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Bromley / the glades.



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    sam3110 said:
    Off_it said:
    What's it come to when Old Bill are getting roughed up in shopping centres by kids?

    Fucking hell!
    The sad inevitability of the way our law system has gone in the past couple of decades.

    They see their parents/older siblings and friends getting involved in violence and crime and nothing happens to them, usually more serious stuff than common assault, so they believe they are untouchable too, and take the absolute piss.

    I had a 14 year old kid last year on a train from Elmer's End to Lewisham try and mug me of my phone. He was thin and about 5'7", I am 6'2" and weigh nearly 15 stone, I laughed at the sheer audacity of the kid, but he was deadly serious. 

    The Sainsburys in Eden Park is being hit all the time. I got off the train a week or so back and followed 6 pricks clearly preparing to go thieving. Big holdalls to put stuff in etc.  Two stopped before the Sainsburys and hid behind an advertising thing and the others walked into Sainsburys. They go in, nick a load of stuff and walk out, emptying it into their mates bags.  The staff and security are told not to intervene and just let them get on with it. Absolutely mental and makes me mad.
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    iaitch said:
    clb74 said:
    Bromley went downhill when I moved out
    I heard you moved from Bromley to Croydon and the level of intelligence of both places increased.
    Oi. Outskirts of Croydon,  West Wickham 
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    clb74 said:
    iaitch said:
    clb74 said:
    Bromley went downhill when I moved out
    I heard you moved from Bromley to Croydon and the level of intelligence of both places increased.
    Oi. Outskirts of Croydon,  West Wickham 

    Your CR postcode suggests you are now 'one of them'.
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    clb74 said:
    iaitch said:
    clb74 said:
    Bromley went downhill when I moved out
    I heard you moved from Bromley to Croydon and the level of intelligence of both places increased.
    Oi. Outskirts of Croydon,  West Wickham 
    Palace knob
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    The Sainsburys in Eden Park is being hit all the time. I got off the train a week or so back and followed 6 pricks clearly preparing to go thieving. Big holdalls to put stuff in etc.  Two stopped before the Sainsburys and hid behind an advertising thing and the others walked into Sainsburys. They go in, nick a load of stuff and walk out, emptying it into their mates bags.  The staff and security are told not to intervene and just let them get on with it. Absolutely mental and makes me mad.
    That branch of Sainsbury's is my local one, and I see many of the shoplifters we get at the store I work at in Croydon in there too.  Last week we stopped a guy that had a couple of bags of meat, most of which was from M&S and Morrison's which are a bus/tram ride away.  It's their idea of a day out shopping.

    I hope people appreciate why staff are reluctant to stop some shoplifters when faced with the likes of the guy in the above clip of a Tesco store.  That incident reminds me of the young Woolworth's manager that got stabbed to death probably some time in the 90s.

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    If huge corporations, making millions in profits seriously expect minimum wage, zero hour employees to put life and limb on the line to protect said profits then they need their bumps reading 
    isn't that the point...they're not?
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    Charming little herberts let off fireworks in Greenwich market yesterday morning then wanted to fight the security guards.
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    If huge corporations, making millions in profits seriously expect minimum wage, zero hour employees to put life and limb on the line to protect said profits then they need their bumps reading 
    isn't that the point...they're not?
    You’re quite right. Employees are told NOT to intervene. I fear that we are going the way of places like Portland and Seattle in the US where they want to decriminalise shoplifting. Companies like Walmart are closing in these places because they’re losing money. The results being “food deserts” where poor law abiding people can’t get decent food. 
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    edited July 2023
    A Sainsbury’s worker told me a couple of Herbert’s would come in to the Chislehurst branch, open a pack of doughnuts take a bite and put the half eaten doughnuts back into the pack.

    Cant quite seem to comprehend the level to which we have sunk as a society.

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    By all means kick out the trouble makers, but how can this be fair on the decent kids, who I assume make up the vast majority.  

    If an element of trust is not afforded to them, a resentment will fester, leading to an even bigger problem down the road. 

    You just can't ban everyone under 16 from entering a shopping mall.


    I repeat it's absolute mayhem and also quite often on other days as well.
    They should absolutely ban under 16's without a parent because the continual fighting etc, is an absolute disgrace.
    You would have to see it to believe it.
    Glades security and perhaps 30-50 police officers can't control them.
    Last time they were cycling and running up and down my road as well being chased by the police.
    That is, quite clearly, the fault of the police. Wibble.
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    This is the kind of guy you want working at The Glades.
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    Unfortunately the old bill would probably Nick him.
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    This is the kind of guy you want working at The Glades.
    I'm sure he would have done the same if it was a bloke a lot bigger than him.
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    sam3110 said:
    Off_it said:
    What's it come to when Old Bill are getting roughed up in shopping centres by kids?

    Fucking hell!
    The sad inevitability of the way our law system has gone in the past couple of decades.

    They see their parents/older siblings and friends getting involved in violence and crime and nothing happens to them, usually more serious stuff than common assault, so they believe they are untouchable too, and take the absolute piss.

    I had a 14 year old kid last year on a train from Elmer's End to Lewisham try and mug me of my phone. He was thin and about 5'7", I am 6'2" and weigh nearly 15 stone, I laughed at the sheer audacity of the kid, but he was deadly serious. 
    What did he say/do when you told him to do one?
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    recently a copper was suspended after 'using undue force' to apprehend a youngster who had just spat in his face .. this wasn't in Bromley, was in another part of this increasingly lawless nation  
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    I blame the lack of male role models 
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    sam3110 said:
    Off_it said:
    What's it come to when Old Bill are getting roughed up in shopping centres by kids?

    Fucking hell!
    The sad inevitability of the way our law system has gone in the past couple of decades.

    They see their parents/older siblings and friends getting involved in violence and crime and nothing happens to them, usually more serious stuff than common assault, so they believe they are untouchable too, and take the absolute piss.

    I had a 14 year old kid last year on a train from Elmer's End to Lewisham try and mug me of my phone. He was thin and about 5'7", I am 6'2" and weigh nearly 15 stone, I laughed at the sheer audacity of the kid, but he was deadly serious. 
    What did he say/do when you told him to do one?
    Got off at the next stop and jumped over the barriers
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    To put a bit of meat on the bones, he walked past me on the train as I was texting my wife i'd be home soon, and doubled back after a minute or so. I was sitting in a "4" on a SE train (you know what I mean" and he sat diagonally opposite me. Baring in mind the train is mostly empty my spideysenses tingled immediately so I tucked my phone away in my inside pocket of my coat. 

    "Eyy what phone you got bruv? Lemme see your phone, yeah?"

    "Just some Android. Why, you looking for advice?"

    "Nah fam I see your phone yeah and I think I like it"

    "I can tell you the make and model and what deal I got from EE if you want"

    "Nah but the thing is, yeah, I want YOUR phone"

    "Ok cool so here's the deal, you're what, 13 years old?"

    "14 bruv"

    Ok cool so 14, and you think I'm gonna give you my phone cos you asked for it"

    "Nah see I'm telling you"

    "And I'm telling you, no" 

    At this point he grabs my rucksack opposite me on my chair and starts going through it, all it has in it is a notebook, some pens, my half eaten lunch and a water bottle

    "This is pathetic fam, what do you call this?"

    As he's pulling out some random things

    "My lunch"

    He throws a half eaten sandwich on the floor

    "So you ain't gonna let me see your phone fam"

    "No I don't think so, fam"

    He looks around a couple of times, realises we're pulling into a station, drops my bag on the seat and gets up, says "I'll be seeing you soon yeah" and gets off the train, and as we pull away I watch him jump the barrier and head off away from the station.

    Pretty surreal tbh, and something that I can pretty vividly remember 
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    recently a copper was suspended after 'using undue force' to apprehend a youngster who had just spat in his face .. this wasn't in Bromley, was in another part of this increasingly lawless nation  
    And herein lies the state we're in.  Almost a lawless country.
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    sam3110 said:
    To put a bit of meat on the bones, he walked past me on the train as I was texting my wife i'd be home soon, and doubled back after a minute or so. I was sitting in a "4" on a SE train (you know what I mean" and he sat diagonally opposite me. Baring in mind the train is mostly empty my spideysenses tingled immediately so I tucked my phone away in my inside pocket of my coat. 

    "Eyy what phone you got bruv? Lemme see your phone, yeah?"

    "Just some Android. Why, you looking for advice?"

    "Nah fam I see your phone yeah and I think I like it"

    "I can tell you the make and model and what deal I got from EE if you want"

    "Nah but the thing is, yeah, I want YOUR phone"

    "Ok cool so here's the deal, you're what, 13 years old?"

    "14 bruv"

    Ok cool so 14, and you think I'm gonna give you my phone cos you asked for it"

    "Nah see I'm telling you"

    "And I'm telling you, no" 

    At this point he grabs my rucksack opposite me on my chair and starts going through it, all it has in it is a notebook, some pens, my half eaten lunch and a water bottle

    "This is pathetic fam, what do you call this?"

    As he's pulling out some random things

    "My lunch"

    He throws a half eaten sandwich on the floor

    "So you ain't gonna let me see your phone fam"

    "No I don't think so, fam"

    He looks around a couple of times, realises we're pulling into a station, drops my bag on the seat and gets up, says "I'll be seeing you soon yeah" and gets off the train, and as we pull away I watch him jump the barrier and head off away from the station.

    Pretty surreal tbh, and something that I can pretty vividly remember 

    Sorry but,
    he would have been told to fuck off and the minute he touched my bag he would have been going through the carriage with my boot up his arse.
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