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Would you fight off an intruder?

edited October 2012 in Not Sports Related
Hopefully things are changing in the UK to allow you to do so.


  • The only bad news under the new guidelines, is that if you have rendered an intruder unconscious, you're not allowed to then stab him/her . If you do, you are unlikely to escape a ticking off from old bill
  • Hell yeah

    i have can of lynx and a lighter by the bed side cabinet

    a telescopic coish behind the bed in easy reach

    a nice Hurly by the front door

    game on in my books
  • I realised the other day that I have very little upstairs in my house that I could use to lamp a burglar with. Might have to accidentally leave a hammer in the bedroom after some DIY*

    *Absolutely no chance of that. The wife has usually tidied up my tools before I've even finished using them!
  • I wouldn't approach them. I'd just call down and tell them I have a gun and that I've called the Police. That way they won't come looking for us and they will get out.

    Even if someone broke into my house I think I'd struggle to come to terms with the guilt if I hurt them badly.
  • Even if someone broke into my house I think I'd struggle to come to terms with the guilt if I hurt them badly.

    My only regret would be if I didn't hurt them badly!

  • Most of the time if a burglar comes in your house its the householder who gets hurt even killed mainly due to the shock of being woken up
  • edited October 2012
    Without a shadow of a doubt, my house is my castle and contains my wife and children, you enter it, your gonna pay for it, got a couple of items waiting for em, would not think twice about using.

    I don't care what any do gooders got to say don't enter my house and you won't get hurt, end of.
  • As Ian was away last night i set the alarm for downstairs only. Ive heard that thing go off once when the smoke alarm triggered, the noise would scare the bejaysus out of anyone and they wouldnt even try to get upstairs. I hope...
  • edited October 2012
    I would do my best Scottish impression and shout out "I'm Duncan Ferguson. Now get lost, before I make it third time lucky"
  • smiffyboy said:

    Without a shadow of a doubt, my house is my castle and contains my wife and children, you enter it, your gonna pay for it, got a couple of items waiting for em, would not think twice about using.

    I don't care what any do gooders got to say don't enter my house and you won't get hurt, end of.

    Absolutely. AS soon as you break into some ones house you lose your human rights.
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  • Yes - definitely.
    Just hope snipping their achilles with secaturs is considered appropriate force.
  • I wouldn't approach them. I'd just call down and tell them I have a gun and that I've called the Police. That way they won't come looking for us and they will get out.

    Even if someone broke into my house I think I'd struggle to come to terms with the guilt if I hurt them badly.

    Shouting down you had a gun would probably make them laugh, if you did have one then you'd show them.

  • I'd like to think I'd be the hero but in reality it probably shit myself and hide under the cover!

    There was a program on TV a few years ago where they tried it out and pretended An intruder had broken into your property and they were asking people to react as normally as they would. one man who was giving it the biggun ended up absolutely bricking it And may have even ended up in tears
  • I'd give them my keys and see how THEY like the neighbours.
  • seeing as i always wake up with a boner id imagine they would see the size of my concealed weapon and run a mile. like most women do.
  • I wouldn't approach them. I'd just call down and tell them I have a gun and that I've called the Police. That way they won't come looking for us and they will get out.

    Even if someone broke into my house I think I'd struggle to come to terms with the guilt if I hurt them badly.

    Shouting down you had a gun would probably make them laugh, if you did have one then you'd show them.

    I do have a gun! They'd see it before they got to the top of the stairs and at that point I suspect they'd make a retreat. Alternatively I could fire it out the window. It's amazing how the sound of a gun going off convinces someone that that you have one. However, once you get close enough for someone to see it you run the chance of them taking it off you, or using their own, or a knife. Much better to avoid the confrontation I believe. However, I think anyone that breaks into a house would decide to grab what they can from downstairs and do a runner, just in case!

    Sadly to all those that are looking for a fight with an intruder you run the risk of escalating the situation. If you rush downstairs with your weapons fashioned from domestic items that you have around your house and the intruder has a better weapon, or is better prepared you might be hurt yourself. Then who is going to look after your family?
  • seeing as i always wake up with a boner id imagine they would see the size of my concealed weapon and run a mile. like most women do.

    Ha ha!

  • I wouldn't approach them. I'd just call down and tell them I have a gun and that I've called the Police. That way they won't come looking for us and they will get out.

    Even if someone broke into my house I think I'd struggle to come to terms with the guilt if I hurt them badly.

    The sound of pumping a cartridge into a 12 gauge would be far more effective than shouting anything.

  • Slight tangent.

    My downstairs neighbour got burgled on Sunday and the police told me to make sure my windows were locked. Would this make any difference?
  • the chances are you will not have time to think.

    Knife at your throat, who is fighting then?

    someone coming in and the possability they might hurt your family, you sit there and think "what would the Gaurdian say?" while your family is terrorised---the things you worked for stolen-----still you will have the knowledge your a "better" person !! or you fight------these shit bags look for the easy "meals" the houses with no alarm, the elderly, they use the PC bollox knowing they wont get sent down.

    Or all you Labour types can jump up and down and make a noise and hope they go away. I mean that was suggested by your great and glourious Government

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  • Ive got my black wilson baseball bat leaning against my bed at all times for this exact reason. shouldnt even be a question. i work hard for my stuff and will enjoy laying into anyone that looks to damage or steal it.
  • edited October 2012
    This is all political crap anyway - in this country we already have a right to use reasonable force to defend your property (despite what the newspapers say). It is only a question of what 'reasonable' means.

    When you look beyond the hyperbole and apocryphal stories, to me it seems that the the judges tend to make good decisions on this.

    And definitely, as kings hill addick says, in general terms rushing into a fight will only get you hurt. If you are in bed, call the police and let the burglars know that they are on their way.
  • Former world champion Amir Khan used his in-ring skills to foil a gang of thugs who attempted to steal his car.

    The armed gang attacked Khan and his brother Haroon as they returned to the boxer's Range Rover after a night out in Birmingham.

    But the Khans fought back, and Amir reportedly knocked out a number of the attackers before the pair could eventually escape.

    An eyewitness told The Sun: "These guys tried to jump Amir and his brother but they picked on the wrong blokes.

    "They parked their car in front of the Range Rover. At least one had a cosh. One slapped Amir and clipped him on the lip but Amir pulled back and knocked him out cold.

    "Then five of them went for Amir and Haroon - but they stood their ground and these guys got dropped one by one. They left these men with cuts and bruises but all they were doing was defending their property."

    Fighting back: Armed thugs picked on the wrong guy when they attempted to steal Amir Khan's Range Rover

    The attack happened in the early hours of Monday morning, as the gang looked to steal Khan's £100,000 Range Rover.

    The gang even tried to block the Khans' escape, using a 4x4 vehicle to block their path, but the brothers managed to flee the scene to safety.

    A police spokesman said officers had been called to the scene but no witnesses came forward to make a statement about the incident
  • the chances are you will not have time to think.

    Knife at your throat, who is fighting then?

    someone coming in and the possability they might hurt your family, you sit there and think "what would the Gaurdian say?" while your family is terrorised---the things you worked for stolen-----still you will have the knowledge your a "better" person !! or you fight------these shit bags look for the easy "meals" the houses with no alarm, the elderly, they use the PC bollox knowing they wont get sent down.

    Or all you Labour types can jump up and down and make a noise and hope they go away. I mean that was suggested by your great and glourious Government

    HaHa! Quality GH, love it!
  • Ive got my black wilson baseball bat leaning against my bed at all times for this exact reason. shouldnt even be a question. i work hard for my stuff and will enjoy laying into anyone that looks to damage or steal it.

    Baseball bat too choreographed to be effective, and useless if on narrow stairs.
    Nail guns - they are more portable and scare the bejesus out of someone staring one of them pointing at their face.
  • Hell yeah

    i have can of lynx and a lighter by the bed side cabinet

    a telescopic coish behind the bed in easy reach

    a nice Hurly by the front door

    game on in my books


  • Pointless political posturing and distraction. (The issue not the thread).

    How many real recorded cases were there in England last year of householders confronting burglers/intruders in their own home and being prosecuted?

    Why don't they talk about something relevant like the thousands of youngsters who burden themselves with massive debts to obtain a degree only to find themselves stacking shelves in Tesco and with zero hope of ever owning their own home?

    Sorry..forgot .they don't read the Daily Mail.

  • In reality I think the answer is don't know.

    Are you awake or asleep at the time of the intrusion, who is in the house with you, how fit and handy are you etc, would all affect the decision.

    All that said I think instinct could well take over and who knows which way that will go hence "don't know."
  • Wouldn't think twice about taking a hammer to their knees
  • people laughed at me when i got with my belarusian shot putter but i knew she would have her advantages.
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