Drunk old man slumped in chair in the left/front of the stage, daft lad and lead character getting into all kinds of scrapes. Tried and tested Irish comedy formula.
[cite]Posted By: McLovin[/cite]Drunk old man slumped in chair in the left/front of the stage, daft lad and lead character getting into all kinds of scrapes. Tried and tested Irish comedy formula.
I don't think the old man is drunk, and not really sure what you're talking about with the "daft lad" - the son who dresses up as squirrel/cigarette etc? He's nowhere near the Dougal Maguire level.
Also "lead character getting into all kinds of scrapes" is tried and tested comedy, not just Irish comedy.
It's not groundbreaking, but it's also not that formulaic
I have seen all three episodes now, the comedy ranges from slapstick to predictable to inventive to surprising, with the use of stupidity, verbal tricks, and corny situations....but somehow it works for me. I like the pace, the attitude, the huge relish and kind of innocence of it. Not particularly subtle or 'knowing', a long way from the superb Office, but really good.The laughter isn't canned as they clearly play to a live audience, and at times it has reduced me to hysterics....a welcome event in the week for me.
[cite]Posted By: Saga Lout[/cite]I've watched 2 episodes and some clips. I thought the first episode I saw was hilarious, last night's hardly raised a titter from me. But all the clips were very funny.
[cite]Posted By: JollyRobin[/cite]The old man walked in other night while I was watching it and asked, 'whatcha watching this for?'
'dunno, it's crap' i responded
'so why ya watching he' he asked
'can't stop' was my response
by the time the show had finished me and him were in stitches and couldn't quite understand why
Very similar to me and son - he was watching when I came in last night.
I'm looking forwad to tonights episode, after the weekend and addicks losing again I need something to make me laugh!!! Just hope its as funny as last week and doesnt flatter to decieve!!!
[quote][cite]Posted By: Saga Lout[/cite][quote][cite]Posted By: Redmidland[/cite]What a let down....I thought last nights episode wasnt a patch on last weeks, I hope it improves again next week![/quote]
Agreed - I was beginning to wonder what I saw in it last night.[/quote]
thought this years series was better than last.......very funny again and love the 'cock-ups'....hope its back soon....apparently they take it on tour....wouldnt mind seeing it live
I saw the one where Mrs Brown is waxing her lady part. She goes into the broom cupboard so that none of her kids catch her. Whilst in the broom cupboard her friend tells her what to do from the outside of the cupboard. (Friend) 'You need to spread the wax over the area' (Mrs Brown) 'Ohhh the smell' (Friend) 'is the cold wax smelly?' (Mrs Brown) 'No i can't even get the fecking thing open' LOL. Check it out on You tube.
Can't work out how to simply paste in a "hyperlink" or whatever its called! Pasted in the Utube address but ended as above - if that makes sense. Sorry but not very computer savvy. Any advice welcomed.
That clip above was the first I saw of them a couple of years ago......absolutely superb and following from that I've seen them live in Birmingham and London.
The live shows are definiterly worth doing, even more cock ups and more of Mrs Brown (Brendan O' Connel) ad libbing without the others expecting it.
Agree this TV series has been better than the last.
Love the show. Have to rewind so many times because I've missed parts while laughing so hard. Have a good friend out in Dubai who just happened to mention she had caught an episode on TV out there and loved it to bits. Sent her the DVD for the first series and she was in tears over the weekend watching it.
I can see how it isn't everyone's cup of tea, but it's simple, unadulterated fun and you can see how much the cast love working on it. Feckin' brilliant :-)
As Curbit_it said the waxing scene was hilarious.
Loved it funny as feck, i was laughing out loud at so many parts.
Love the fact they leave the screw ups in it
still funny though.
Also "lead character getting into all kinds of scrapes" is tried and tested comedy, not just Irish comedy.
It's not groundbreaking, but it's also not that formulaic
As Seth said it's filmed live in front of an audience !
Agreed - I was beginning to wonder what I saw in it last night.
Agreed - I was beginning to wonder what I saw in it last night.[/quote]
Thought last night was really funny
The live shows are definiterly worth doing, even more cock ups and more of Mrs Brown (Brendan O' Connel) ad libbing without the others expecting it.
Agree this TV series has been better than the last.
I think they are on tour in London very soon.
I can see how it isn't everyone's cup of tea, but it's simple, unadulterated fun and you can see how much the cast love working on it. Feckin' brilliant :-)