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Things that make you feel old



  • 60 today - how the f*** did that happen? Still, it's better than the alternative...
    Happy birthday P
  • Coming up to fully retire in April, got a paper round when I was 10, and never been out of work since, and retirement is frankly frightening. 
    WTF am I going to do?
    Don’t worry, I have been fully retired for three years and my days are full, I sometimes wonder how I got everything done when I was working full time 
  • Happy Birthday, Algarve!
  • Happy birthday @Algarveaddick Welcome to the starter pack of being an old git. But you are only going through the youth programme until you become a fully fledged old git at 66 when you recieve your state pension and bus pass.
  • 60 today - how the f*** did that happen? Still, it's better than the alternative...
    HB AA ! 
  • Happy birthday Algarve, have a great day 
  • The state of my bowels after eating KFC, Chinese, Indian, Anything with a fat content over 5%.

    I should have shares in Imodium.

    PS Happy Birthday @Algarveaddick :)
  • Sitting in a pub where they have a video channel dedicated to old pop songs. Every song is captioned with the year of its release. Most of them make me feel old, but the one that got me was that Phil Oakey and Georgio Moroder song - forty years old.
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  • Stig said:
    Sitting in a pub where they have a video channel dedicated to old pop songs. Every song is captioned with the year of its release. Most of them make me feel old, but the one that got me was that Phil Oakey and Georgio Moroder song - forty years old.
    Love that song.
  • Got my 30th coming up soon, many of you will say I'm still young but definitely starting to feel my body asking me to turn the brakes on a little more than I used to be able to do in my early-mid 20s, as far as I have been told, it only gets worse from here! 
  • Got my 30th coming up soon, many of you will say I'm still young but definitely starting to feel my body asking me to turn the brakes on a little more than I used to be able to do in my early-mid 20s, as far as I have been told, it only gets worse from here! 
    I doubt I'm alone on here in saying reading your post makes me feel old.
  • Got my 30th coming up soon, many of you will say I'm still young but definitely starting to feel my body asking me to turn the brakes on a little more than I used to be able to do in my early-mid 20s, as far as I have been told, it only gets worse from here! 
    Worse! You cannot imagine how bad. Make the most of now 👍🤗
  • ross1 said:
    Got my 30th coming up soon, many of you will say I'm still young but definitely starting to feel my body asking me to turn the brakes on a little more than I used to be able to do in my early-mid 20s, as far as I have been told, it only gets worse from here! 
    Worse! You cannot imagine how bad. Make the most of now 👍🤗
    Oh absolutely making the most of now! Not one to take things for granted and have a habit of burning the candle at both ends, harder to do when youve used up a lot of the wax! Just feels very surreal to be turning 30 when it feels like just yesterday I was a bright eyed 21 year old 
  • Got my 30th coming up soon, many of you will say I'm still young but definitely starting to feel my body asking me to turn the brakes on a little more than I used to be able to do in my early-mid 20s, as far as I have been told, it only gets worse from here! 
    Nah..its a state of mind. I still rip it up on a night out at 50.. admittedly I'm home a bit earlier than when I was in my 30s but not by much!
  • Got my 30th coming up soon, many of you will say I'm still young but definitely starting to feel my body asking me to turn the brakes on a little more than I used to be able to do in my early-mid 20s, as far as I have been told, it only gets worse from here! 
    You’ll get a second breath at 40 when you will have more staying power than at any other point. Hangovers disappear and you can consume quantities far greater than in your 20’s. 

    The compromise is that your belly will be bigger than it would have been 20 years earlier. 

    You will also lose FOMO. If you want to stay out late, you will. If you want to exit early doors for a cup of tea, you will feel comfortable doing so.

    Embrace it.
  • iaitch said:
    fadgadget said:
    Trying to paint the skirting and not being able to get up .
    And getting seated tickets at gigs .
    Why do you want to get an erection while painting?
    Anytime would do at our age!
  • Got my 30th coming up soon, many of you will say I'm still young but definitely starting to feel my body asking me to turn the brakes on a little more than I used to be able to do in my early-mid 20s, as far as I have been told, it only gets worse from here! 
    You’ll get a second breath at 40 when you will have more staying power than at any other point. Hangovers disappear and you can consume quantities far greater than in your 20’s. 
    You are joking me? I’ve gone rapidly the other way (I’m 48). Just two to hree pints and I don’t sleep great and feeling the effects in the morning. 5 pints plus and I’ll be suffering for 2-3 days guaranteed. My love and hate of drink are now in equal measure. Depresses me body just can’t process alcohol no more and suspect I’ll have to knock it completely on the head within a couple of years. 
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  • edited September 27
    Embrace those years @YannTheMann

    Life moves stupidly quick and building good friendships and memories to fall back on and laugh about are absolutely priceless. Stay in the saddle as long as you can! 

  • Coming up to fully retire in April, got a paper round when I was 10, and never been out of work since, and retirement is frankly frightening. 
    WTF am I going to do?
    Keep active, don't sink into watching daytime television or you will go downhill quickly. Cycling, swimming, bowls or simply going for a walk regularly. Help a charity or volunteer organisation, such as a heritage railway or National Trust. 
  • Thanks for all the lovely sentiments chaps, look forward to ageing ungracefully and continuing a lifetime of disappointment with our wonderful club 
  • I'm fast approaching my 1st anniversary as a retiree and am absolutely loving it. I haven't had a dull moment since giving up work* and have found that there's still not enough time to do everything I want to do. I realise that I was one of those people who always wanted to leave work so that my time would be my own, but I'm struggling to think what's not to like about it. @usetobunkin what is it about retirement that you find frightening?

    *That's not entirely true, I have had a few. You can read about them in various post match threads.

  • I hired someone this summer who has a degree but wasn't alive when 9/11 happened.
  • edited September 27
    Thanks for all the lovely sentiments chaps, look forward to ageing ungracefully and continuing a lifetime of disappointment with our wonderful club 
    Get down to Eltham Goals on a Tuesday morning and join in (Not so) walking football run by Charlton community trust, full of Charlton fans.
  • Got my 30th coming up soon, many of you will say I'm still young but definitely starting to feel my body asking me to turn the brakes on a little more than I used to be able to do in my early-mid 20s, as far as I have been told, it only gets worse from here! 
    You’ll get a second breath at 40 when you will have more staying power than at any other point. Hangovers disappear and you can consume quantities far greater than in your 20’s. 
    You are joking me? I’ve gone rapidly the other way (I’m 48). Just two to hree pints and I don’t sleep great and feeling the effects in the morning. 5 pints plus and I’ll be suffering for 2-3 days guaranteed. My love and hate of drink are now in equal measure. Depresses me body just can’t process alcohol no more and suspect I’ll have to knock it completely on the head within a couple of years. 
    I found as I approached my 30th birthday that I could no longer just sleep off a skinfull.
    With promotions and more responsibility at work I realised more and more I needed a clear head and my drink threshhold for that had become less and less.
    In fact my last great wipeout session with my mates was on my 30th birthday.
    The resultant alcohol poisoning was off the scale, I couldn't move until after midday the next day, paracetomol couldn't get near the headache and I ended up stealthily sipping half a bottle of vodka, hair of the dog style, around tea time to finally steady my head.
    From that day on I only ever drank on Friday and Saturday nights, never before a work day.
    Since I retired 5 years ago, I have kind of stretched it from Thursday to Monday.  :smile:
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