venue during Summer XS, Blondie forced Hothouse Flowers to cut their set short cos the gig was over running & they had a plane to catch. KBslittlesis quote...

    Love the idea that the flowers had to cut the set short because they had to catch a plane..... after all they were only playing Wembley!....aka Bruce Springstein, Live Aid, etc Gotta get the plane, otherwise the cheap flights that they bought on line to Poolakaville nowhere, to play in front of a few hundred would be a disaster right!.........
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    Talking of Genesis at Wembley, saw them on the Lamb Lies Down on Broadway tour, and if ever there was self indulgent boring chite it was that...absolute cack. Unlike Zeppelin who I have seen quite a lot and they deliver(ed) every time. In terms of musicianship and musical excitement Zep were peerless, their big weakness compared to some others is possibly lyrically, but they delivered believe me.
    Saw the Pink Faries supporting German techno band Amon Dual (or some such name) at the much missed Rainbow and they blew the German band away, loads of people left after the Faries finished actually. The best example of this (which I didn't see, but has passed into musical legend) Little Feat (great band) who opened for the Doobie Brothers, the Doobies had to be dragged protesting on the stage after about 90 minutes, because they knew they simply couldn't follow Little Feat who were unknown at the time, but totally awesome.
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    Agree with Oggyred from the previous page. Saw Radiohead when they supported REM at Milton Keynes in 1995, they do play for themselves. With hindesight they sounded alot like the Kid A, Amnesiac, Hail to the thief Radiohead that day, was very dissappointed.
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    Ian Brown.

    Cant sing for toffee.
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    [cite]Posted By: seth plum[/cite]Talking of Genesis at Wembley, saw them on the Lamb Lies Down on Broadway tour, and if ever there was self indulgent boring chite it was that...absolute cack. Unlike Zeppelin who I have seen quite a lot and they deliver(ed) every time. In terms of musicianship and musical excitement Zep were peerless, their big weakness compared to some others is possibly lyrically, but they delivered believe me.

    100% in agreement with this Seth.

    Henry doesn't dislike Led Zep, he was singing away to four CDs of them during a long trip to The Somme. I never knew that he knew all the lyrics to Led Zep 4.

    I add to the list Pink Floyd with The Wall tour - just one big wall of sound.

    I saw Black Sabbath on their 10th anniversary tour (two days on the trot to be exact) and although they weren't too bad, they were absolutely blown off the stage both nights by their little known American support band....... Van Halen.
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    Saw the Stone Roses in about 1987/88 (in a sports hall in Tonbridge!) and they were OK, although Ian Brown doesn't have the strongest voice!

    Biggest pile of shyte ever was Cornershop at the Venue in 1993. They were part of a 'NME best of '93' line up that had some other good bands on it (Skyscraper, the Auteurs), but they could barely play anything. That's when I stopped buying the NME and disregarded anything they had ever said about music, as it clearly wasn't about the music, it was about being flavour of the month for whatever reason. Jesus they were awful. What was funny was loads of people were trying really, really hard to like them because they were so trendy and right-on. In the end, people either walked out or just shouted 'you're shit' at them! I think the lead singer gave the rest of the band the tin-tack after that, and he never looked back. However, I have never forgiven them for that pile of cack........

    As previously mentioned, the Kooks were also shit when I saw them at Benacassim, and they were hyped to fook at the time.

    Oh, and I loved Radiohead at Nottingham, but there wasn't a great deal of atmosphere it has to be said....
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    [cite]Posted By: seth plum[/cite]Talking of Genesis at Wembley, saw them on the Lamb Lies Down on Broadway tour, and if ever there was self indulgent boring chite it was that...absolute cack. Unlike Zeppelin who I have seen quite a lot and they deliver(ed) every time. In terms of musicianship and musical excitement Zep were peerless, their big weakness compared to some others is possibly lyrically, but they delivered believe me.
    Was that with or without Phil Collins? I quite like Genesis with our without him but his solo stuff is pretty cack.
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    Santana - Lima Peru 2007 ish. Barely played, mainly backing artists - what a con
    Alison Moyet Hong Kong 1987 ish - mimed the whole gig and didnt take it well when this was pointed out to her.
    Aerosmith Hannover 1998 ish - outplayed by Cult in support. Over half the audience leftby halfway through their set.
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    Pink Floyd post Syd in the free Hyde Park concert were awful.
    Dylan at Earls court in the 80's was pretty dire.
    Van Morrison and Georgie Fame doing tame jazz stuff was so boring but Van is always hit or miss. (Probably my fault for willing him to do Madame George.)
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    Damien Rice at Shepherds Bush.

    Could hardly hear him and had no stage presence at all.

    Was at the Oasis, Venue gig and loved it. Was very drunk and very young at the time though so this might have affected my judgement. Got a feeling they were supported by Cast and Shed Seven (the former only playing a few songs before buggering off).
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    edited September 2010
    [cite]Posted By: siblers[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: seth plum[/cite]Talking of Genesis at Wembley, saw them on the Lamb Lies Down on Broadway tour, and if ever there was self indulgent boring chite it was that...absolute cack. Unlike Zeppelin who I have seen quite a lot and they deliver(ed) every time. In terms of musicianship and musical excitement Zep were peerless, their big weakness compared to some others is possibly lyrically, but they delivered believe me.
    Was that with or without Phil Collins? I quite like Genesis with our without him but his solo stuff is pretty cack.

    The original Genesis, Peter Gabriel and Phil Collins too, it was gigs like theirs that fully justified the arrival of Punk, mind you the stance of Punk was to reject everything that went before, which is a bit baby with the bathwaterish, cos the likes of Zep were popular for a reason....and not just them. It has been mentioned earlier that Zep never appeared on TV, or released a single, and they grew very much on the basis of their live gigs.
    As an aside, during the rock/punk crossover years there were some connections, the road manager for the Pink Faries, Dave Goodman, was, I am pretty sure, the producer/engineer for the famous Sex Pistols single that was pressed for A&R records (?) but never properly released because of the Sex Pistols controversy after the (mild) Bill Grundy TV show.
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    Zeppelin at the Ally Pally.
    Plant couldn't hit the notes and then there was Page with his self-indulgent fannying around with violin bow on his guitar for 25 minutes whilst an audience full of stoned hippies gave him a load of sycophantic "yeh, man". Fuch right off.
    What a let down.

    Lou Reed at Charlton in '74 isn't far behind; oh, and a pre-fame Roxy Music at the Black Prince were pretty naff.
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    edited September 2010
    Glenn Campbell was fun last year, he had to have a big sheet of paper on stage in front of him with the word CALGARY in big letters, so he didn't forget where he was - he was pretty forgetful at times & at one stage dissapeard from sight mid-song while the backing band just filled in with the song's riff - he eventually reappeared to a big cheer from the crowd.

    Great showman though, an absolute legend for his work in the sixties & still a top notch guitarist,
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    I don't enjoy most gigs that are in massive indoor arenas like the NEC etc, no real atmosphere and everyones sat down and hardly moving like ermmmmm like the west stand.
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    [cite]Posted By: Windscreen[/cite]Rebeka Swift, Ballon Festival Northampton. A complete pile of shit!!!
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    Smashing Pumpkins at Wembley Arena on their fairwell tour...very bad.
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    Henry doesn't dislike Led Zep, he was singing away to four CDs of them during a long trip to The Somme. I never knew that he knew all the lyrics to Led Zep 4.

    So the truth is out Henry...... You have been 'outed coming through the indoor'...... led zep 4 eh!

    So that others have an idea:........
    In 2006, the album was rated #1 on Classic Rock magazine's 100 Greatest British Albums poll; that same year it was voted #1 in Guitar World 100 Greatest Albums readers' poll and was ranked #7 in ABC media's top ten albums.Not only does the album have no title, but there is no writing anywhere on the front or back cover, or even a catalogue number on the spine (at least on the original LP release).The album is one of the best-selling albums in history at 37 million units,....... not that you are impressed by popularity.!
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    [cite]Posted By: Bcaddick[/cite]Smashing Pumpkins at Wembley Arena on their fairwell tour...very bad.

    I struggle for a good gig at Wembley Arena, Ive seen a few artists there who I really admire but the place just doesnt seem to work somehow.
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    Simply Red, supporting UB40, about a week before they became famous
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    I'm sitting watching the greatest rock band in the world on sky arts2. They are showing the kids are alright starring The Who. I've seen them at Charlton and Wembley stadium where they were absolute;y astounding. But the gig at Lewisham Odeon in 1981 on the face dances tour was a big let down. Kenny Jones was on drums, he just didn't fit in. The sound was really poor and Townsend and Daltry were clearly not up for it. Great shame. Nine Below Zero were support, they were great.

    Still my favourite band though. Long Live Rock!
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    Guns and Roses at Reading festival this year were appauling. 59 minutes late, played a crap set, only a few classics then had their set cut short because of the main stage curfew which they knew about anyway, pissing down with rain and was so empty i managed to sit down against the railings in the inner circle of the main stage, poor...
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    [quote][cite]Posted By: ken from bexley[/cite]Henry doesn't dislike Led Zep, he was singing away to four CDs of them during a long trip to The Somme. I never knew that he knew all the lyrics to Led Zep 4.

    So the truth is out Henry...... You have been 'outed coming through the indoor'...... led zep 4 eh!

    So that others have an idea:........
    In 2006, the album was rated #1 on Classic Rock magazine's 100 Greatest British Albums poll; that same year it was voted #1 in Guitar World 100 Greatest Albums readers' poll and was ranked #7 in ABC media's top ten albums.Not only does the album have no title, but there is no writing anywhere on the front or back cover, or even a catalogue number on the spine (at least on the original LP release).The album is one of the best-selling albums in history at 37 million units,....... not that you are impressed by popularity.![/quote]

    Being voted top LP in two heavy metal mags hardly proves anything. I bet all the other LPs in the list were also metal albums.

    And Addickted, you know that's not true. As I remember it we were listing to Joni all weekend : - )
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    Stone Roses Reading 96. Came on after Sonic Youth who had just blown the crowd away and either could not compete or were just shocking. Two songs in half the audience had vanished.
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