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Jim Davidson


I just saw the news myself.

I appreciate the closure of the last thread, BUT - I am a great believer of free speech.

Please don't feel like you have to stop saying what you would like because of me.

Now in the words of shaun of the dead, lets have a few pints and wait for all of this to blow over.



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    Innocent until proved guilty like anyone else.
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    edited January 2013
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    Fair play mate. The whole thing has got a bit ridiculous now and it's sad enough to watch as a normal member of the public. So if I was related to anyone who had ever been on the BBC I would be seriously pissed off and worried that my dad/uncle/brother/whoever's name was going to be dragged through the mud because of an extremely damaging bandwagon as opposed to actual evidence.
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    Fred, I only know of your relationship to him because of the closed thread; but I just want to say I have the utmost respect for you, for starting this thread up.
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    Stay classy Fred but I think it's in everyone's interests if we steer clear of the subject.
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    edited January 2013
    I would say part of the problem is that letting some of the lesser thinking members on this forum have the right to free speech on highly contentious subjects like this, opens up AFKA/Lookie to litigation should anything defamatory be said.
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    Bit naughty if its true though!! No time for it at all to be honest! Must have some kind of link for the OB to nick him
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    Second well played Fred of the 4th wife

    Now is he going in the BB house or what ???
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    Class move Fred. Best wishes at this difficult time for you and your family.
    I hope for your sake he is innocent, but it seems the murky past of the entertainment industry is facing the music.
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    Love the bloke. Hope he's innocent of whatever he's been tugged for.
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    Like others I have an opinion about JD and he never has been my cup of tea as a comedian,but it seems anything to do with him/Celtic and Rangers and the possibility of Thatcher's death should be banned subjects on this forum and AFKA did the right thing in shutting the thread.
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    As the OP, I'll apologise again if I've touched a raw nerve with a few on here. Never my intention to annoy. I only posted because of the link to Charlton but in hindsight it was probably one to have steered clear of. Innocent until proven indeed. All the best.
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    P_Air said:

    As the OP, I'll apologise again if I've touched a raw nerve with a few on here. Never my intention to annoy. I only posted because of the link to Charlton but in hindsight it was probably one to have steered clear of. Innocent until proven indeed. All the best.

    Please don't apologies!! You're the one who told me!

    Thanks for the support! But honestly, we'll be fine.

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    Hope that anyone found guilty of making stuff up is prosecuted .
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    Fair play Fred pal.
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    Fair play Fred.

    Your dads always come across a top bloke when I've ever encountered him, just hope he don't go in the Big Brother house lol!
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    Fred that's quality
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    Hope these cases are settled asap for all concerned.
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    edited January 2013
    Fair enough Fred, yeah.

    I think the thing about this (having not read the original thread, apologies if it's been mentioned) is probably that anything said that could be in one way or the other linked to CL as a site itself in some way, if I recall correctly, because it hosts the comments made... Or something. Excuse my lack of articulation. But yes. Applies to everything.

    Let's see what happens. Hope it's untrue and that things are sorted quickly.

    EDIT: Yep, Oakster's mentioned this already. Apologies.
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    "nick nick" all the best Fred, hope it ain't true.
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    He says what he wants, he says what he waaaaants, Jimmy Davidson he says what he wants!
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    Innuendo, misunderstanding, revenge and rumour seem to be playing a part in this police 'trawl'. Good luck to Jim, a man who no matter should he live to be 120, will never be accepted by the 'establishment'
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    If a woman decides to wrongly accuse somebody of something however ridiculous or without proof the police will cart you down the old bill shop .
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    I wont pretend to be a fan of any of his work but always been told he is a decent bloke and Charlton fan, so hope it is not true and all gets sorted out, plus as other's have said innocent until proven guilty.
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    Good on you Fred.

    I'm a huge Jim Davidson fan. Got about 6-7 DVDs and have met him once as well after a gig at The Orchard in Dartford. Always seen him as a good bloke, often misunderstood by those who too often choose to be offended to cause a fuss. Hope it all works out, really do.
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    edited January 2013
    Respect to Fred for supporting his father on a public forum.

    I reiterate the sentiments of those who say think of Lookie and AFKA and post responsibly regardless of what side of the JD "fence" you sit.

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    Hope it works out well for Jim and you too Fred. He's in good hands with my old mate Henri Brandman as his solicitor.
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    I Respect that fred a lot !
    As others say innocent til proven guilty !
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