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Eye Surgery

Just the thought of the sentence brings a tear to my eye, on another thread , someone mentioned about Ben Hamer and his eye surgery in the summer , and was it making him more confident in terms of coming and collecting crosses v Brum on Saturday , instead of punching all the time, just wondered if you think there's any mileage in this , and whether anyone on Charlton life had had corrective eye surgery before / had friends family members who had it done good/ or bad experiences.


  • I am seriously considering it. I wear contact lenses or glasses and am as blind as a bat without them. I have been like it for a few years, but it really hit home whilst on holiday. I tried to wear lenses in the pool and they made my eyes sting like hell, so the next few days I spent not being and to see much as I didn't want my eyes to hurt again. If I have corrective surgery, ths will not happen again. The only problem is, it isn't cheap.
  • wouldn't mind hearing other's experiences particularly those who've had lens replacement - I've been told I'm not suitable for Laser treatment but can be 'cured' with lens replacements - I'm tempted but very nervous about it.
  • My Dad, 80 years old, just had his cataracts done at QE. Had poor vision since he was 10 now has perfect vision, given him a new lease of life!
  • Apparently my eyes are too far gone, and unless I pay ridiculous amounts of money it won't make my eyesight good enough to go glassless
  • Should have given up porn, Sam.

  • My wife had it done a year ago, she was as blind as a bat beforehand and now has perfect vision. She did suffer some mild discomfort for a while after, she said it was like she had a bit of grit in her eye. Occasionally now she says her eyes feel a bit dry and she has to put a few drops in now and again. She wishes she had done it sooner and would recommended it to anyone.
  • Oggy Red said:

    Should have given up porn, Sam.


    Haha, must've been an early starter as my eyes were like this at 7!
  • Laser eye surgery is only suitable for people with a cannot improve the sight of normal degenerative eye problems which is something that most people have problems with as they get older.
    The day that this can be done will see a revolution in eye care and the eventual disapearance of glasses altogether.
    Science is slowly but surely getting there and maybe in a few decades time this new science will have been developed and approved.
  • My wife could only see close up and nothing past the end of her nose, but now can see everything perfectly
  • I wear contacts and have looked into surgery in the past.
    Been told it would improve my eyes but I would still need glasses.

    Don't really see the point.
    Maybe in years to come, if new things are developed I would consider it.
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  • smiffyboy said:

    My wife could only see close up and nothing past the end of her nose, but now can see everything perfectly

    Bad news, Smiffyboy. You can't get away with anything now.


  • Oggy Red said:

    smiffyboy said:

    My wife could only see close up and nothing past the end of her nose, but now can see everything perfectly

    Bad news, Smiffyboy. You can't get away with anything now.


    Tell me about it, me and the kids can't hide her glasses anymore and get up to mischief.
  • My wife works for ultralase so any questions i will get her to answer for you.
  • Had it done 10 years ago and the best decision and money I ever spent. I op is really quick but the peeling back of a flap is a little unsettling but it's done in a minute or two. Recovery takes a while for full vision to be restored but I had a good experience and would recommend it!
  • I have an astigmatism (keritoconus) which has only just been diagnosed & I have been told that corective eye surgery is not possible. Instead I have had to change from soft contact lenses (which I have been wearing for over 25 years) to gas permeable ones. My eyesight is a lot better but the new lenses are a bugger. I have also been told that glasses are no good and the new lenses are the only things that will correct my "condition"
  • I have an astigmatism (keritoconus) which has only just been diagnosed & I have been told that corective eye surgery is not possible. Instead I have had to change from soft contact lenses (which I have been wearing for over 25 years) to gas permeable ones. My eyesight is a lot better but the new lenses are a bugger. I have also been told that glasses are no good and the new lenses are the only things that will correct my "condition"

    That could explain a lot.

  • I have also been told that glasses are no good and the new lenses are the only things that will correct my "condition"

    The only glasses you need, Golfie .....are rose tinted ones.

    You can borrow mine if you like.

  • edited August 2012
    Golfaddict, you might know the following but if you dont hopefully you'll find it interesting: what you got is very rare, unfortunately it's runs in our family and we all have to have regular check ups, three of our family has been badly affected and 2 have had to have total retinal transplant one of which was a double transplant, the first was one of the first ever carried out in this country all has been 100% successful and all have ended up with near perfect eyesight although rather unusual they have different coloured eyes! Whilst the soft contact lenses can and do work they sometime become impractical if the conditions worsens and then retinal transplants become an option. At least you have been given the correct advice NOT to have laser surgery. It's only been in the last 10 years or so that this has been recognised and that people have started to look out for it (sorry no pun intended).

    Hope all goes well and keep having regular check ups, would suggest that you do what we do and get everyone checked regularly, as an example my kids are checked once a year from the age of 4, before our family came along you would be told that it was not hereditary unfortunately we proved can be, and also that it's misses generations which makes it hard to pin down. Don't know what the figure is now but it was only 1 in million people who suffered with it about 15 years ago.

    Hope this is useful for you as certainly when the diagnosis was made within our family around 15 years ago nothing was out there and very little information was available to such an extent that we had to tell the opticians about it, it's got a lot better now and people are now looking for it, hence the increase in cases.

  • I echo CapeTownAddick experience. I also had laser surgery about 10 years ago. But still need to use reading glasses.
  • I had my eyes lasered in 2000 using the old PRK technology where they literally burn off the front of the eyeball to reshape the lens, Apparently they undercorrected my eyes by 0.5 of a diopter (?) which means that although my vision will never be perfect, I don't have to wear glasses if I don't want to and should never need reading glasses. I'm 50 this year and can read unaided very well, whereas lots of mates need glasses. My experience of the surgery, remembering that techniques have advanced since then, was that it was all over pretty quickly, I had both eyes done at the same time, but that for a week or so after I was in considerable pain and it also took a while for my eyesight to settle. Modern techniques I believe are far less painful and the results are pretty much immediate. I would say to anyone considering getting it done that it doesn't always work perfectly, but if you can afford it, then do it. It's very unlikely you would regret it.
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  • being a diabetic I have regular retinal check ups. I don't have a stigmatism but do have some background eye problems which are not at the moment serious or operatal. However, I have been asked to consider corrective laser surgery. This thread has given me cause for thought. Seems like something I seriously need to look into.
  • edited August 2012
    **Removed cos I'd misunderstood what Golfie was talking about, and so was talking bollocks.
  • edited August 2012
    Aliwibble, the important part of Golfaddick problem is what is stated in brackets ie keritoconus which as I understand it means instead of the retina being oval it slowly become flat also described as square, thus soft lenses work for a some while. Its a lot more complex than this but that the easy version.
  • Had laser done about 3 years ago as was previously v shortsighted and so had to wear contacts constantly. Now at 2020 and best decision Ive ever made. Went through optical express around oxford street and service was top notch too.

    I still get 'recommend a friend' things through the post so can get £150 off someone elses treatment so if anyone wants one you can PM me your address and I'll post through (not entirely benevolent, as I get £150 too!)
  • Ta Kerry. Have managed to find a more detailed explanation (with pictures *wince*) and so have removed my comment as it's utterly unhelpful.
  • No problem Aliwibble as I said it is a very rare condition.
  • I had lazer eye surgery done last year for minor correction, im still having problems focusing and have good or bad days ,when its good its not too bad , when its bad its back to the glasses,after returning to vision express a number of times for checkups i keep getting told there are no problems,waste of time and money for me.
  • My wife is a doctor.When she was in training she spent some time with the eye doctors.She asked about the laser op and one eye doctor said 'look around'. Most of the doctors were wearing glasses.
  • I had it done just over a year ago. No regrets at all. It was painful for about 24 hours, after than some mild discomfort for a couple of months. I still use eye drops occasionally as they can get a bit dry but that's mainly because I'm staring at a computer screen all day at work - and in any case I had to do the same when I was wearing contacts.

    The place I went to gives a guarantee that if they under-correct the first time they will do additional surgery for no charge, but I haven't needed it. Well worth the money.
  • Had it done in 2005 and still seeing fine since, although admittedly trying to see the shirt numbers on players' backs during night games can be a bit of a strain sometimes seven years on. I would recommend it strongly.
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