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Would Murray ask Curbishley back?



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    Murray and Curbs got on well, I believe, but that's not the problem. We can't afford him and there's little in it for him. If anything it would depress him, seeing what's been ruined in his absence. We need him, yes, but he is too good to be managing in the 3rd division. If I could win the Euro Millions I'd give it to him to come back. But if you'd built a house and some idiot had knocked it down, the last job you'd want is building it again.

    Don't think he'd be immune to criticism from the crowd either. I'm sure part of the reason he left was because he was getting constantly moaned at for not getting us further than mid-table in the Prem. We never knew how lucky we were.
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    Curbs as manager for the rest of this season, then becoming director of football with Dailly (or Chris Powell) as trainee manager - but perhaps Curbs is too much of a control freak for that kind of model? Actually agree with Sadie Jane's assessment - why would he take the risk??

    (I'd still rather we stuck with Parky, as more upheaval now could be even more disastrous, but the fans are making that nigh on impossible.)
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    [cite]Posted By: Ormiston Addick[/cite]For some reason, Curbishley does not appear a "sexy" name to a lot of Chairmen in the Premiership, especially the ones at the mid-sized clubs where he would want to work.

    This is a mystery to me and I can't see why a CCC chairman has not given him a chance, especially the likes of Ipswich.

    Think they would have gladly given him a chance. He's been pretty adamant that he only wants to work in the Premier League, and quite particular about which clubs he would be willing to go to. Villa in particular, and also Fulham he was keen on when they became available whereas he was quick to rule himself out of the Hull job and the poor sods got lumbered with Dowie instead.

    As for the chances of him coming back to us, I would say remote but not impossible. After Pardew's sacking, when Parky was caretaker, there were a couple of rumours floating around about Curbs coming back. A close friend of mine works for Peter Varney on a reasonably regular basis and has got a few interesting titbits out of him over the last couple of years. My mate asked him if there was any truth in the Curbishley rumours and PV's response was "we'll see", which I took to mean "it's something that's been discussed/considered, I wouldn't rule it out".

    Obviously it didn't happen in the end, but just the fact that it wasn't dismissed out of hand was enough to suggest that it was a possibility. Clearly it was quite an anti-climax when Parky was made permanent instead.
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    I'm envisaging the boy Sainsbury coming over the hill on a horse with Curbishley on the back. They charge through the gates at half time and onto the pitch. sainsbury takes the mike. 'I'm here my people and i give you, the saviour, Alan Curbishley' Alan then vows to take Charlton on to world domination.

    Charlton go on to have a stranglehold on football forever more, dominating with a transfer fund nector point per goal bonus system that even leads the country out of recession and allows free real ale for all, for ever.

    I'd better get back to work.
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    edited October 2010
    May Curbs is too expensive. Was he not on around £4m a year with us towards the end or have I plucked that out of thin air?
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    more like £1m if that, but I may be misremembering
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    [cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite]May be he is too expensive. Was he not on around £4m a year with us?

    Don't think so. Eriksson was on £4.5m a year as England manager. A quick google search says his basic wage at West Ham was £1m a year which is obviously out of our reach. Let's be honest though, if he were ever to come back here it certainly wouldn't be a money-driven move.
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    [cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite]May Curbs is too expensive. Was he not on around £4m a year with us towards the end or have I plucked that out of thin air?

    Not if the deal is that he gets a percentage of the club instead of a large wage. That being the case it would be a massive incentive to get us promoted.
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    [quote][cite]Posted By: sadiejane1981[/cite]Curbs left us a hero, he succeeded in bringing us up from nothing and destitute to not quite so destitute and to (what we thought) an established premiership side. when he left everything fell apart making him look even better. Now we are a 3rd division side with no money and struggling to get promotion. If he joins us and fails he will lose the hero status that he has built. Why would he take that risk?[/quote]

    Exactly! Totally agree.
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    edited October 2010
    [cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite]Not really "wa*****" are they?

    Why not? seems to me they cant coach for shit! so looks the right word.
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    [cite]Posted By: Dazzler21[/cite]What the hell man we can't afford Curbs!

    Curbs has been out of work for quite a while now though, and whilst he's obviously not a poor man, he's not going to be offered a prem job in the near future. Even top championship sides don't seem to want him. Off the top of my head, QPR, Ipswich, Reading, Watford, Bristol City, Portsmouth, Leicester and Norwich have all had vacant managers positions in the past year/18 months and he hasn't had a sniff of them. He won't go to Palace or Millwall and he is unlikely to want to work anywhere north of Watford.

    So any money we offer him will be more than the £0 he's earning at the moment.
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    why would curbs want a percentage of a club that is worth minus £20m??
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    edited October 2010
    Some of our "fans" slagged Curbs off when we were doing well in the Prem!

    Why would he subject himself to more of the same? Although I'd love him back in an ideal world

    Some of our "fans" have been against Parky from day 1 saying he should never have been appointed and being critical of his every move. Yet this man has shown as much personal commitment to Charlton as most managers we have had. Curbs, Lennie and perhaps Eddie Firmani are the only others who compare for commitment in my 47 years of supporting the club.

    Whether he should have been appointed is a valid topic for debate on here but the fact is he was appointed and decent, proper fans support their club in the ground on a saturday not boo when the team names are read out by BDL as happened to some of Parky's players.
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    [cite]Posted By: razil[/cite]why would curbs want a percentage of a club that is worth minus £20m??

    As i said . If he got us promoted to the championship and who knows further , that would not be the case - There is the incentive
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    [cite]Posted By: Bedsaddick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: razil[/cite]why would curbs want a percentage of a club that is worth minus £20m??

    As i said . If he got us promoted to the championship and who knows further , that would not be the case - There is the incentive

    Yes, but you are also asking him to take on the risk of bankruptcy!
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    interest repayments if we get promoted to the championship,

    and huge debt which is repayable the minute we hypothetically reached the prem..
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    [cite]Posted By: Weegie Addick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Bedsaddick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: razil[/cite]why would curbs want a percentage of a club that is worth minus £20m??

    As i said . If he got us promoted to the championship and who knows further , that would not be the case - There is the incentive

    Yes, but you are also asking him to take on the risk of bankruptcy!

    Not if you only offer him a percentage of the club above the value of what it is now .
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    It would be more realistic to ask him to come back as a stop gap. He isn't doing anything else so whilst he is waiting he could step into an advisory role at the Valley and try and help us without committing himself, jeopardising his reputation or taking on a huge debt.
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    I'm with Len Glover. This thread sums up why I haven't enjoyed going to The Valley for the best part of a decade. it's not the declining results and league positions, 'cos I've experienced enough of them over the years. It's the delusions of grandeur our fans seem to have.

    In my very humble opinion, calling for Parky's head on the basis of a 0-4 defeat misses the point entirely. Our predicament is far bigger than having a bad manager, and the fact that we're even considering the prospect of hitting the play-offs with a squad that cost as little as it did is something. The man lives that job. He's about as 'Charlton' as a manager can get without being Mark Kinsella.

    I remember thinking, back in the Prem, that sooner or later the bubble will burst, and we'll drop down a division for a few years. And if that happened, the one bright spot would be that we'd shed those supporters that came along with little else to do but boo the team and moan about Claus Jensen being "rubbish" (bet you'd have him back now, fat "I go to the away games" nugget from the North Upper).

    I don't know if those supporters remained (they sure weren't there pre-1998, with the only booing I recall being reserved, shamefully, for Kim Grant) or if that attitude permeated around the ground before they left, but to go to Charlton to hear people booing a man who is desperately treading water in an attempt to keep us going, by little fault of his own, is a really depressing prospect.

    This thread, like the one about "Should we take Luke Varney back?", which featured enough people saying "NO!" sums it all up. Varney's out of our league, just like Curbs is. The best we can do is let Parkinson do the best he can with the players he's cobbled together, cos there isn't a magical solution waiting around the corner - and we don't have a god-given right to escape the third tier.

    For want of a better paraphrase, we are going to need to live together, otherwise, we're going to die alone!
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    For want of a better paraphrase, we are going to need to live together, otherwise, we're going to die alone!

    Dont be a drama Queen Jimmy its only a discusion
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    [cite]Posted By: LenGlover[/cite]Some of our "fans" slagged Curbs off when we were doing well in the Prem!

    Why would he subject himself to more of the same? Although I'd love him back in an ideal world

    Some of our "fans" have been against Parky from day 1 saying he should never have been appointed and being critical of his every move. Yet this man has shown as much personal commitment to Charlton as most managers we have had. Curbs, Lennie and perhaps Eddie Firmani are the only others who compare for commitment in my 47 years of supporting the club.

    Whether he should have been appointed is a valid topic for debate on here but the fact is he was appointed and decent, proper fans support their club in the ground on a saturday not boo when the team names are read out by BDL as happened to some of Parky's players.

    I think Gritty should be added to the list of Managers who have shown commitment to the cause.
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    [cite]Posted By: JohnnyH2[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: LenGlover[/cite]Some of our "fans" slagged Curbs off when we were doing well in the Prem!

    Why would he subject himself to more of the same? Although I'd love him back in an ideal world

    Some of our "fans" have been against Parky from day 1 saying he should never have been appointed and being critical of his every move. Yet this man has shown as much personal commitment to Charlton as most managers we have had. Curbs, Lennie and perhaps Eddie Firmani are the only others who compare for commitment in my 47 years of supporting the club.

    Whether he should have been appointed is a valid topic for debate on here but the fact is he was appointed and decent, proper fans support their club in the ground on a saturday not boo when the team names are read out by BDL as happened to some of Parky's players.

    I think Gritty should be added to the list of Managers who have shown commitment to the cause.

    Yes agreed. Not sure how I forgot him!
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    [quote][cite]Posted By: Bedsaddick[/cite][quote][cite]Posted By: Weegie Addick[/cite][quote][cite]Posted By: Bedsaddick[/cite][quote][cite]Posted By: razil[/cite]why would curbs want a percentage of a club that is worth minus £20m??[/quote]

    As i said . If he got us promoted to the championship and who knows further , that would not be the case - There is the incentive[/quote]

    Yes, but you are also asking him to take on the risk of bankruptcy![/quote]

    Not if you only offer him a percentage of the club above the value of what it is now .[/quote]

    Can't see it. RM has stated he's looking for buyers now, not longer term planning, plus no buyer is going to come in if half the club has been given away already. We'd be doubling our valuation of the club because half the money coming in would be going to Curbs.

    Offer Curbs 5% and then if the £20M investment comes his shares are worth £1M. That would be a nice payday, it wouldn't necessarily put buyer off the deal and the lord above knows we could do with Curbs' nous at the moment.
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    Cracking post Jimmy. Totally agree. Like yourself, I long for the days when attending a home game was an enjoyable experience where fans supported the team regardless of its shortcomings. It pains me to see people so many people so eager to boo them at the first opportunity.

    Rapidly becoming the Tottenham Hotspur of League 1, a stadium (half) full of fans who think we have a divine right to be top of the table because we used to be good once upon a time.
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    very entertaining thread, that people believe anyone would actually pay money to take on our debt. PMSL
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    [cite]Posted By: razil[/cite]very entertaining thread, that people believe anyone would actually pay money to take on our debt. PMSL

    who's suggested that?
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    Sometimes the right manager takes over a club at the right time and it works. Like it did with Curbs for us, on an amazing scale.

    That does not mean that he will be a great manager for another club at another time, or at the same club at another time.

    Sometimes everything at a club just comes together perfectly at a certain time and you get an amazing era.

    I can think of many managers who have been a massive success at one club and then failed at another.

    So Curbishley coming back would not be sure to work. It could of course, but to assume he would lift our problems and prepail us out of this league for certain, is I believe very naive.
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    [cite]Posted By: MrLargo[/cite]Cracking post Jimmy. Totally agree. Like yourself, I long for the days when attending a home game was an enjoyable experience where fans supported the team regardless of its shortcomings. It pains me to see people so many people so eager to boo them at the first opportunity.

    Rapidly becoming the Tottenham Hotspur of League 1, a stadium (half) full of fans who think we have a divine right to be top of the table because we used to be good once upon a time.

    As someone said earlier it works in cycles. There will be a day when as a whole we are a lot happier ( it looks a long way away) but many of the fans only started supporting the club when we were in the premier league , most simply because of their age. I remember the last time we were in the third flight so I'm not so impatient. The trouble is , even people in their 40's who remember back then , will remember we were only there for one season and even i have my limits of patience.
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    [quote][cite]Posted By: Chris_from_Sidcup[/cite][quote][cite]Posted By: Dazzler21[/cite]What the hell man we can't afford Curbs![/quote]

    Curbs has been out of work for quite a while now though, and whilst he's obviously not a poor man, he's not going to be offered a prem job in the near future. Even top championship sides don't seem to want him. Off the top of my head, QPR, Ipswich, Reading, Watford, Bristol City, Portsmouth, Leicester and Norwich have all had vacant managers positions in the past year/18 months and he hasn't had a sniff of them. He won't go to Palace or Millwall and he is unlikely to want to work anywhere north of Watford.

    So any money we offer him will be more than the £0 he's earning at the moment.[/quote]

    Let's get this right - Curbs, and this is from his mouth, expects to be offered a premership job and almost got the Villa job. He has turned down some championship clubs and 2 prem clubs (possibly portsmouth and hull). He may have to lower he sights but his motivation is Football ambition. Any talk of him coming back here is dreamland.
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    Why wouldn't he come back? Every job in the Prem & most in the Championship he gets overlooked for. He's a football manager & he needs to manage. He's been out of work for over two years now & time wait's for no-one. This would be a great move for him as it could re-establish him as a manager & re-establish us as a football club to be proud of. He needs us as much as we need him. I just hope both parties realise it.
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