Whilst i appreciate it's not exactly a great way to die and obviously so young as well, can we really be expected to have sympathy. The latest kid was a convicted burglar, was on a tag, ran in a gang, and graffited his tag all over the place so he was no angel. These kids all think they're big time gangsters and who's to say he wouldn't have been the killer himself a few years down the line. But the thing that gets me the most is one gang member wrote 'we'll miss you, heaven has another fallen soldier'. SOLDIER! Kids running around with guns aren't f*cking soldiers. They should send some of these real tough kids away with the army then see what soldiers do. Rant over!
She actually did come out and say 'he was such a nice boy' I can't deny my first reaction to this was 'apart from when he's out committing crime, right'.
I would be rather harsh of me to say that I have no sympathy for the kid and he had it coming because that's just not the case, however surely he must have known what he was getting involved in living the life he did.
i have no doubt themothers of these little angels see their kids at home who are very good kids indoors. You will normally find caribbean background families the mothers rule the house with an iron fist and the kids are as good as gold at home. Get the little fuckers out side and a minority of them are no angels.
the saddest thing about these killings are they are NEVER going to stop. These black on black killings are getting totally out of hand - most of them are done over god damn trivial things like laughing at someone and dissing them or direspecting my family.
I reckon there must be a fair few people on here like me who did things at 15-16 that they are not proud of, if not ashamed of, yet left it behind to become what they are now.
Granted, some go further down the wrong route, but for most its a case of falling in with the wrong crowd at a vulnerable age, which they later learn from and leave behind.
No one deserves to die at 15.
Well said.
Just don't mention Jehova!
Just don't mention Jehova![/quote]
That was his Dad
It seems to me that in parts of our society we have lost the notion of what it means to be an adult and what it should mean to be a child.
Adults should lead and direct their children. That is what being a parent means. It is a huge responsibility but if you have kids then that is what you take on. Parents should manage their children in all ways, they are less emotionally mature and less experienced than their parents, but how often now do you hear kids ruling their parents because they never can seem to be able to say no to them?
It seems to me that the distinction between adult and child has blurred in a worrying way.
But what do we show them on tv for example?
Jade Goody. The epitome of the adult who conducts herself like a child. Not just picking on her, but she is a good example.
Unless we start to get a grip on our kids, and I mean those who are clearly out of control, (not the many who are great and well on their way to being good adults), we are going to have more misery, and more pointless deaths like we have been seeing.
It's not easy being a parent, and we all get stuff wrong, but it is time we really started to address this as the major issue in this country.
Right. Rant over. I think we should go 442 against the hammers :)
That is the difference nowadays these kids don't give a fuck about what their parenss think.
So they learn to be better shots?
I do think that we as a culture pay too much attention to bling. lapels, non-celebrities and worship material sucess over all things and this leads people to become more and more desperate to get money and "respect" however they can be that with a gun or by going on a trash "reality" show.
Also while I don't think you can blame pop music for everything there is an element of glorifying gun culture in US hip hip/rap music. That's not to say that black and white kids weren't violent in the past but maybe a bit more love and unity roots music would be better.
We can't go back now, but I hope we can find some better way of going forward.
Can't someone start a thread about going to the pub lunchtime or something???
National service needn't be military - a year/ six months helping out in your community?
but got the bike. i blame ken livingstone for forcing me off public transport -
Lol - I like that!
(nothing to do with the knowledge tho, eh?)
Global warming?
Charltons lack of form this season?
My train being late this morning?
My missus going potty with the credit card?
All down to Red Ken. The sooner we kick him out the better!
Surely this is Andrew Mills responsibility ?
I was going to go up to him and say "oi, Livingstone! I respect your attempts to improve transport in London but if you ever come down the Valley and start supporting the other team then I'd say Livingstone NO!"
However I didn't.