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  • [quote][cite]Posted By: oohaahmortimer[/cite]the crowd didn't boooo at ht and we came out and lost

    there were a few boooos last week at ht and the team came out with an improved performance and we won

    so maybe it does help[/quote]

    delusional..just trying to justify having a cry...
  • [cite]Posted By: mascot88[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: oohaahmortimer[/cite]the crowd didn't boooo at ht and we came out and lost

    there were a few boooos last week at ht and the team came out with an improved performance and we won

    so maybe it does help

    delusional..just trying to justify having a cry...

    I think you've missed the point I'm making
    The fact that, the likes of you cry, when our crowd booooos and look to blame wank performances on the fans, atmosphere or any other shit rather than the poxy team is a load of hogwash imo
  • OohAah, you were right about our goalkeeper.

    I don't see many of the bedwetters acknowledging that you're a man to be respected.

    You should get on twitter and tweet McOxo.....recommend him a wine maybe?
  • I dont blame the crowd, its just weak on their behalf... i apreciate you have done plenty for this club, but you are also highly negative at almost every oportunity... and promoting booing, well, fill your boots mate if it makes you feel better.. to think it adds anything to players perfromance is delusion pal..
  • Fantastic effort by Airman and the club getting the punters in.

    Arguably the worst atmosphere I have ever seen at The Valley, reminded me of the Prem Days or the first few England games at the new Wembley.

    Not being funny but give me the 13000 hardcore on a Tuesday night....
  • I'm not promoting boooooing , I have never booooed a charlton player and never will
    I'm just saying I don't think it makes a difference by showing examples of it not making a difference

    And how am I negative when I've been proclaiming we'll make the play offs all this season and most of last season
    I say it how I see it and I'm usually right , hence during one of the worse spells in our history you may say I'm being negative when I say we're going down and we go down, I say I'm being realistic
    I thought parky should never have got the managers job when he did and I also said parky should be given the job to the end of the season if he could turn it around earlier on in the season
    I love SCP and think he should be given a fair crack of the whip
    So bollox to all you're " Highly negative at almost every oppotunity" crap because I don't spout shit that we're brilliant and the worlds greatest club ..... Try reading what I'm saying rather than immediately dismissing it cos its coming from the prophet of doom
  • edited February 2011
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: oohaahmortimer[/cite]the crowd didn't boooo at ht and we came out and lost

    there were a few boooos last week at ht and the team came out with an improved performance and we won

    so maybe it does help[/quote]

    Well you consistently insult our away suport so much so its a running joke on here ... and with quotes like this its not as if your saying lets NOT boo, in fact the complete opposite..
  • Fair comments there ooohahh
  • I am glad that the club all pulled together and the fans answered a massive accomplishment all round. However I am glad that all the stays aways have now seen what we the loyal mugs have had to put up with for the last few seasons. ;)
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  • Yeah fair enough oooahhh... great comments.. excellent..
  • Good crowd,shame the players didnt perform.If we had of been wining yestaday i think the atmosphere would have been electric.I hope the club put on more of these promotions,as i love to see the ground full
  • The worrying thing is that loads of 5- pounders got up and left on 0-3. Don't under-estimate how many of the lapsed season-ticket holders need to be attached to a winning team. It was the usual faces still around on the final whistle and the usual empty seats, in my area.

    The new owners must be pulling their hair out. Although they will have recognised how many fans will turn up if the team is winning. The moral of the story - we need better players and a better team.
  • Was sat next to a mother and her two kids. The Mother was not interested in the game as she constantly got up during the game, about five times, and disappeared for 15 to 20 minutes at a time leaving her two kids, both under eight in the seats. They were constantly getting up and blocking my view.They were not at all interested in what was happening on the pitch. I dont know what they were doing there.
  • Yes it was a great sight to see the Valley full again, and well done to the team that did that, and some of the fans on this board for getting bums on seats,
    BUT the atmosphere was quiet, and a 'dull' first half did not help matters.

    At one or even two goals down I felt we still had a chance, but at three goals down!..... the '£5 a day brigade' left which was dissapointing, obviously the lure of the Man Utd match was too great I guess!.

    A dissapointing performance from the team, and thought that Racon should have started or come on earlier.

    At times we seemed just unlucky, and at other times flat....and I do think we were unlucky not to score earlier.

    I was a bit concerned that our defenders seemed to lack pace at the back,when tracking back!.

    I am afraid it just was not good enough! having done so much to make it an occassion!
  • My brother and nephew ( Arsenal supporters ) both came and left at 3-0. They will come back occasionally and would take up these sort of offers.

    More encouragingly I did see some former hardcore Charlton fans who have been priced out of Football and may return if we price it correctly .

    What yesterday proved is people will turn up if the price is right . Our £75 under 16 season tickets are a bargain and affordable . The £50 off season tickets shows that Charlton understands that in the current economic climate we need to adjust our prices .

    What about offering two for the price of one offers for some of the remaining games when we have a midweek fixture ? Carlisle and Tranmere could be packaged up in this way .

    Or maybe if someone bought a full price ticket for one game allowing them to buy a £5 ticket for another fixture.
  • The depressing thing about all this is that until we get a decent team together, all the promotions in the world won't make any significant difference because no-one will want to give up their Saturday afternoons to Charlton if they only make them depressed.

    The ball is in Slater and Jiminez's court, I believe...not sure what can be done about this season as the omens don't look good (and we can only consider loans at this moment), but there is going to have to be some serious rebuilding of the team over summer if we are to get out of this rubbish league and start to realise our potential as a club again. I'm sure they realise this, of course.
  • [cite]Posted By: JimboCAFC[/cite]I'd like to say from the Jimmy Seed stand the drums just cover up any chants and you can't hear a thing from there... i think 60 of us chanting in the Jimmy Seed was louder for the exeter fans then the whole cover end singing... a bonus point is that the bouncy looks amazing from the Jimmy Seed Stand

    did a few exeter jump into the charlton part of the jimmy seed stand when exeter scored?
  • [cite]Posted By: JimboCAFC[/cite]a bit of trouble started in the upper bit of the jimmy seed

    Pretty hilarious considering I bet most in the JS would have been non-regular fans or those with families.

    Pretty pathetic from Exeter... what happened to "know your audience"?
  • why would season ticket holders be in the jimmy south stand?
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  • So they get absolutely murdered by Plymouth on more than one occasion this season but decide to have a pop inside the ground at Charlton away in a stand where most wouldn't be interested if you paid them.

  • So many bemused faces looking up when the bouncy was going on.
  • North East Quadrant Yesterday

  • Just to say thanks for all the effort everyone put in to encouraging people to come yesterday. I wouldn't be too despondent about the match. It probably did remind some of the former season-ticket holders why they gave up, but there will also have been uncommitted people who now know how to come to a football match and will turn up again. You'd be amazed by the positive comments we get from first-time visitors even when we lose, which isn't to say it wouldn't have been a whole lot better if we'd win 7-0. We also showed the owners the potential is still there.

    I still believe . . . that we'd have sold out if it hadn't poured with rain for so long in the morning. The view at midday was that we would do it, but the walk-up didn't materialise. Next time . . .
  • respect to the airman and everyone else ....
    it doesn't just happen and well done to the pro active possee
  • [cite]Posted By: Airman Brown[/cite]I still believe . . . that we'd have sold out if it hadn't poured with rain for so long in the morning. The view at midday was that we would do it, but the walk-up didn't materialise. Next time . . .

    I said to my wife as we drove down from Norwich through some dire weather, that this would put a dampener on the gate.

    24,700 is still marvelous. Congratulations AB to you and your staff and thank you for updating us as the ticket sales unfolded.
  • 24,000 for a two bob match vs Exeter is fantastic.

    Only Charlton would go 3 down...
  • [cite]Posted By: JimboCAFC[/cite]ay. I wouldn't be too despondent about the match. It probably did remind some of the former season-ticket holders why they gave up, but there will also have been uncommitted people who now know how to come to a football match and will turn up again. You'd be amazed by the positive comments we get from first-time visitors even when we lose, which isn't to say it wouldn't h
    You could hear the 60 from the north stand, which says a lot about the acoustics.
  • I don't blame the players - i think they try but most of them just aren't very good unfortunately - roll on the loan signings - they will make or break our season. Without the right signings i predict a mid table finish.
  • Well done to Airman and the other staff at CAFC who promoted this. It was great to see so many people at the Valley again. It was a shame the result didn't go our way, but we should have known - especially those of us who went on "Operation Riverside"!
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