Used to go mad about it indoors but have given up - just sit on my own reading or watching otehr stuff that doesnt make me feel dirty. It is opium for the people, fucking dross, as is all the rest of it - the essex thing, chelsea thing, Hello, take me out. All lowest common denominator crap for people with no brain.
My wife says its harmless - is it bollocks - it is all that is wrong in the world. Empty headed fuckwits convincing young children that they are worth something. My girls actually think these orange pieces of shit are something to be.
just to clarify, you don't like it?
Although with no brain I shouldn't be able to ask that question ;-)
Used to go mad about it indoors but have given up - just sit on my own reading or watching otehr stuff that doesnt make me feel dirty. It is opium for the people, fucking dross, as is all the rest of it - the essex thing, chelsea thing, Hello, take me out. All lowest common denominator crap for people with no brain.
My wife says its harmless - is it bollocks - it is all that is wrong in the world. Empty headed fuckwits convincing young children that they are worth something. My girls actually think these orange pieces of shit are something to be.
I used to feel exactly like this, but long ago decided that approach attached too much importance to what is an ephemeral dollop of tripe for those who either have no brains to use or have the desire to switch off from mental effort for a while. X Factors blow over and nobody remembers the winners six months later. Although it makes me dig my knuckles through my palms just to be in the same room, I don't have to be in the same room.
i dont have too much of a problem with it, i dont like it, but i can see why kids might.
I do wonder why fully grown adults get so involved and outraged by decisions etc in it though.
The thing that annoys me the most is how long its on for. Over 2 hours on prime time tv on saturday and an hour on sunday. Then the X Factor extra and the constant repeats on ITV & ITV2. Its far too much.
ITV is dying a death and about time too. It is and always will be absolute shite. This shit is about the only programme other than Corrie that gets BBC type figures. And commercial telly HAS to be popular to tell the great unwashed what to buy. I just wish everyone would realise what a con it all is and turn off.
These plankton watch it, pay money to vote for it, pay money for McDonalds to advertise to them durng the break, then after 3 months of pretend arguements and minor spats to keep them interested, after they pay money to read the fucking SUn all about it and think they have inside knowledge and in turn have somethng to talk about at their shit little job (ignoring any world news or anything real by the water cooler or Coke can machine), they end up all running like Lemmings over a cliff to buy whatever shit that evil facelifted trouser pulling clown now feeds them at Christmas and he literally sits in a castle in the sun cackling like MOntgomery Burns.
Saw the crossbar challenge, great she is a Charlton fan, good for her. Sadly that is overshadowed by the fact that she is taking part in the worst thing to happen to British television ever. There is nothing ( possibly other than Jeremy Kyle ) that sums up all that is wrong with Britain today. I have a couple of friends who watch, and it breaks my heart. It is for morons. If I offend anyone, tough. Take a long hard look at yourself.
Lighten up mate, its a show aimed at 17 year old kids and people who have no idea about music. Its easy viewing, I dont mind watching it, I know how cheap it is and that it its just a cash cow for ITV and Cowell, I also understand that watching it doesn't make me a moron!
Agree with you on this one Greenie. I think judging from some of the comments on here some are clearly trying to separate the men from boys. In otherwords if you're double ard and a pwoper gezzer then you wouldn't dream of watching this. I agree the show is aimed at youngsters and if you have kids you do get drawn into watching it sometimes. Doesn't mean you're a moron. Some people read The Sun, are they morons too?
Saw the crossbar challenge, great she is a Charlton fan, good for her. Sadly that is overshadowed by the fact that she is taking part in the worst thing to happen to British television ever. There is nothing ( possibly other than Jeremy Kyle ) that sums up all that is wrong with Britain today. I have a couple of friends who watch, and it breaks my heart. It is for morons. If I offend anyone, tough. Take a long hard look at yourself.
Lighten up mate, its a show aimed at 17 year old kids and people who have no idea about music. Its easy viewing, I dont mind watching it, I know how cheap it is and that it its just a cash cow for ITV and Cowell, I also understand that watching it doesn't make me a moron!
Agree with you on this one Greenie. I think judging from some of the comments on here some are clearly trying to separate the men from boys. In otherwords if you're double ard and a pwoper gezzer then you wouldn't dream of watching this. I agree the show is aimed at youngsters and if you have kids you do get drawn into watching it sometimes. Doesn't mean you're a moron. Some people read The Sun, are they morons too?
Doesn't everybody have a guilty pleasure (or two)? All human activity is never going to be about high art or pushing the frontiers of the human spirit/capacity/spirituality/scientific research/debate about integrity. I wonder if those who put down the X-factor have ever had a MacDonalds or will have again. It is Saturday night light entertainment which more often than not families watch together, which is probably a good thing. It is disingenuous at best, and snobbish at worst to write it off. If something is not to the personal taste of an individual, then leave it. As for Jade, she is a Charlton fan and that's good enough for me to wish her well.
I'll watch Dr Who/various american comedy shows/simpsons/Family Guy whatever with my kids. But TV/Kulcha has taken a nasty turn and it aint harmless. When i was a kid i would sit and watch the 2 Ronnies/Generation Game or whatever with my parents but it seems alot more inncoent and less evil than all this shit. Probably a generational/internet/I Phone type thiing i dont get but i just never will.
I know its dross and I'm not a brain dead loser, but I work hard all week and I can watch this show for what it is...LIGHT entertainment.
its light entertainment for those 2 hours on a saturday, but it becomes a bit heavy when it controls media and general conversation for the rest of the week. i dont remember turning on a radio or picking up a paper and seeing the outrage over an episode of Stars in their Eyes. Its just got all a bit too serious.
I know its dross and I'm not a brain dead loser, but I work hard all week and I can watch this show for what it is...LIGHT entertainment.
its light entertainment for those 2 hours on a saturday, but it becomes a bit heavy when it controls media and general conversation for the rest of the week. i dont remember turning on a radio or picking up a paper and seeing the outrage over an episode of Stars in their Eyes. Its just got all a bit too serious.
Spot on mate. Its taken an evil turn and people dont see it. One all seeing eye of a bent as shit cheap media bombarding people with crap.
I know its dross and I'm not a brain dead loser, but I work hard all week and I can watch this show for what it is...LIGHT entertainment.
its light entertainment for those 2 hours on a saturday, but it becomes a bit heavy when it controls media and general conversation for the rest of the week. i dont remember turning on a radio or picking up a paper and seeing the outrage over an episode of Stars in their Eyes. Its just got all a bit too serious.
What, like Downton Abbey being promoted across all media, or Strictly, or Harry bloody Potter, or James Bond - all constantly promoted on news channels (including BBC), papers etc. Just like Big Brother, TOWIE and all other reality crap programmes.
News media knows that it has to appeal to all demographics, so has to cover stuff that they know they watch.
I like X Factor, but then I'm fully aware that it's an entertainment show with the competitors chosen from various places (agents, YouTube, previous shows) and not really the 'unknown auditionee' route that the makers proclaim.
I know its dross and I'm not a brain dead loser, but I work hard all week and I can watch this show for what it is...LIGHT entertainment.
its light entertainment for those 2 hours on a saturday, but it becomes a bit heavy when it controls media and general conversation for the rest of the week. i dont remember turning on a radio or picking up a paper and seeing the outrage over an episode of Stars in their Eyes. Its just got all a bit too serious.
Fair point VG, but it's also my choice not to read newspapers, why would I want to read others thoughts on fact, I have a mind of my own. It makes me chuckle that a few on here think the X Factor will or is having an adverse effect on the youth of today. Every child I know, including my own knows exactly what it is. Lighten up and please believe that our kids are not as gullible as some think they are.
Tens of thousands that enter the show need to have a dream -these are what these programmes are about... Dreams -- or maybe escape -even if its only the audition people need a dream and escapism -
You can tell they have no other passion --no idea what sport is ..........until they make it famous and end up bedding a premier league player
That big red button on the TV is a great controller of what you watch -
and i do not believe for one minute half of you on here dissing it dont watch it
I'm not brain dead and I watch it. Having said that I don't like the live stages of the show I much prefer it when people are making arses of themselves in the auditions .
I know its dross and I'm not a brain dead loser, but I work hard all week and I can watch this show for what it is...LIGHT entertainment.
its light entertainment for those 2 hours on a saturday, but it becomes a bit heavy when it controls media and general conversation for the rest of the week. i dont remember turning on a radio or picking up a paper and seeing the outrage over an episode of Stars in their Eyes. Its just got all a bit too serious.
Fair point VG, but it's also my choice not to read newspapers, why would I want to read others thoughts on fact, I have a mind of my own. It makes me chuckle that a few on here think the X Factor will or is having an adverse effect on the youth of today. Every child I know, including my own knows exactly what it is. Lighten up and please believe that our kids are not as gullible as some think they are.
like i said in my earlier post, i can see why kids like it.
i just find it strange the reaction it gets from a lot of adults. you only have to go on social media after or during a show to see its a bit weird.
Don't watch X-factor (but wouldn't slate those that do)....but your talking, can't beat a bit of northern wit, generally though I don't watch much TV, I prefer the radio.
I know its dross and I'm not a brain dead loser, but I work hard all week and I can watch this show for what it is...LIGHT entertainment.
its light entertainment for those 2 hours on a saturday, but it becomes a bit heavy when it controls media and general conversation for the rest of the week. i dont remember turning on a radio or picking up a paper and seeing the outrage over an episode of Stars in their Eyes. Its just got all a bit too serious.
It's not a recent, Simon Cowell thing though is it (who shot JR, Dirty Den etc etc)
Watching X-Factor doesn't make people brain dead, or less of a person than others at all! My bird watches it so I've seen bits of it and it's not the greatest but it's not doing much harm being on TV really is it. I agree with VG that all the repeats and Xtra's are too much, they should just have the one show and be done with it.
For all of you slagging it off, does that mean you're geeks with no life for watching Dr Who? It's a bit geeky, so you must have no friends, and sit in watching that and reading comics. They're all the things I've heard said about it, again it's a preference not everyones cup of tea!
Everyone does / has / watches something that someone else doesn't. We'd be boring if we all did the same thing.
What is that, a cross of Ryan and Dylan?
Next year watch out for Wanlocks & Bolker.
Although with no brain I shouldn't be able to ask that question ;-)
I do wonder why fully grown adults get so involved and outraged by decisions etc in it though.
The thing that annoys me the most is how long its on for. Over 2 hours on prime time tv on saturday and an hour on sunday. Then the X Factor extra and the constant repeats on ITV & ITV2. Its far too much.
These plankton watch it, pay money to vote for it, pay money for McDonalds to advertise to them durng the break, then after 3 months of pretend arguements and minor spats to keep them interested, after they pay money to read the fucking SUn all about it and think they have inside knowledge and in turn have somethng to talk about at their shit little job (ignoring any world news or anything real by the water cooler or Coke can machine), they end up all running like Lemmings over a cliff to buy whatever shit that evil facelifted trouser pulling clown now feeds them at Christmas and he literally sits in a castle in the sun cackling like MOntgomery Burns.
Bill knew this years ago.
It is Saturday night light entertainment which more often than not families watch together, which is probably a good thing. It is disingenuous at best, and snobbish at worst to write it off. If something is not to the personal taste of an individual, then leave it.
As for Jade, she is a Charlton fan and that's good enough for me to wish her well.
News media knows that it has to appeal to all demographics, so has to cover stuff that they know they watch.
I like X Factor, but then I'm fully aware that it's an entertainment show with the competitors chosen from various places (agents, YouTube, previous shows) and not really the 'unknown auditionee' route that the makers proclaim.
You can tell they have no other passion --no idea what sport is ..........until they make it famous and end up bedding a premier league player
That big red button on the TV is a great controller of what you watch -
and i do not believe for one minute half of you on here dissing it dont watch it
It's that some of us choose not to
I find eastenders , corrie , emmerdale
Brain numbingly boring so I don't watch it
My missus hates football so don't watch it unless I have it on and there's nothing else she wants to do
I think where tv is concerned you have an off and on button no one forces you to watch it
Just because you don't watch it doesn't make you any better or worse than the next person
i just find it strange the reaction it gets from a lot of adults. you only have to go on social media after or during a show to see its a bit weird.
I used the same argument with my wife about babestation. Didn't work.
For all of you slagging it off, does that mean you're geeks with no life for watching Dr Who? It's a bit geeky, so you must have no friends, and sit in watching that and reading comics. They're all the things I've heard said about it, again it's a preference not everyones cup of tea!
Everyone does / has / watches something that someone else doesn't. We'd be boring if we all did the same thing.
Except Jade Ellis of course