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Wednesday Sound Worried, Hudds confident



  • IF he goes down for fraud!, If nothing stuck to Pompey, cant see MM going, would mean Uncle Harry going too

    However if he did , ownership is in family trust not him solely, but if he wanted out  

    For sale High profile League One club, longest history , and tradition in this league , best support stadium debt free, On brink of promotion, line of buyers round the block.Anything over 9 million gets MM, his money back.Still own ground and very long lease on training ground assets must be valued at £18 million plus easy. Debts nil.

    .Reason it took us so long for someone to buy us last time was the very diverse shareholding.Plus a complete clown of an ex chairman who wanted to sue his own supporters.Then resigned as chairman and walked away,pleading with the FA to let him buy Chesterfield whilst still wanting to call the shots at Hillsborough.

    You see them more you find out about us the more you can see why we believe the bad days are being put behind us.



  • That fair enough maybe your family trust or uncle Harry could update your ground the away ends a hole and very dated. Guess Megson is you weak link then?
  • edited November 2011

    IF he goes down for fraud!, If nothing stuck to Pompey, cant see MM going, would mean Uncle Harry going too

    However if he did , ownership is in family trust not him solely, but if he wanted out  

    For sale High profile League One club, longest history , and tradition in this league , best support stadium debt free, On brink of promotion, line of buyers round the block.Anything over 9 million gets MM, his money back.Still own ground and very long lease on training ground assets must be valued at £18 million plus easy. Debts nil.

    .Reason it took us so long for someone to buy us last time was the very diverse shareholding.Plus a complete clown of an ex chairman who wanted to sue his own supporters.Then resigned as chairman and walked away,pleading with the FA to let him buy Chesterfield whilst still wanting to call the shots at Hillsborough.

    You see them more you find out about us the more you can see why we believe the bad days are being put behind us.



    ...and that's an excuse for the mass-arrogance? You don't hear many Charlton fans adopting the word 'massive' in an effort to make it synonymous with our club, despite the fact we have overcome many obstacles ourselves via sheer determination and graced the top flight more recently than Wednesday. No club has a divine right to belong in the premier league, your forum begs to differ. Though not having anywhere near as much debt as your rivals, if I were you i'd be highly concerned with having a chairman who after, what?, a year or so, has on numerous occasions spoke of his desire to sell his shares when the earliest opportunity arises. He's not a chairman, he's the bloody owner of a half-way house!
  • Two best teams in this division are Charlton and Huddersfield. If Wednesday are going up which I doubt it will have to be via the playoffs.
  • I have total repsect for any group of supporters who get their club home again.Yes our away end needs investment, much like your own!

    As for the massive thing and mass arrogance, humour is lost on you then.Its something which has grown out of our mockery of our porcine city neighbours, who thought they were bigger than us when they built a hotel in the corner of their ground and thought it would guarantee them a world cup venue.

    We have no divine right to be in the premier league, and our chairman has never said of his desire to sell,only when we are back where the supporters feel we should be Ie the premier league.Just like your supporters feel

  • They also don't have the best back four in the league
  • Can't argue with your first point, that type of humor is lost on me. Although I have a feeling that joke is slowly becoming believable for at least a few Wendys I know.
    With regard to the 'divine right', I give you...

    ...unfortunate timing.
  • Christ I barely read through that link, now that humor isn't lost on me!
  • Very true about our away end and maybe one day they will sort it out!! Honestly is going up your to lose?
  • Don't particularly want to be back in the PL, it's shite.
    If we can. Play championship football and sustain ourselves I'd be happy, maybe I'm a minority- but mr owl is assuming the premiership is all we care about.
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  • I agree red mist poison chalets mate
  • Some were humerous, but the next topic, about forming the Wednesday Ultra is definitely tongue in cheek and even funnier.
    Christ I barely read through that link, now that humor isn't lost on me!

  • I agree red mist poison chalets mate
    Poison chalets? I wouldn't go back to that ski resort.
  • I'm happy to cut the Wednesday fans a little bit of slack as their problem is the same one a lot of our fans had when we first went down. We thought we were too good for this dreadful league, and were sure we'd beat other teams who were 'smaller' than us. We got a rude awakening and I feel like both the team and the fans approach each game a little bit smarter now. Us and Hudds are definitely the two teams who should be going up, though football rarely works that way, and I think if Weds don't go up then their fans will be a little quieter next year. They'll probably benefit from it to. I'm definitely enjoying this season more now that a certain level of entitlement has gone out of my head
  • I agree red mist poison chalets mate
    Poison chalets? I wouldn't go back to that ski resort.
    Well it is a slippery slope and all downhill
  • Like you we have git rid of our bad days as you will see come jan , you'll sign the likes of miguel llera acne we will sign true championship or lower prem players to cover or improve ,

    Your problems lie with the fact there are only 2 places that give you the certainty of promotion the other place is a lottery ,

    Your fans don't seem to realise that we are not a flash in these pan we are a club who when given the opportunity to play free flowing football we will rip teams to shreds , when we need to knuckle down and work through results like yesterday against a team that you failed to beat at your fortress.

    We are the real deal we will lose again this season I am sure of it and so will you but we will prevail

    Your fans underestimate us massively, and that will bite you on the arse ,

    Most of us have said

    Mk fraud
    Sheffield wed
    Sheffield united

    Will be up there with us fighting tooth and nail to get out of this god forsaken league

    With you lot its Sheffield weds or huddersfield
  • You cant pick one result against another, ie Brentford, our response would be Tranmere  we won away you drew at home. 

    We wont be signing Miguel,total lump IMHO and prone to huge ricks.Our signings will be in wide midfield with real pace, to turn the screw at home and rack up the goal difference


  • You cant pick one result against another, ie Brentford, our response would be Tranmere  we won away you drew at home. 

    We wont be signing Miguel,total lump IMHO and prone to huge ricks.Our signings will be in wide midfield with real pace, to turn the screw at home and rack up the goal difference


    Rack up the GD lol. You are 17 behind us now !
  • lets be cocky at the end of the season so it doesnt come back to haunt us
  • FAO Charlton_Hero  Deluded or what ?, seems what goes around !, check out Down at the Mac 
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  • TBH it's all the tossers going on their site giving it large that has brought this poor fool AA Milne character here. 
  • TBH it's all the tossers going on their site giving it large that has brought this poor fool AA Milne character here. 
    Agree. Personally I don't really give a monkees what they think. Arrogant northern mugs.
  • Personally, I hate all this "we've got the biggest willy" point scoring.

    I am enjoying the season. If we carry on in the current vein, there is nothing Owls, Terriers, Stripey Porcines, or even Franchises can do about it. I suggest though that we all do what our great and wise leader will be doing - take each game as it comes. At the end of the season the table won't lie.
  • Thank you Bing.  Top man.
  • edited November 2011

    You lot go on about us but I read stuff on here and even though it's November you all seem you're up, we know we started slowly and we will strengthen in January, we will see, it's a marathon, if you think you and Huddersfield are going up because you're currently in the top two then thats a little naive.

  • You lot go on about us but I read stuff on here and even though it's November you all seem you're up, we know we started slowly and we will strengthen in January, we will see, it's a marathon, if you think you and Huddersfield are going up because you're currently in the top two then thats a little naive.

    u obviously are not reading it properly, we have not stated its just us and huddersfield. 

    Lets see at end of season then we can do our cheering and till then you can play catch up 
  • You lot go on about us but I read stuff on here and even though it's November you all seem you're up, we know we started slowly and we will strengthen in January, we will see, it's a marathon, if you think you and Huddersfield are going up because you're currently in the top two then thats a little naive.

    And the fact your scrape wins yet still have the assumption that it's between you us and Udders is very naive. Everytime you lose a game it's the biggest doom and gloom site going and when you win it's promotion by April, very fickle fans.
  • The thing that strikes me from the wednesday fans is that they're not too worried and are convinced that both ourselves and Hudds will have a 'blip' somewhere along the line. I agree that this will probably happen between now and may. But are they really so deluded that they also won't suffer from this?

    It's a long way to go and they'll be plenty more ups & downs for all concerned.
  • The thing that strikes me from the wednesday fans is that they're not too worried and are convinced that both ourselves and Hudds will have a 'blip' somewhere along the line. I agree that this will probably happen between now and may. But are they really so deluded that they also won't suffer from this?

    It's a long way to go and they'll be plenty more ups & downs for all concerned.

    As others on here have said, last season I kept waiting for Brighton to have their "blip" and to come back to the pack - it just never happened! The same goes for Norwich the season before.

    I don't want to tempt fate - and there's no doubt there will be some low points to come - but CAFC's form over the first 18 games has been extraordinary and suggests a  very, very good side has been formed.

    If you remember back to last season, Powell won his first four games in charge but we could easily have lost all four games, they were all very scratchy wins indeed - as were most of our wins that season.

    In contrast, the only time anyone could really argue that we have picked up undeserved points this season was in the 1-0 win on Saturday, and even that would be a dubious claim.


    You lot go on about us but I read stuff on here and even though it's November you all seem you're up, we know we started slowly and we will strengthen in January, we will see, it's a marathon, if you think you and Huddersfield are going up because you're currently in the top two then thats a little naive.

    You dont read very well then,


    It has been stated by many that this is a 6 or 7 horse race but we are currently leading and looking very strong,


    You lot think its You or Huddersfield and that we will falter, the league dont start and end in yorkshire as you will learn


    you aint to big for this league and every year since we have been in it the leagues first and 2nd spots go to teams that play football the right way,


    you will get points your way but i dont believe it will be enough,


    Monday is a huge game for this league, If we win you lot will have to sit up and take note, if we lose Then Hudds are the real deal, a draw and you might catch one of us



    I think we will win, i believe that because of the reasons i have stated before, play football agaoinst us and we have the players to rip teams a part, come for the draw like you lot did and we hav the patience and the guile to beat any team


    you played us at the right time, 18 players all new trying to bed in, do that against us now and we would win, as you will see when we take you apart again at hillsbourough

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