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Olympic Tower



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    How is it a vanity project for a multimillionaire? It's a vanity project to commemorate the Olympics!
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    Less then 1% of the LDA budget was spent, the legacy of the tower will be run by the Park Legacy Company.

    No disrespect to the non Londoners, but your not paying for this, it's not your problem, and when your part of the country starts subsidising London, I'll be more interested
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    If you can't tell the difference .. have a nice evening
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    If you can't tell the difference .. have a nice evening
    Do tell Lincs.

    Or is the fact that the present coalition helped out the people of Lincolnshire and Humberside difficult to swallow?
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    Less then 1% of the LDA budget was spent, the legacy of the tower will be run by the Park Legacy Company.

    No disrespect to the non Londoners, but your not paying for this, it's not your problem, and when your part of the country starts subsidising London, I'll be more interested
    Lincolnshire Police will be 'drafted' into London during the Olympics. Taxpayers nationwide are paying towards the games. I have family in London who are not too pleased at footing some of the bill for the olympics but they accept it as a fact of life. However, my primary objection on this post is that the 'Mittal Tower' will be subsidised from public funds. If Mr Mittal wants his 'legacy' to last forever, then he should foot ALL of the bill.
    Who will benefit from funds raised by the 'Park Legacy Company'. Could I be eligible for a seat on this Quango ? .. or is membership restricted to residents of Newham Borough ?
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    So is no one from Lincolnshire going to attend the Olympics?
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    Hang on a sec , will you be able to go up there whilst the Olympics are on? If so this is a steal , particularly if you can watch Usaine Bolt running the 100 metres, 15 quid.... Bargain!
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    Sorry just read opening post ... 2014. Nah 15 quid .... Complete rip off!
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    Londoners will just be getting some of the tax subsidy back from the rest of the country for 5 weeks.

    As for the Legacy Board, it includes reps from the 4 host boroughs the park is in, and for more info
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    So is no one from Lincolnshire going to attend the Olympics?
    other than Grantham and Boston Old Bill ? .. I should think so .. and they will pay the appropriate price and possibly the outrageously hiked rates for hotel accommodation.
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    Hang on a sec , will you be able to go up there whilst the Olympics are on? If so this is a steal , particularly if you can watch Usaine Bolt running the 100 metres, 15 quid.... Bargain!
    I read that the tower won't be open for viewing until 2014 .. long after Ussain (and the horses) have bolted
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    Londoners will just be getting some of the tax subsidy back from the rest of the country for 5 weeks.

    As for the Legacy Board, it includes reps from the 4 host boroughs the park is in, and for more info
    the park covers 4 boroughs? .. that is a BIG park
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    I don't like it much (and I usually do like Kapoor's stuff) but maybe it will grow on me.

    I do like the Olympic Park though. I went there for a site visit in 2004 and then again last year. The transformation is incredible. From waste management sites, car breakers yards, dirty rivers do beautifully landscaped meadows.
    I represent the Waste Management, Car Breakers and Dirty Rivers Appreciation Society. We don't like beautifully landscaped meadows. We want our polluted sites, salvage yards and filthy rivers re-instated ;-)
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    I love the hate the Olympics has generated

    It s here its happening ,its killing me I have never worked hours as long or hard in my life , but I know that what I am doing is a small part in a huge project and I am proud to do it

    If you are British be proud of the fact the Olympic games are coming to our country and get behind the whole thing and show the world how fooking good it is to be English , and British

    Ffs some of you have too much time and not enough personal things to worry about

    And for the record I know 4 people from lincs coming down for 3 days to watch it

    Now I am sure there are thousands more coming down from that area
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    Less then 1% of the LDA budget was spent, the legacy of the tower will be run by the Park Legacy Company.

    No disrespect to the non Londoners, but your not paying for this, it's not your problem, and when your part of the country starts subsidising London, I'll be more interested
    Lincolnshire Police will be 'drafted' into London during the Olympics. Taxpayers nationwide are paying towards the games. I have family in London who are not too pleased at footing some of the bill for the olympics but they accept it as a fact of life. However, my primary objection on this post is that the 'Mittal Tower' will be subsidised from public funds. If Mr Mittal wants his 'legacy' to last forever, then he should foot ALL of the bill.
    Who will benefit from funds raised by the 'Park Legacy Company'. Could I be eligible for a seat on this Quango ? .. or is membership restricted to residents of Newham Borough ?
    Rather than it being 'Mittal tower', do you not think the government came up with the idea and then approached Mittal for the money? Don't really see what he has done wrong by providing it, even if it turns a profit for him in the long run
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    So is no one from Lincolnshire going to attend the Olympics?
    other than Grantham and Boston Old Bill ? .. I should think so .. and they will pay the appropriate price and possibly the outrageously hiked rates for hotel accommodation.
    Publicly funded hotels then? Whatever next.
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    £15 is still a rip off for travelling up a lift to get a view of the park when its full.

    The cost of everything else at the Olympics is likely to be highly overpriced as well - £2.50 for a little bottle of water, £4 to £5 for a burger etc. Like the overpriced and poor quality crap they serve at Wembley.

    Don't get me wrong, I like the Olympics. I have some tickets for a couple of events - and like the idea of the whole thing - but think the tickets could have been organised better so that at least that everyone who applied got at least one set of tickets (accepting that there would have to be a ballot for popular events).

    I just wish the organisers wouldn't use it as an opportunity to fleece everybody.

    Commerative 50p coins are selling for at least £3 at John Lewis - 600% mark up for a 50p coin and bit of printing and packaging. Its typical.

    Sell and price at a more reasonable level and they would sell more and make more money in the end.
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    I'm pretty sure the £15 was picked from the air. The monument is only £3 to go up if you want a bargain.
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    Less then 1% of the LDA budget was spent, the legacy of the tower will be run by the Park Legacy Company.

    No disrespect to the non Londoners, but your not paying for this, it's not your problem, and when your part of the country starts subsidising London, I'll be more interested
    Lincolnshire Police will be 'drafted' into London during the Olympics. Taxpayers nationwide are paying towards the games. I have family in London who are not too pleased at footing some of the bill for the olympics but they accept it as a fact of life. However, my primary objection on this post is that the 'Mittal Tower' will be subsidised from public funds. If Mr Mittal wants his 'legacy' to last forever, then he should foot ALL of the bill.
    Who will benefit from funds raised by the 'Park Legacy Company'. Could I be eligible for a seat on this Quango ? .. or is membership restricted to residents of Newham Borough ?
    Rather than it being 'Mittal tower', do you not think the government came up with the idea and then approached Mittal for the money? Don't really see what he has done wrong by providing it, even if it turns a profit for him in the long run
    I have no idea. I suggest that mittal and kapoor, the 'architect' of the tower are attempting to emulate m eiffel and hope that their names will live forever through a pretzel shaped piece of junk. At least the tower is not the 'ken livingstone' or 'boris johnson' tower. The olympics is sold as 'the people's games' which is simply bollox. The olympics is a corporate sellingfest for coca cola, mcdonalds, ibm, microsoft and whoever. I don't mind .. what i DO mind is it being sold as some kind of modern humanitarian celebration of joy when it is more a celebration of junk consumerism .. we all know that at the end of the day all rich men's vanity projects end up being paid for by the long suffering working men and women .. as m eiffel might have said 'plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose' .. i hope that the olympics is a great success and that everybody thoroughly enjoys it.
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    I'm pretty sure the £15 was picked from the air. The monument is only £3 to go up if you want a bargain.
    Have they put a lift in it yet?
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    I'm pretty sure the £15 was picked from the air. The monument is only £3 to go up if you want a bargain.
    THE monument by London Bridge .. when i were a boy it was FREE to ascend the tower ...
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    I'm pretty sure the £15 was picked from the air. The monument is only £3 to go up if you want a bargain.
    THE monument by London Bridge .. when i were a boy it was FREE to ascend the tower ...
    Was that just after they finished building it?
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    built between 1671 an 1677 .. i had no idea it was so old .. i wasn't about in 1671, at least not in this body, though sometimes it does feel like it
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    on a slightly different subject but still to do with the Olympics...

    does anyone know what’s going on with that cable car thing over the Thames? is that still happening or have they given up with the idea?
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    Less then 1% of the LDA budget was spent, the legacy of the tower will be run by the Park Legacy Company.

    No disrespect to the non Londoners, but your not paying for this, it's not your problem, and when your part of the country starts subsidising London, I'll be more interested
    Lincolnshire Police will be 'drafted' into London during the Olympics. Taxpayers nationwide are paying towards the games. I have family in London who are not too pleased at footing some of the bill for the olympics but they accept it as a fact of life. However, my primary objection on this post is that the 'Mittal Tower' will be subsidised from public funds. If Mr Mittal wants his 'legacy' to last forever, then he should foot ALL of the bill.
    Who will benefit from funds raised by the 'Park Legacy Company'. Could I be eligible for a seat on this Quango ? .. or is membership restricted to residents of Newham Borough ?
    Rather than it being 'Mittal tower', do you not think the government came up with the idea and then approached Mittal for the money? Don't really see what he has done wrong by providing it, even if it turns a profit for him in the long run
    I have no idea. I suggest that mittal and kapoor, the 'architect' of the tower are attempting to emulate m eiffel and hope that their names will live forever through a pretzel shaped piece of junk. At least the tower is not the 'ken livingstone' or 'boris johnson' tower. The olympics is sold as 'the people's games' which is simply bollox. The olympics is a corporate sellingfest for coca cola, mcdonalds, ibm, microsoft and whoever. I don't mind .. what i DO mind is it being sold as some kind of modern humanitarian celebration of joy when it is more a celebration of junk consumerism .. we all know that at the end of the day all rich men's vanity projects end up being paid for by the long suffering working men and women .. as m eiffel might have said 'plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose' .. i hope that the olympics is a great success and that everybody thoroughly enjoys it.
    Loving the fact BP are supporting Team GB by having untold amounts of Olympic Dairy Milk chocolate at the tills , and people wonder why we have an obesity problem in this country.
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    ^ now that IS a great idea and will provide a long standing legacy of use to everybody, tourist and/or commuter provided that the fare charged is not outrageous. There is a LOT of stuff on the subjest .. mr google will show the way
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    ^ now that IS a great idea and will provide a long standing legacy of use to everybody, tourist and/or commuter provided that the fare charged is not outrageous. There is a LOT of stuff on the subjest .. mr google will show the way
    Dairy Milk?
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    on a slightly different subject but still to do with the Olympics...

    does anyone know what’s going on with that cable car thing over the Thames? is that still happening or have they given up with the idea?
    It's built now- called the Emirates Airway or something like that.

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    on a slightly different subject but still to do with the Olympics...

    does anyone know what’s going on with that cable car thing over the Thames? is that still happening or have they given up with the idea?
    It's built now- called the Emirates Airway or something like that.

    emirates airway....sigh.

    have you seen it? does it look alright?
    weird that ive seen no news in the papers about it.
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    I'm pretty sure the £15 was picked from the air. The monument is only £3 to go up if you want a bargain.
    Have they put a lift in it yet?
    I don't think they could. The stairs are the fun bits though, I got to the top and spun down again, no interest in the view at all.

    I think Lincs was a chimney sweep as a boy.

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