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favourite mad footballers

Have watched many players over the years and like many fans have enjoyed watching those with lunatic tendencies-still think the 70s had the biggest share. My all time favourite has to be Faustino Asprilla who really did seem to be from a different planet - some fab goal celebrations.


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    Reni Higuita.

    A mad Colombian Goalie and I'm sure most of you will know his famous 'scorpion kick'. 

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    Do love Higuita. Probably more down to the fact that he has scored more international goals than Emile Heskey! (As has Chilavert).
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    edited November 2011
    Marco Boogers

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    edited November 2011
    Still early days, but Mario Balotelli is showing massive promise as a raving mentalist. I've been lovinghis work this season and when you look in to his pre Man City history you realise he already has an impressive back catalogue of crack-pottedness for one so young. 
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    Hristo Stoichkov. Utter lunatic.
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    One man and one man only, Robin Friday
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    Stan Bowles!
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    Mario Balotell & Gazza.
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    Paolo Di Canio, Pat Van Den Hauwe and Gazza
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    I'm surprised no one's mentioned the psycho himself Stuart Pearce.   
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    David Luiz is absolutely mental. I've never seen him get through a game without doing something insane, both in terms of footballing and general demeanour. Facundo Sava was also quite mad with that mask business
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    edited November 2011
    Paolo Di Canio, Pat Van Den Hauwe and Gazza

    Pat VDH??? Are you sure? The thread's about mentalists not nasty, spiteful, violent, sneaky thugs whose idea of being a bit off the wall is ramming his elbow into someones face when the ref's not looking. How about Muscatt while you're at it?


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    di canio, balotelli
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    Les Sealy (RIP). remember him assaulting the physio when he told him to go off in a cup final.

    PDC, Ballotelli.....The Herminator was a bit of a loon on occasions
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    sinisa mihajlovic was a complete fruit cake and is now managing fiorentina!!

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    Paolo Di Canio, Pat Van Den Hauwe and Gazza

    Pat VDH??? Are you sure? The thread's about mentalists not nasty, spiteful, violent, sneaky thugs whose idea of being a bit off the wall is ramming his elbow into someones face when the ref's not looking. How about Muscatt while you're at it?


    Yeah good call!

    Sorry that you never agreed with my choice of nutty players! HAhhaaHAHAHAAH  

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    Back in the day Harry Gregory was a bit of a nutter/extrovert on the pitch.............but a really lovely down to earth fella.

    Goes to just about all our home games with his lovely wife.

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    Asprilla. Porn stars, AK47s and cocaine.
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    Dennis Irwin
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    Thomas Gravesen was a special player ;) I've witnessed a few things, coming from Denmark myself.
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    Temuri Ketsbaia

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    edited November 2011
    Not sure of the spelling of this one but Temuri Ketsbaia - used to play for Newcastle and went proper mental during one game. Started kicking the shit out of an advertising hoarding.

    Edit - Lordromford is clearly psychic and not only named the player before me but also found a video of the incident!
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    Cantona for the greatest mad moment I've ever seen at a football match.
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    Cantona for the greatest mad moment I've ever seen at a football match.
    What's mad about assaulting a Palace fan? (JOKE, before anyone throws their toys out of the pram).
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    Remembered hearing about this Van den Hauwe rumour years ago and found it .. eventually

     I like the story about Pat Van Den Hauwe though - at a club one night in Liverpool he apparently met a pretty young local lady and ended up getting a bit of jiggy jiggy with her. He allegedly caught a dose off her, so he went back to the club and allegedly used his fists on her to express his displeasure at said dose. Unfortunately for Pat the young lady had connections, and allegedly he got a visit from some very unpleasant blokes who took revenge by allegedly slashing the backs of his legs. Pat was out of football for a long time "injured", an injury which Everton said was incurred in training. Who knows what the truth is, but I like the story all the same. In case the legal representatives of Messrs. Kanchelskis and Van Den Hauwe are reading this, you will note my repeated use of the word "allegedly" throughout my post!
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    Balio seems to be able to mix lunacy with comedy in a way not seen for some time.  Recently he was sent out for an ironining board by his mum and came back with a trampoline, scalectrix, table tennis and two vespas (and no ironing board). George Best's shenanigans will never be topped though.
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    I quite like Jimmy Bullard. He's a bit off the wall, and a local lad too boot. Saw him in his folks Crayford pub back in August.

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    Gotta be Robin Friday, utter mentalist! 
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    Gotta be Robin Friday, utter mentalist! 
    great book about him
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    Cantona and balotelli for me.
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