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Doctor Who Thread......



  • Hurray a DW thread! Watched it since I was a nipper back in the sixties! Last night's was pretty damn good, too.
  • Call it the Karen Gillan thread and watch it grow...
  • Call it the Karen Gillan thread and watch it grow...
    Lol can't stand her!

    Moving on  ... whose your favourite Dr?

    Patrick Throughton & David Tennant
  • matt smith, hes hilarious
  • David Tennant
    Tom Baker
    Patrick Troughton

    In that order
  • In order

    Sylvester McCoy

    Tom Baker

    Matt Smith

    David Tennant

    Christopher Eccleston

    Jon Pertwee

    Patrick Troughton

    Paul Magan

    William Hartnel

    Peter Davidson

    Peter Cushing





    Dr Cripin,

    Dr Shipman

    Colin Baker.

  • Dad is a die hard fan of it..he often goes to the Dr Who signings, he has dragged me to a couple before. Tom Baker is the funniest/nicest guy ever, same could be said about Elisabeth Sladen, such a shame to see her pass away.

    In Order:

    Jon Pertwee
    Tom Baker
    David Tennant
  • Christopher Eccleston
    David Tennant
    Tom Baker
    Jon Pertwee
  • I've only seen the revival series, but Smith, Ecclestone and Tennant in that order.
  • I've only seen the revival series, but Smith, Ecclestone and Tennant in that order.

    Hmmm - I'm guessing you're younger than me, then. Wish I was still young. What's worse is I'm banned from my local pub at the moment. Bugger. Think I'll add this to the being drunk thread but I'm too drunk to find it. 49 years old and banned from your pub. That isn't right, is it? And all because I read some Simon Armitage poetry loudly and argued with a lady.

    Anyway, back to the question.

    Who is the greatest who? See what I did, then? Chortle.

    For me - Patrick Troughton's run was knicker wettingly scary - it was the black and white 405 line tellies - you had to really get in there to watch it. The Wheel in Space - also the soundscapes. Listen to them on U Tube.

    Peter Davison I really liked because I just liked Peter Davison and I was just 18 / 19 years old so it appealed to me all over again. I liked the crickety stuff and the being terribly English - offer the cybermen a cuppa tea sort of thing. And that Sharaz Jek. Good episode that was.

    And Chris Eccleston - because I couldn't believe it had come back after all these years. The first run It made me cry and my two sons took the piss out of me for liking Doctor Who and Charlton. 'Rose. I'm coming to get you!'

    So I guess I'd say:



    Chris Eccleston.

    But they were all good one way or another. Doctor Who - there's something English about it, like just being merely English would save the world.

    By the way - THIS IS A TRUE FACT - If you liked Ace, from the Sylvester McCoy series, she was a Charlton fan and wears the badge on her jacket. So there!

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  • Bugger - why did it come out in blue, mods? Sorry.
  • Bugger - why did it come out in blue, mods? Sorry.
    Seems a bit random to me!

    Anyway, I have to say I am liking the current Who. In it's earlier life, I liked Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker, although I stopped watching during his reign, as it wasn't cool...
  • Sylvester McCoy's assistant Ace (Sophie Aldred) is a Charlton fan.

    I work with a current cast member (it's his big part in the show next weekend).

  • Sylvester McCoy's assistant Ace (Sophie Aldred) is a Charlton fan.

    I work with a current cast member (it's his big part in the show next weekend).

    I said That!

  • Sorry - Dunno why if you quote it doesn't seem to work.

    you heard it from me first...

    Sophie Aldred / ACE is an Addick!

    So I thought up his story in the pub:

    It would be cool if they had a tracking shot up the steps into the Valley North East end. You'd see a close up of a hand clap down on a shoulder and see the Jimmy Seed across the way. The girl would turn round and it would be Ace...'Oh's just about to KICK OFF!'

    Cue title sequence......

  • edited May 2011

    In order

    Sylvester McCoy

    ??? I'm struggling to think of any reason to ever watch a McCoy episode. He was dreadful!
  • Sylvester McCoy's assistant Ace (Sophie Aldred) is a Charlton fan.

    I work with a current cast member (it's his big part in the show next weekend).

    I said That!

    Yeh - But I 'knew' her ;-)
  • To me the appeal of Doctor Who was the way malevolent aliens would pitch up somewhere really ordinary, a bit like the destruction of Chertsey in War of the Worlds. More food for imagination than the typical super-fast special effects epic shite churned out of the US. I've not watched DW for ages... has it gone the way of all other sci-fi or is it still (dare I say) British?

  • Sadly not, now it definitely tends towards special effects laden epic shite as you succinctly put it.

    The current version of the theme tune sounds more like Pirates of the Carribean than Doctor Who, which sums it up really
  • Sophie Aldred is lovely. I've employed her to do a few bits and pieces for TV in recent years, purely on the basis of her Charlton-ness. Not only did she have a Charlton badge on her Ace bomber jacket, but she actually adlibbed a few lines about Charlton in the show. For example, in one episode when they dematerialised in present day Earth, the first thing she did on leaving the TARDIS was pick up a paper from a news kiosk telling Sylvester McCoy "I want to check how Charlton are doing". She admitted to me that she knew it was completely wrong for the character to support Charlton as Ace came from Perivale, Middlesex and would most likely have been a Brentford fan. The producers encouraged her with her Charlton adlibs (she's a proper Addicks fan born in Greenwich) though, as BBC1 controller Michael Grade was at the time dangling the axe over Doctor Who - he did indeed axe it shortly after - and they thought Charlton references might endear the show to him more! Sophie also around the same time presented a BBC kids show called 'Corners' and often wore Charlton replica kit in it. She does quite a bit of stuff at the Valley these days (acting classes for disavantaged kids and that). She is ace in all senses of the word.

    Here she is sporting her Charlton badge - just next to the zip!

    ace.jpg 90.9K
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  • Sylvester McCoy's assistant Ace (Sophie Aldred) is a Charlton fan.

    I work with a current cast member (it's his big part in the show next weekend).

    I said That!

    Yeh - But I 'knew' her ;-)

    Lucky You!

    She was great / is great. It's nice to know she is still doing well.

    I wasn't totally blown away by last night's story. Nice of the BBC to scedule it after the footy though. I thought both the match and 'WHO' were a bit mediocre TBH. Both Scotty Parker and the Cybermen were out of their depth. Neither Rory or James Milner were totally 'on the ball' Bit of a howler from both Joe Hart and that sontaran nurse with the magnificent lactic fluid.

    I could go on...

  • No more Karen Gillan... * sob*
  • Doesn't mention it , but wasn't she in Waterloo Road as well ?
  • Doesn't mention it , but wasn't she in Waterloo Road as well ?
    It does, number six on the list.
  • Best Monsters:

    The Master (John Simm version)
    Sea Devils
    Lady Cassandra (Zoë Wanamaker)
    Cyber Men


    Zarbi - Nothing more than men in bumble bee suits
  • Oops, forgot the Slitheen on by best list.
  • Weeping Angels and the boy in the gas mask calling out "Mummy" scared me. Loved the Ood. But Cybermen still the best!
  • Oh yes, I'd forgotten Victor Meldrew and the gas mask kids, that was superb.
  • "Don't blink !"

    Weeping Angels scared the s**t out of me 1st time !
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