Yes you have political voting but also people from other countries seem to migrate around Europe more than we do and they vote for their country of birth / heritage. That said I do think a good song will do well regardless. Unfortunately in Eurovision terms we do not have a good song and I'm convinced we don't really want to win it. (In the promo clip) Showing Bonnie having tea in what appears to be her mansion is not going to endear her to the voters.
We will be watching and treating it as a bit of fun.
i love the fact countries that used to commit mass genocide on each other at regular periods in history now give each other 12 points... oh and we get a yearly reminder of just how hated we are ukip should use it in there political broadcasts..
We will be watching and treating it as a bit of fun.
yeah that soprano bloke is something else, with the dress leaking blood... what the hell was that about?!
Also looking forward to the return of the Dutch entry :-P
But what the fcuk was that Romanian geezer on?