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edited October 2011 in Not Sports Related
A word typically used by managers in large establishments that know F*** all about anything.


Anyone got any other management spiel pet hates?


  • "My door is always open"

    "people are our biggest asset"

    "we word hard and we play hard"

  • "Transparent" and "Transparency" should be used to describe nothing but glass and materials with similar properties.

    "Strategy" and "Strategic" are the most over-used, mean-nothing, weasel words in existence.
  • "Transparent" and "Transparency" should be used to describe nothing but glass and materials with similar properties.

    "Strategy" and "Strategic" are the most over-used, mean-nothing, weasel words in existence.
    And nicely complemented by "tactical"
  • "There's no "I" in team"

    Response: No , but there's a U in F. off.
  • "Buy in"

    "Value add"

    "Going forward"

  • "we word hard and we play hard"

    That was Dave Rudd's Countdown motto !

  • 'bouncebackability'
    A Dowie special. 
  • edited October 2011
    "Anyone who does not want to come along for the ride, can get off the train now"

    Unless the train is being run by South Eastern which means it won't be going anyway, was the response given to the boss concerned
  • Let's run it up the flag pole and see who salutes.

    "Source" - as in, "It's lunchtime, I'm hungry - I need to source a sandwich"

    Chuck it in the frying pan and see if it sizzles.

  • "Of course we'll let you have leave."

    I bet you will...
  • Sponsored links:

  • A whole raft of bollocks.

    Our plan is robust.

    Customer Service Manager (meaning; Complaint Deflector)

  • In my experience 'leave it with me' means 'I have no interest in helping you, I just want you to stop talking to me'.

    I also despise 'going forward' being put on the end of every sentence in a meeting
  • edited October 2011
    "Let's pick off the low lying apples"  meaning "Let's try and disguise our total incompetance and inefficiencies, by using all of our available time to carry out simple functions that you need a single brain cell to perform, whilst leaving the more complex to those with two"
  • There are millions. IT in particular is littered with complete twonks at management level who know nothing about the actual technical aspects of the profession, but think they can con people into believing they do by over-compensating with waffle. My absolute pet hate is using the word 'leverage' in the wrong context, the wrong form and the wrong situation.
  • "systems outage"
  • "There's no "I" in team"

    Response: No , but there's a U in F. off.
    But there's ME!
  • Let's run it up the flag pole and see who salutes.

    "Source" - as in, "It's lunchtime, I'm hungry - I need to source a sandwich"

    Chuck it in the frying pan and see if it sizzles.

    The "source" one drives me fecking mental, Aussie wankers use it all the time, especially the "foodie" types on TV who say things like "I sourced these beans from a local farmer."

    If someone I am speaking to uses this term I always pull them up on it.

  • I actually got asked this week on the ETA of a draft document.
  • Shite... my current position is that of Business Analyst and have spent the past 3 months putting together business plans for the two hotels I work with.

    I have helped the general manager with overall Strategy for the forthcoming year and sat down with department heads to Strategise for 2012, setting SMART objectives and subsequent initiatives to meet these objectives. Next stage is to agree on Key Performance Indicators for the individual departments to measure their performance next year and assign a dollar value to incentivise these. I am a firm believer in the whole performance management concept and using the balances score card as a method to acheiving this!!

    I leave in December, but have seen the benefit in this position so much that I am planning on presenting to our corporate office in an effort to make it a permanent part time position - not for me I might add, as I'm moving on to pastures new.

    I guess you guys are talking about me.... :o)


  • "There's no "I" in team"

    But there is 5 in individual brilliance
  • Sponsored links:

  • "Let's touch base"....
  • Ok leave it to me... I'll reach out to so and so and we'll go from there...
  • 'We showed good character'
  • I have enough trouble thinking inside the box let alone outside it
  • "Deliverable" when used as a noun, as in "What are the deliverables for this project?"
  • I really can't stand people who pre-prepare or claim to be forward planning - how much backward planning have you ever done?

    And, of course, the one that football manager's love - we need to give 110%. Expecting your team to give 110% just means 100% failure.

  • Customer facing. What the fuck does that even mean?
  • We used to have a manager we all liked, but he had a very odd obsession with work cliches - "blue sky thinking/ Barcelona will be our straw man etc." - So we'd give each other a cliche each before our team meeting and have the task of shoehorning it in somehow. One guy managed to say "run it up the ideas flagpole and see who salutes," without the boss thinking it odd.
  • There's no 'I in team but there's a 'u' in cunt.
  • Buzzword Bingo

    blue sky ventureinterface (v.)enterpriseblue-screenone on one
    suite of toolsowning a decisionco-create (v.)embeddedJava
    win-wincode reviewsFREEsanity checkproductize
    raise a flagleveragedesign-ledtargeting innovationapi
    going forwardmedia-richneophyte2.0best of class
    Five buzzwords in any row, column, or diagonal is "BINGO!"
    Only mark off buzzwords uttered by others.
    Baiting your coworker is allowed.
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