The chancellor George Osbornes autumn statement today made pretty grim listening. Few of the governments financial targets met. More gloom predicted by other financial institutions and the biggest strike for years going ahead tomorrow. 700,000 public jobs to go and god knows how many in the public sector. All this whilst the euro zone crisis hangs over us all like the sword of Damacles. Just how bad are things going to get ?
I don't care.
But we are top of the league and I dont care.
As for the Eurozone, the way the EU is set up is wrong and was originally started for Poltical reasons. Its obvious to me that most countries won't going into fit in the Euro setup properly because of the different economics. The Euro currency is weaker than the pound which is a plus but if the Euro gets affected, we get affected and this will be a disaster.
I will be upfront on this issue and I do agree with Nigel Farage on a lot of things he is saying. We should have our own economies and the other European countries need to get back to their own currency to stand any chance of stabilising otherwise this is going to get worse. Why do EU countries have to bail each other when clearly we are all in a financial mess. We fund the EU £50M a day and we are now cutting 700,000 public jobs when we don't get a chance to hold a referendum, not really fair is it?
I have not really heard countries like Switzerland or Norway in a financial mess but it just proves they have got it right because they are not in the EU and are good next door neighbours with other Countries, that is what Europe should all be about and not in a Polticial Union with it's own Currency.
Anyone agree with this also?
I don't think being in or out of the EU has has had much influence on getting caught up in the financial troubles. The US is arguably in as big a mess as anyone.
My very limited understanding of economics leads me to believe it's more down to how tightly each country regulated it's banking sector and how strong it's manufacturing base is coupled with how prudent it was with public borrowing during the boom years.
It's complicated stuff and certainly not as clear-cut as EU bad, non-EU good.
Switzerland has a particular economic model that wouldn't fit us .
Norway is an oil rich country with a tiny population relative to our own.
Plus both have to accept EU regulations whilst not being able to shape them.
I'd hate to be your cat.................................
So much for living in a strong economy! I read the other day that record numbers of Brits are returning to the UK, if I thought I had any hope of selling my house, I might consider doing the same.
The financial crises was man made.

Building empires and inventing money was also done by man.
Let everyone live mortgage / rent free in their current house, leave shop doors open for everyone to take what they need to live. Basically do away with jobs and money and there will be no problems - Simples
I'm heading back from Australia to the UK in February and as Queensland Addick says this is not as crazy as it may seem. On the other hand I think the entire Western world is in for a tough five to ten years compared to what we've been used to up to 2008.
In general terms my personal belief is that we have spent our childrens inheritance and need to spend some time rebuilding it.
One of the saving graces is as others have said: we have the Super Reds and SCP. I may end up living and working in Manchester if I'm lucky enough to get the job I'm going for, but I'll be heading South on a regular basis!
As for that two faced lier Clegg - well words can't describe the contempt I have for him .
We're all Doomed!!
Truth of the matter is, polititions of all persuations are out to line their own pockets and protect their massive pensions. They are in bed with the Banks and financial institutions who in turn fund their political campaigns.
Your average housewife could control the budget better than these fools.
its gonna be the same as now or possibly worse
I am so far lucky to have ridden this one out, do feel for anyone who is suffering, and try and put work the way of anyone I know in that boat
I've got a pal living in Queensland who is a top (and I do mean top) qualified electrician...he's in his early 50's.
Been in Oz for many a year in Burley Heads near Southport......can't get any work and is returning to The UK after 20 odd years. are type casting and that went out the window years ago.
You can't put a cigarette paper between them nowadays......Labour/ Tory/ Liberal.......they are pretty much all the same.
You say Tories line their own pockets as if it's exclusive to them ....of course Blair/ Prescott/Brown etc etc didn't dream of doing such a thing.......come on Beds.
Construction may pick up in Southport in the near future, due to the Gold Coast having won the next Commonwealth Games.
I think you mean Steryotyping. For what it's worth I agree with you . They are all thieving bastards , it's just that the Tories are are so good at disguising it and people fall for it everytime. It seems to be inherent in them.
Take dodgy business ownership and banking laws away from the Swiss and what do you have? Norway is a nation of 4.5m people (or so) and invested the billions they made in NS oil revenues in their infrastructure. I always find it strange that a nation with high taxes and high public spending is admired by right-wingers who advocate austerity elsewhere. Anyway...let's see what happens to Norway once NS oil runs out.