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American President election 2012



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    Mitt Romney and family
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    edited November 2012

    As you may know, I like a stat.
    Hitherto, there have been 6 US Presidential Elections held on 6 November.
    All 6 were won by the Republicans.

    I guess that doesn't take account of the "Klutz of a Candidate" Factor

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    Result almost as good as last night's at the Valley, possibly just slightly more important!
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    Oh dear, looks like that dreadful "Communist" "Socialist" "Radical" "Extremist" Barack Obama just won a second term, including victories in those well known left-wing hotbeds of Virginia, Iowa, Ohio and Florida.

    Yep, no doubt about it, this bloke is a real left wing nutter.
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    So all last week in the States CNN reported the cost would be over $6 BILLION, the BBC today have repeatedly said the election would cost $2 billion.
    Whilst both sums are just obscene, they cant both be right.

    From CNN

    The cost of federal elections is going up.

    WASHINGTON (CNNMoney) -- The tab for the 2012 election is breaking records, with $4.2 billion raised through Sunday on the races for the White House and Congress.

    Never before has so much money flowed into federal races. Much of it comes from the unlimited fundraising power of so-called independent groups, including super PACs. By comparison, around $3.8 billion -- an eye-popping amount on its own -- was raised for the 2008 election.

    In the presidential race, those supporting President Obama have spent $931 million so far, while those supporting Republican challenger Mitt Romney have spent more than $1 billion, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

    A big chunk of the money is coming from the uber-wealthy, according to election experts. Some 149 super-rich donors gave $500,000 or more, contributing $290 million of the funds raised so far, according to analysis by the Center for Responsive Politics and the Center for Public Integrity.

    When all the numbers roll in, some $6 billion could be spent on the election.

    Sure that's a huge sum of money but not so big when it's put into context. Americans spend $11bn a year on bottled water; $10bn on romantic novels; and $7bn on Halloween of which $300mn is for Halloween costumes - for pets! The really stupid figure is $800mn per year on taxidermy!
    They also spend around $100bn every year on very bland beer.

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    Obama will win this .. with no real drama .. the voting will be close but 'the system' will show a handsome victory margin.

    There you go !! .. Well done Barack .. now use the victory to do some constructive things. It is gonna be hard for the Republicans ever again to win a presidential election. WASPS are now outnumbered by Afro-Americans, asians and latinos. The republicans are going to have to compromise and work with Obama, otherwise they will disappear as a viable party.
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    edited November 2012
    Well said Lincs the Republicans now owe it to Obama to support him and get things moving again in the country the people have voted him in for a second term so he should be given his chance to implement his policies. The other great thing is that the threat of a war with Iran has receeded into the distance well at least at lot more so than if Mitt had been elected.
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    In other new
    Voters in Maine, Maryland and Washington state approved same-sex marriage in local referendums

    Colorado and Washington state voted to legalise recreational use of marijuana

    California voters rejected a proposal to abolish the death penalty

    Puerto Ricans voted in a referendum on whether to maintain their status as a US "free associated state". Early results suggest a majority answered "No", voting in favour of becoming the 51st US state, if Congress approves the move.

    With no need to worry about re-election it will be interesting to see how free Obama is and willing to tackle some more difficult issues as above.
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    nooooooooooooooo lost my faith in humanity

    You're a knobjockey
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    nooooooooooooooo lost my faith in humanity

    You're a knobjockey
    I would like to witness that conversation face to face.

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    I don't know enough about either candidate so I don't go on social networking sites and forums saying "I'm so glad Obama won" and such other crap.

    Leader of the free world my arse
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    buckshee said:

    I don't know enough about either candidate so I don't go on social networking sites and forums saying "I'm so glad Obama won" and such other crap.

    Leader of the free world my arse

    This. Alot of people jumping on the Obama bandwagon cos he's 'cool' and the other bloke seems like a bit of a helmet.

    Dont know what eithers policies are.

    I still find it strange they only have a two party system.
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    buckshee said:

    I don't know enough about either candidate so I don't go on social networking sites and forums saying "I'm so glad Obama won" and such other crap.

    Leader of the free world my arse

    This. Alot of people jumping on the Obama bandwagon cos he's 'cool' and the other bloke seems like a bit of a helmet.

    Dont know what eithers policies are.

    I still find it strange they only have a two party system.
    Don't get me wrong there are plenty that know their stuff regarding it but there are so many part time experts trying to look cool by telling everyone how great Obama is yet they probably couldn't give you reasons why to any great degree.
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    What's the composition of Congress now?

    If it is still majority Republican that could reflect "the will of the people" in that the majority for Obama is hardly convincing and in all probability down to a combination of Romney being a bit of a tit and "better the devil you know."

    Just call me Andrew Marr with my skills of political analysis.

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    Natham what an insult ! i am losing my faith in humanity !!!
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    The Republicans still have a house of representatives don't they? Fat chance they'll let anything through. Obama will probably be a lame duck and have every attempt to get something done scuppered.
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    There was an interesting comment on the Beeb coverage that I'd like to see more info about, basically suggesting that the young female vote was up significantly, particularly in Ohio, which helped swing it for Obama. They seemed to think this was due to the threat to access to contraception and abortion from the Republicans, and Romney's cause wasn't helped by the recent dodgy pronouncements on rape by several Republicans, including Senate candidates Akin and Mourdock, who both lost.
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    The women were probably concerned that their 'natural defences' might not be enough to prevent pregnancy following rape so they voted for the candidate who would provide healthcare if that happened.

    The idiocy of some people really does know no bounds.
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    Florida, amazingly still not in on Wednesday afternoon. Obama will take it, and it is an Electoral College landslide. The Senate tilts more toward the Democrats while the Republicans hold the House of Representatives.

    Interesting bitter reactions from the right wing media. BTW, FOX News' expert, Dick Morris, had predicted a Romney Landslide. A monkey with a darts board could have done better. Nate Silver of the New York Times was spot on his "election calculus."
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    McBobbin said:

    The Republicans still have a house of representatives don't they? Fat chance they'll let anything through. Obama will probably be a lame duck and have every attempt to get something done scuppered.

    You can be a lame duck when you have FOUR MORE YEARS as President. He doesn't have to worry about reelection, so he can be more aggressive in pushing his policies.

    If the House Republicans continue to be obstructionists, the blame will fall on them. The Senate has gone more Democrat.

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    But the house republicans are not being obstructionist just for the sake of it. They are keeping their election campaign promises to those who elected them. Damned if they do and damned if they don't.
    Obama's failure to get anything done is mostly due to him not being capable of bringing the two sides together, that's his job. He hasn't even PROPOSED a budget in the last three years. If he had, there'd be a starting place for negotiation. Lots of loud criticism of the republicans on here, mostly from an ill-informed abrasive and obnoxious lefty who professes to make frequent visits here. I've lived here for the last forty years, I have my own business and have to deal with the federal, state, county and city bureaucracies on a daily basis. This election was about domestic policy, and the economy, Obama doing a great job of continuing to blame Bush. It wasn't about Iran or starting new wars. It was about domestic programs that are not funded, and as long as people are on the receiving end of those programs they will continue to vote the Democrats in. One day very soon the funds will all be gone, then people will regret the result of this election disaster.
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    Obama will win this .. with no real drama .. the voting will be close but 'the system' will show a handsome victory margin.

    There you go !! .. Well done Barack .. now use the victory to do some constructive things. It is gonna be hard for the Republicans ever again to win a presidential election. WASPS are now outnumbered by Afro-Americans, asians and latinos. The republicans are going to have to compromise and work with Obama, otherwise they will disappear as a viable party.
    Spot on.

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    I still find it strange they only have a two party system.

    They don't. They have quite a few more parties. They get no mainstream media coverage though. I guess they don't want people thinking for themselves:))
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    Holy shit. Anyone just see the lunatics interviewed in The Florida piece on Newsnight? One stupid bitch saying they have to become a 'righteous nation' - whilst sporting a badge that supports israel's oppression of an entire religion; the next muppet shown was displaying a 'no to communism' banner. You couldn't make these cunts up.
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    limeygent said:

    But the house republicans are not being obstructionist just for the sake of it. They are keeping their election campaign promises to those who elected them. Damned if they do and damned if they don't.
    Obama's failure to get anything done is mostly due to him not being capable of bringing the two sides together, that's his job. He hasn't even PROPOSED a budget in the last three years. If he had, there'd be a starting place for negotiation. Lots of loud criticism of the republicans on here, mostly from an ill-informed abrasive and obnoxious lefty who professes to make frequent visits here. I've lived here for the last forty years, I have my own business and have to deal with the federal, state, county and city bureaucracies on a daily basis. This election was about domestic policy, and the economy, Obama doing a great job of continuing to blame Bush. It wasn't about Iran or starting new wars. It was about domestic programs that are not funded, and as long as people are on the receiving end of those programs they will continue to vote the Democrats in. One day very soon the funds will all be gone, then people will regret the result of this election disaster.

    Sorry, I've lived here for 30 years and also have my own business. It has been much the same whether the Republicans or Democrats have been in power so you can't blame Obama for that.

    At the end of the day most Republicans think of thenselves and what affects them in their pocket. Democrats tend to think more of other people, especially minorities and those less privileged. That's why as the white population dwindles and the minorities grow the GOP (Grand Old Party) will slowly wither away. Take a look at the voting percentages (Obama v Romney) for non whites and gays for example. It makes interesting reading.
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    limeygent said:

    But the house republicans are not being obstructionist just for the sake of it. They are keeping their election campaign promises to those who elected them. Damned if they do and damned if they don't.
    Obama's failure to get anything done is mostly due to him not being capable of bringing the two sides together, that's his job. He hasn't even PROPOSED a budget in the last three years. If he had, there'd be a starting place for negotiation. Lots of loud criticism of the republicans on here, mostly from an ill-informed abrasive and obnoxious lefty who professes to make frequent visits here. I've lived here for the last forty years, I have my own business and have to deal with the federal, state, county and city bureaucracies on a daily basis. This election was about domestic policy, and the economy, Obama doing a great job of continuing to blame Bush. It wasn't about Iran or starting new wars. It was about domestic programs that are not funded, and as long as people are on the receiving end of those programs they will continue to vote the Democrats in. One day very soon the funds will all be gone, then people will regret the result of this election disaster.

    Laughable. I take it I am the "ill-informed abrasive and obnoxious lefty" you are referring to? The complete lack of self-awareness in your post almost exactly mirrors that of the party you so faithfully follow and is the exact reason you got battered at the election.

    Still, at least you're taking your monumentally embarrassing defeat with the good grace that I expected you to.

    I have no idea what 'business' you run, but I really hope its not one that requires an IQ above that of a retarded tortoise.
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    Now now girls, put the handbags away
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