It would so much better if we simply kept the whole RIP thing off here, save family and friends (if it helps people) and true iconic figures. I really don't understand the fascination with all the obscure people that some post on here.
social groups at football have a higher % than usual though, so this site may average above the 9%.
Evidence for that other than anecdotal?
All drug evidence is fairly flimsy, not everyone will readily admit to their use, no matter how anonymous it's purported to be, so your figures may be artificially low. I would be fairly confident though that walk into any pub full of football fans and you'd find a higher % holding than many other 'social' groups.
social groups at football have a higher % than usual though, so this site may average above the 9%.
Evidence for that other than anecdotal?
All drug evidence is fairly flimsy, not everyone will readily admit to their use, no matter how anonymous it's purported to be, so your figures may be artificially low. I would be fairly confident though that walk into any pub full of football fans and you'd find a higher % holding than many other 'social' groups.
I know for a fact, which is where I believe SLL is coming from, that a lot of footballl "firms" partake, Bolton even naming one of theirs the Billy Whizz fan club.
social groups at football have a higher % than usual though, so this site may average above the 9%.
Evidence for that other than anecdotal?
All drug evidence is fairly flimsy, not everyone will readily admit to their use, no matter how anonymous it's purported to be, so your figures may be artificially low. I would be fairly confident though that walk into any pub full of football fans and you'd find a higher % holding than many other 'social' groups.
I know for a fact, which is where I believe SLL is coming from, that a lot of footballl "firms" partake, Bolton even naming one of theirs the Billy Whizz fan club.
Just generally really, not necessarily 'firm', just football is more of a lad culture and lads in the pub/away days seem to partake more often.
i must admit i find it very hard to believe that his team mates,being so close to him ,didnt know that he had a habit ...i think "henry" said that we can condemn his actions but still mourn his loss ...thats what i ll do
I thought you were mr free speech anti PC but seems that only works if people are saying what you want to hear. Normal far right double standards.
It's to do with a bit of respect not politics however you spin my posts as much as you like.
How does asking for a bit of respect for a young cricket player who died make me sound like a 'yoot wanna be'??
Replace him with a drunk and drugged illegal immigrant driving a car around the streets, the mood and tone on here would be a lot different I suspect.