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Supporters from Hell



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    The twat that sits a few seats along from me in the north upper that just shouts at BWP even if he does something good!

    you could sit near me, two old blokes behind me slag BWP off non stop virtually every game

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    Charlton have always had a reputation (well, amongst us) to be a bit of a moan and grumble lot.

    Do you lot think that's fair?
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    I had some old woman behind me at Spurs in the FA Cup keep moaning that we wern't winning at 3-0 down, I turned round and told her to "shut the f*ck up, it's only a cup game" She did in the end.
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    id go along with that

    you've only got to go to an away game 'sidddddddddddddddarrrn'
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    Bunny said:

    Charlton have always had a reputation (well, amongst us) to be a bit of a moan and grumble lot.

    Do you lot think that's fair?

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    I had some old woman behind me at Spurs in the FA Cup keep moaning that we wern't winning at 3-0 down, I turned round and told her to "shut the f*ck up, it's only a cup game" She did in the end.

    Can't believe you spoke to Curb_It like that and got away with it!!
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    I think down The Den we are one of two extremes - all on the players backs or all behind them (more or less).

    6-0 at home to Birmingham and they go off to a standing ovation...a 1-0 win under Spackman and they were given pelters.
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    I had some old woman behind me at Spurs in the FA Cup keep moaning that we wern't winning at 3-0 down, I turned round and told her to "shut the f*ck up, it's only a cup game" She did in the end.

    Can't believe you spoke to Curb_It like that and got away with it!!
    He only picks on women... you better run quicker next time young nathan or i will clip you round the ear.

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    Curb_It said:

    I had some old woman behind me at Spurs in the FA Cup keep moaning that we wern't winning at 3-0 down, I turned round and told her to "shut the f*ck up, it's only a cup game" She did in the end.

    Can't believe you spoke to Curb_It like that and got away with it!!
    He only picks on women... you better run quicker next time young nathan or i will clip you round the ear.

    Well I am younger than you so I can run faster than you anyways ;-)
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    Some bald bloke with "Big Vern" on the back of his shirt who sits in North Upper Block G. Comes to all games drunk and anyone who doesn't join in with his "songs" he calls a cunt. He's just generally an arsehole really.

    He pitched up in block A North Lower at the £5 game last season. I'm no vicar but was shocked by his language and behaviour as were some people with me along for the offer. Thought he was a blow in at the time and have not seen him since, luckily.

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    Pelham123 said:

    Some bald bloke with "Big Vern" on the back of his shirt who sits in North Upper Block G. Comes to all games drunk and anyone who doesn't join in with his "songs" he calls a cunt. He's just generally an arsehole really.

    He pitched up in block A North Lower at the £5 game last season. I'm no vicar but was shocked by his language and behaviour as were some people with me along for the offer. Thought he was a blow in at the time and have not seen him since, luckily.

    So even though he's got a ST, he ended up there..strange. Maybe he was just too drunk to know where he actually was. If he carries on, I'll have a word with a steward and see what can be done.
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    man up nathan
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    I might be alone in this but I enjoy a good swear up at football.
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    I bet he throws glasses in pubs too.
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    JT said:

    I bet he throws glasses in pubs too.

    Carry on as you were Rodney, nothing wrong with swearing at a football match
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    Cup games when they close the Cupboard End are a nightmare.

    All the riff raff come into the East.

    It's either Buckshee starting fights or Covered End and his mates talking crap about players.

    : - )
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    Not Rodders
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    I think all clubs should tell all fans to feck off and then there will be no fans then there will be no football then there will be no need for threads like this
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    One word "Pressure!". So happy I no longer sit near that clown in North Upper
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    Bloke in NL F Block:


    What if you can't pass it forwards , what should he do then?

    'GET RID OF IT!!!!!!!!!!'

    We don't even have the ball, and it's on the halfway line, or we have the ball and therefore the last thing we want to do is f****** get rid of it!


    Or, win the ball off of him cleanly and move forwards with the ball, starting a counter attack?

    His favourite 3 lines, can be shouted at any time during the match, usually followed by a few F***, C***, B******, W***** or T*****s for good measure
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    Chris Powell sits in F Block?
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    Bloke behind me !
    @AdamtheAddick !!
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    It does make me laugh when everyone shouts out shoooooot when the balls about 25 feet in the air on the edge of the box.
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    Got punched in the face in the old covered end during the Sheff Weds Cup game (1996 I think) for asking the guy next to me to actually support the team rather than continually slag them off......a real high point of my Charlton supporting career!
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    The twat that sits a few seats along from me in the north upper that just shouts at BWP even if he does something good!

    you could sit near me, two old blokes behind me slag BWP off non stop virtually every game

    Sounds about right! I'd like to see them do what BWP does every game :)
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    ANYONE that turns to you at a football match and go's 'shhh'..... go to the fucking opera twat
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    Some old guy used to constantly kick and poke me from through the seat in the upper north, whcih isn't easy to do. No matter what I said or the comments I'd make when I moved to sit elsewhere, he'd continue. That went on for 3 years. He's probably dead now.
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    DanDavis said:

    Got punched in the face in the old covered end during the Sheff Weds Cup game (1996 I think) for asking the guy next to me to actually support the team rather than continually slag them off......a real high point of my Charlton supporting career!

    Ahhhh the good old days ;-)
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    Some bald bloke with "Big Vern" on the back of his shirt who sits in North Upper Block G. Comes to all games drunk and anyone who doesn't join in with his "songs" he calls a cunt. He's just generally an arsehole really.

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