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Yann Kermorgant



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    Can see him getting the only goal tonight.
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    Super Super Yann, Super Yann Kormorgant !

    We need to get this going, always came across loudly for Super Clive & more people will join in, a lot of the "older generation" won't do the der der der der der der etc etc

    Once it's starts getting sung it'll take off without a doubt.
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    ‎7/2 - Yann Kermogant to score anytime and Charlton to win (William Hill)
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    i really really really hope i'm wrong, but i have visions of the pressure and expectation (and possibly abuse from Leicester fans) getting to him tonight and him having a sh!t game, then being subbed halfway through the second half. but on the plus side i also have a vision of Cook coming on and scoring the winner.
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    Yann will not allow the Leicester fans to get to him. He will be 100% focused on the game. Legend!
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    I love him.

    Go get 'em, Cantona, and put that penalty miss to bed.

    Funny you should say that Phil, I have visions of Yann scoring and then turning round and standing there all arrogany like Cantona did when he scored that chip.

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    i think he will get booked early and be in the bath before half time

    they will go down like flys

    that man won every ball saturday through strength and sheer bloody mindedness

    they will have seen that and reported it back

    Yann needs to remember that tonight
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    This is not the Chris Powell way.

    Team before individual. Yann will do his job and that will be it.

    Hope all the talk tomorrow is about our win and great team performance not about Yann
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    I love him.

    Go get 'em, Cantona, and put that penalty miss to bed.

    Funny you should say that Phil, I have visions of Yann scoring and then turning round and standing there all arrogany like Cantona did when he scored that chip.

    Me too. I just got a twinge down below.

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    I don't get why they call the cheeky dink penatly a "pirlo" .. Should be a "kermo"... who cares if he missed it?!
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    This is not the Chris Powell way.

    Team before individual. Yann will do his job and that will be it.

    Hope all the talk tomorrow is about our win and great team performance not about Yann

    I see your point but I for one hope the talk is about Yann. The place will erupt if he scores and will go down as a classic Charlton/Yann moment.
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    It's a shame for Leicester that he didn't take it against Joe Hart. Oh, that's a sore subject - I shouldn't bring that up again!
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    Chipped pen down the middle thank you very much yann
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    Jarman said:

    I don't get why they call the cheeky dink penatly a "pirlo" .. Should be a "kermo"... who cares if he missed it?!

    you can understand why they're a bit upset, seeing as it cost them promotion.

    we would act exactly the same if we got into the play-offs and he did that and missed.

    that's the gamble you take with a cheeky dink - if you score it's genius, and everyone loves you. if you miss it's 'why did he do that?!?!?!, f@#king idiot!!!' and you're hated by your own fans and then find yourself looking for a new club.

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    Yann's penalty miss is our gain. nuff said!
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    Missed a sitter on Saturday at Birmingham. Hopefully he'll put a similar chance away tonight.
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    Tutt-Tutt said:

    Missed a sitter on Saturday at Birmingham. Hopefully he'll put a similar chance away tonight.

    I've seen the reply of that and to be fair I don't think he expected it to come to him as one of our other players (maybe SWP) was in line with the cross.

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    Tutt-Tutt said:

    Missed a sitter on Saturday at Birmingham. Hopefully he'll put a similar chance away tonight.

    I've seen the reply of that and to be fair I don't think he expected it to come to him as one of our other players (maybe SWP) was in line with the cross.

    Whaaaa? Since when? Bradley is better anyway ;)
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    He gets knocked down,
    He gets up again,
    you're never going to keep him down.
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    We all dream of a team of Kermorgant's, a team of Kermorgant's, a team of Kermorgant's!!!!
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    I’d like to reiterate

    HE’S BIG
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    thenewbie said:

    Tutt-Tutt said:

    Missed a sitter on Saturday at Birmingham. Hopefully he'll put a similar chance away tonight.

    I've seen the reply of that and to be fair I don't think he expected it to come to him as one of our other players (maybe SWP) was in line with the cross.

    Whaaaa? Since when? Bradley is better anyway ;)
    Oops!! ;-)
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    We all dream of a team of Kermorgant's, a team of Kermorgant's, a team of Kermorgant's!!!!

    Was loving that being sung on Saturday.

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    I’d like to reiterate

    HE’S BIG

    Very good that one
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    I love him.

    Go get 'em, Cantona, and put that penalty miss to bed.

    Funny you should say that Phil, I have visions of Yann scoring and then turning round and standing there all arrogany like Cantona did when he scored that chip.

    And we've got the collar for him to turn up Eric style!
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    Winning goal should keep him happy. Fucking chuffed for him top work!
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    Karma for the Leicester city cnuts, see the hate video they mee about him , not laughing any more ! Yann Kermorgant !
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    I love him.

    Go get 'em, Cantona, and put that penalty miss to bed.

    Funny you should say that Phil, I have visions of Yann scoring and then turning round and standing there all arrogany like Cantona did when he scored that chip.

    And we've got the collar for him to turn up Eric style!
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    Video was well done and clever you have to admit. Still all the more pleasing he stuffed it down their throats.
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    edited August 2012
    He's Yanntastic as far as I'm concerned. I have yet to see him put in a less than a 100% performance.

    I accept that his Gallic ways may need handling correctly, just like the devine Eric. In SCP we have a manager who clearly knows about man management and he has found a way of getting the best out of him.

    Given his problems at Leicester, tonight will have given him great satisfaction.

    I'd like to give a cheer for the French football academy - they seem to turn out player after to player with superb technical quality. I hope our new FA academy has studied their methods.
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