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Surface to air missile sites for Blackheath and Shooters Hill



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    If they do decide to go ahead with this idea, is the river worth considering as a site? A Royal Navy missile ship has everything on it already and can chug up and down to different locations as required. Just a thought.
    Already in hand.
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    What a farce, the economy is in crises, the building industry and house buying market needs a kick start and we are wasting money on this crap.

    I wish we had never won the bloody Olympics, waste of money.
    It wont be costing very much at all I shouldnt think.
    These are assets we already have, manned by people who are already earning a wage.
    I agree the planning has kept people occupied but the massive benefits to London far far outweigh any negligible cost.

    Go to Stratford and wander around, then come back on here and say its been a waste of money.

    OK then, name the benefits of the Olympics. Name five of them. And I don't mean things like the nebulous 'feelgood factor' here - I mean real, definable and quantifiable benefits - for Londoners, and for the rest of the UK.
    Try looking at a 'before' and 'after' picture of Stratford - have you even been to see the massive developments of transport shops and offices, never mind the thousands of extra houses ? (which would have to be built anyway to accommodate London's increasing population.)

    Name me 13 and three quarters disadvantages.
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    edited March 2012
    Five benefits of the Olympics..

    1.. We get to pay for the massive security bill to protect the wealthy and the large corporate companies.
    2..We'll get to see over 10,000 troops ,an aircraft carrier on the Thames, surface to air missiles and drones plus extras .This will give us the expected "being at a sporting event "feel rather than the "being in a warzone "feel.
    3..We also get a whole new range of scanners, biometric id cards, license-plate and facial recognition CCTV in case a cavedweller should be around:)
    4 .. We get to watch politicians and corporate sponsors and VIPs using fancy dedicated lanes,all this while we are lucky enough to be snarled up in traffic. Unfortunately we can avoid this by paying 20,000 pounds.A real bargain!
    5..It'll all be over in less than 3 weeks but we get to keep the extra surveillance equipment.

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    What a farce, the economy is in crises, the building industry and house buying market needs a kick start and we are wasting money on this crap.

    OK then, name the benefits of the Olympics. Name five of them. And I don't mean things like the nebulous 'feelgood factor' here - I mean real, definable and quantifiable benefits - for Londoners, and for the rest of the UK.
    Try looking at a 'before' and 'after' picture of Stratford - have you even been to see the massive developments of transport shops and offices, never mind the thousands of extra houses ? (which would have to be built anyway to accommodate London's increasing population.)

    Name me 13 and three quarters disadvantages.
    So the extra houses would have been built regardless of the Olympics? But presumably spread around London in a more equitable and rational way? Stratford's gain is everyone else's loss. I feel grumpy about it living in South London; I don't know how I'd feel if I Iived in the North of England.
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    edited March 2012
    Trust me, up here in the North, the Olympics don't mean much to the average man in the street. Them London Games are for southerners, just like Wembley Stadium is.

    Total waste of my taxes!
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    A bloke on TV says Coventry will receive £60million from the football.
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    Trust me, up here in the North, the Olympics don't mean much to the average man in the street. Them London Games are for southerners, just like Wembley Stadium is.

    Total waste of my taxes!
    I thought it is coming out of my fecking council tax?!
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    Trust me, up here in the North, the Olympics don't mean much to the average man in the street. Them London Games are for southerners, just like Wembley Stadium is.

    Total waste of my taxes!
    A bit like the previous Commonwealth Games at Manchester and Edinburgh then !

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    What a farce, the economy is in crises, the building industry and house buying market needs a kick start and we are wasting money on this crap.

    I wish we had never won the bloody Olympics, waste of money.
    It wont be costing very much at all I shouldnt think.
    These are assets we already have, manned by people who are already earning a wage.
    I agree the planning has kept people occupied but the massive benefits to London far far outweigh any negligible cost.

    Go to Stratford and wander around, then come back on here and say its been a waste of money.

    OK then, name the benefits of the Olympics. Name five of them. And I don't mean things like the nebulous 'feelgood factor' here - I mean real, definable and quantifiable benefits - for Londoners, and for the rest of the UK.
    Try looking at a 'before' and 'after' picture of Stratford - have you even been to see the massive developments of transport shops and offices, never mind the thousands of extra houses ? (which would have to be built anyway to accommodate London's increasing population.)

    Name me 13 and three quarters disadvantages.
    So that's it then? Your one advantage and tangible benefit of bringing the Olympics is the regeneration of a single area, housing less than three percent of the population of the capital? Never mind that the housing that has been put up is private housing, with astronmical rents far outside the means of the majority of Stratford residents displaced by the Olympics to begin with, and the associated 'genetrification' of the area serves to benefit almost nobody who lives there. The transport improvements were already in place and planned for the area even before the Olympics were 'won' by the British bid.

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    Trust me, up here in the North, the Olympics don't mean much to the average man in the street. Them London Games are for southerners, just like Wembley Stadium is.

    Total waste of my taxes!
    A bit like the previous Commonwealth Games at Manchester and Edinburgh then !

    Touche Shooters but surely they were mere tokens to try and keep the North happy with a few crumbs from the Southern-centric master's table.
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    I'm a cynical b*stard normally - no, honestly.

    But I'm glad the Olympics are coming here. Don't really give a sh*t what anyone else thinks.

    (However, as I have to travel on the Jubilee Line to work, ask me again when it's here/gone if it was all worth it.)
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    You have all got the wrong end of the stick. The guns will be in Blackheath but they will be pointed in the direction of Shooters Hill.

    It's nothing to do with the games, it's just to keep the riff raff out of the village. ;)
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    I'm a cynical person as well and I too am delighted that London has won the right to hold the Olympics. London is one of the top few cities on the planet and should want and be able to hold one of the worlds greatest sporting events. IMHO of course.
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    I'm more concerned about the few bits of ancient woodland and other SSI 's this totally stupid plan might threaten
    Time Team digs showed that Shooters Hill had fortifications during the war.

    There will be naval ships on the Thames during the Olympics.
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    I'm more concerned about the few bits of ancient woodland and other SSI 's this totally stupid plan might threaten
    Time Team digs showed that Shooters Hill had fortifications during the war.

    There will be naval ships on the Thames during the Olympics.
    Yes. Anti Aircraft Guns and Barage Baloons up at Eaglesfield Park. I have a hunch that's where the Rapier Missiles will be.

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    edited March 2012
    You carry on and wallow in your ignorance and misery, Leroy.
    There are many many advantages and I dont have to give you five - I'm sure you could find many more than that with the slightest search and open mindedness.
    I named three benefits, which, suprise suprise, suddenly dont fit your pre-ordained agenda and so its dismissed.
    Even though I did three fifths of what you commanded.

    You on the other hand didnt even manage one thirteenth of what I asked from you.

    I take it you havent had a job as a result of the stadium building, infrastucture, (East London Line, Channel Shuttle, DLR extension - all of which were commissioned to win or since the Olympics have been awarded, whatever dismissive put down you choose to employ) etc etc

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    edited March 2012
    It's getting a bit late but is it worth getting the popcorn out?
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    It's getting a bit late but is it worth getting the popcorn out?
    I might crack open a can.
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    FFS. We'll do anything to try and out-do the chinese firework display 4 years ago.............
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    edited March 2012
    To hell with the popcorn how about a truce lads? We don't want to lose another two well respected posters.
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    i was thinking about joining in but i don’t know if i can be arsed. got a bit of a headache as well. still heres some of my thoughts on it...

    I’m against the Olympics mainly due to the amount of money it costs, the inconvenience, the corny build up, the tourists and now the threat to my life from terrorists and our own. Oh and Stratford was a crap area, probably because there was nothing there. whether its nice now or not i really don’t care because i was never likely to visit it before and I’m just as unlikely now.
    apart from those who have always liked the Olympics and those who are making money from it, they would be the only groups of people i can understand ever wanting the Olympics. otherwise i dont get it.
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    Can't believe that I agree with everything Leroy has said in this thread!
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    Can't believe that I agree with everything Leroy has said in this thread!
    You need to go and sit in a darkened room mate!
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    5 disadvantages of the Olympics
    1.. Live Olympic sporting theatre right here on our doorstep, the envy of all other nations.
    2..A chance to bring the kids to see an Olympic event!!
    3..Lots of relatives coming over to visit ,scrounging lodgings and tickets..
    4..Improved infrastructure
    5.. A chance to see surface to air misiles going off for real instead of ont telly!!

    Oops got my titles all mixed up. I'm just kidding around folks.:))
    Personally I love the Olympics and wish I had some tickets ( the scroungers already know I have none:)). It's a great spectacle
    and I may pop up to see the marathon. Should be a memorable event.
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    edited March 2012
    Theres a cracking thread on the MOD strategic defence committee forum about whether Hollands and Green can play together in midfield.....they are basing their knowledge on a news shopper article they read :-)

    The deployment of temporary rapier like systems has happened before for public events, when the Queen attended the re dedication of the Vimy Ridge Memorial in 2007 for instance one was set up in a field overlooking the sizable town of Arras. The threat then was deemed to be small light aircraft or microlights as opposed to 747's, I suspect this is for the same reason.

    I am fairly confident that no decision to shoot down a fully laden jumbo would be left until it reached Blackheath or that it would be brought down over a heavily populated urban area. It has made for an interesting debate over who is for and who is against the Olympics, I am for it by the way and am working as a volunteer games maker at Woolwich for the shooting events, if we used air to surface missiles for that we would be guaranteed gold!

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    Theres a cracking thread on the MOD strategic defence committee forum about whether Hollands and Green can play together in midfield.....they are basing their knowledge on a news shopper article they read :-)

    LOL Saucer of milk for SG3
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    What a farce, the economy is in crises, the building industry and house buying market needs a kick start and we are wasting money on this crap.

    I wish we had never won the bloody Olympics, waste of money.
    I dont think we can write it off as a waste of money it has kept thousands of construction workers working in our biggest decline for a long time. there could have been a hell of a lot more unemployed if it wasnt for these games. The fact that these olympic projects are finishing is meaning these firms that have been working in there are coming into the open market at cut throat prices, i think it really will be survival of the fittest come summer.

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    edited March 2012
    i was thinking about joining in but i don’t know if i can be arsed. got a bit of a headache as well. still heres some of my thoughts on it...

    I’m against the Olympics mainly due to the amount of money it costs, the inconvenience, the corny build up, the tourists and now the threat to my life from terrorists and our own. Oh and Stratford was a crap area, probably because there was nothing there. whether its nice now or not i really don’t care because i was never likely to visit it before and I’m just as unlikely now.
    apart from those who have always liked the Olympics and those who are making money from it, they would be the only groups of people i can understand ever wanting the Olympics. otherwise i dont get it.
    OK so you dont live in Stratford so that means there's no benefits to the Olympics so you are against them?

    What exactly were you expecting the benefits to be?
    Jamie Cooke, a leading pentathelete, to personally come and fit luxury toilet paper in your bathroom?
    Laurence Lllewellyn Bowen to pop by your gaffe and redecorate your front room.
    Richard Rogers to nip over and provide you with your own Olympic swimmimng pool in your back yard?

    Just how selfish do you want to be?

    So apart from the transport, sporting facilities, motivated atheletes, housing, jobs and the 'must not mention' nebulous benefits - what have the Olympics ever done for us?

    Actually sod it -every person in Britain isnt benefitting, so they are rubbish ...frankly I'm disgusted only one area of the capital city has been improved beyond belief...bah...mumble mumble
    #kicks can....
    #kicks cat.....
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    OK then, name the benefits of the Olympics. Name five of them. And I don't mean things like the nebulous 'feelgood factor' here - I mean real, definable and quantifiable benefits - for Londoners, and for the rest of the UK.

    Publicity ( for our tourist industry )
    Creates new infrastructure
    Creates new jobs
    Promotes sport ( a healthy option for our kids )
    Shows us in a good light around the World
    Brings the nation together
    Improves transport structure
    Gives us something positive rather than Afghanistan and recession
    Gives young kids a target for the future
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    This thread would indicate that the Olympics haven't exactly brought the nation together.

    I live up north and it's true that people are hardly any more interested than if it was in Paris. There are exceptions, of course.

    I don't follow why it has to be here to incentivise young people either.

    What I don't like is the privileges afforded to the hordes of allegedly corrupt officials and hangers on, not to mention the sponsorship by such healthy lifestyle advocates as McDonalds.
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