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Would you fight off an intruder?



  • edited October 2012
    This is just more political posturing. According to the news tonight, there's only been 11 prosecutions in the last *mumble* years (I think since 2000, but it may be even longer than that) and only 7 of those were for people "defending" domestic premises. They didn't say how many of those were convicted, but I suspect most of them weren't. If you shoot someone in the back a la Tony Martin, you're still going to get done under the latest guidance cos that counts as "grossly disproportionate".

    Personally, I'd just barricade myself in my bedroom and call the police. There's no point getting myself killed over a bunch of stuff that's replaceable. If I had kids, the response would be a little different, but my prime concern would be protecting them, not seeking out a confrontation with the burglar.
  • I feel sorry for all you lot who are worried enough to sleep with weapons in the bedroom. That's no way to live your lives. If I were that worried about security I'd move and get a decent security system, dog etc.
  • I was burgled last year, ground floor flat with me asleep at one end, two teenagers climbing in the window at the other. Stunned I didn't wake up. If I had, I've no idea what I'd have done.

    I pondered the possible outcomes loads - most likely weapon of choice for them would have been a knife. Mine are my old nunchaku which, in a small flat, are a bit unwieldy. So I now have a shield and a bat. Perfect foil for a man with a small knife. Next time they come, they're going to get charged by a naked man, screaming like a banshee, carrying a large shield and a baseball bat. And nunchacku.
  • I've got this bloke so I'm fine:

  • fattmatt said:

    I feel sorry for all you lot who are worried enough to sleep with weapons in the bedroom. That's no way to live your lives. If I were that worried about security I'd move and get a decent security system, dog etc.

    It's not something that consumes my every waking thought. I've got a security system and I live in a 'nice area' and I've got me cricket bat, but tell me where is 100% safe (within reasonable commuting distance of the Valley!)? Best to be prepared don't you think?
  • I've never really felt unsafe anywhere. I have young kids and I would protect them. But I probably just don't have anything worth nicking.

    I am planning a move out of rural Surrey and into a less safe area. So I'll be investing in a large dog.
  • I live in rural Surrey, someone should have told the guys who broke into mine that is was a safe area!
  • Been in Surrey for 10 years. No-one that I know has every been robbed. However, my dad in Sidcup and my mum in Abbots Langley got done in the past decade.

    People do get robbed in Surrey I'm sure, but it's about the safest place to live in the South East with very low violent crime.
  • Saga Lout said:

    It's not something that consumes my every waking thought. I've got a security system and I live in a 'nice area' and I've got me cricket bat, but tell me where is 100% safe (within reasonable commuting distance of the Valley!)? Best to be prepared don't you think?

    But is it worth preparing for something that probably isn't going to happen? In the 25 years I was living in Lewisham, we got burgled twice - both times when we were out of the house. Most burglars target places that they know are empty, as it means more time to find and carry off the sellable stuff.
  • fattmatt said:

    Been in Surrey for 10 years. No-one that I know has every been robbed. However, my dad in Sidcup and my mum in Abbots Langley got done in the past decade.

    People do get robbed in Surrey I'm sure, but it's about the safest place to live in the South East with very low violent crime.

    There's been a fair bit of it in my area, at least in the last 24 months. Potentially the work of the same group the cops told me. The guys who broke into mine had only got out of jail that day. Criminal geniuses that they are, they used their sleeves to cover finger prints. Picked up and charged inside a week!

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  • fattmatt said:

    I feel sorry for all you lot who are worried enough to sleep with weapons in the bedroom. That's no way to live your lives. If I were that worried about security I'd move and get a decent security system, dog etc.

    I never feel unsafe whatsoever. But I do have a bat by the bed an security shutters on my front door. The fact is I live in the middle of a busy urban area and it's not a matter of worry but a fact that these things do happen, and it's better to be prepared to cave some heads than not.
  • fattmatt said:

    I feel sorry for all you lot who are worried enough to sleep with weapons in the bedroom. That's no way to live your lives. If I were that worried about security I'd move and get a decent security system, dog etc.

    I never feel unsafe whatsoever. But I do have a bat by the bed an security shutters on my front door. The fact is I live in the middle of a busy urban area and it's not a matter of worry but a fact that these things do happen, and it's better to be prepared to cave some heads than not.

    This exactly i dont lose a wink of sleep over intruders

    the knowledge that i know where the tools of choice are should the time occur gives me great peace of mind and restful sleep

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