Do you ever feel a little sad that we don't have them?
Baseball, Basketball and NFL are all pretty exciting you have to admit, even if you don't like them. I don't know any of the rules to watch them on tv but feel we miss out a little. Any thoughts.
Yeah, know what you mean!
Basketball is boring. how you can say that Baseball isnt a massive yawn is beyond me, and NFL , i have no idea what they are trying to achieve, oh and WWE, well, you can stick that right up where the sun doesnt shine- an insult to human intelligence.
Dont see anything in American sports, and thats probably why they are only popular in the States.
They can have them - dont want them here thank you very much.
However, must admit, do like a bit of Ice Hockey, but i support the Toronto team - are they the OJays?.
I love them personally, and I am a dbacks fan, a redwings fan, a patriots fan and a timberwolves fan all at the same time
My local team has enough Wouldya's? to keep Charlton Life busy for the next 12 months.......
- hockey was a bit like 5 a side football and quite exciting
- baseball bored me a little I must say...although taking the ferry over the bay from oakland to the stadium was pretty cool
- but NFL was awesome... really enjoyed it.... guess I was always a 49ers fan from way back when channel 4 showed NFL in the eighties (superbowl XX onwards)... family in SF plus Jerry Rice doing his thing meant I developed a natural affinity
If I lived in N. America, I reckon I would go to American Football games regulalry
I went to a few Giants games at the old Meadowlands and the mudbath bowl at Wembley vs Miami.
They've had some great success lately but I'd swap it for those Phil simms & Lawrence Taylor days!!
Love watching NFL, used to love basketball too but rarely watch it now. Baseball I can't get in to.
NFL next for me-Packers.
Then baseball.
Just can't get into basketball.
Was big into NBA growing up but not anymore (height of the Michael Jordan era).
NHL or MLB never got into.