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Why are we so c**p in the Cups?

Serious question. Why are we so utterly c**p in Cup Competitions?

It’s over 45 years now since I first visited the Valley and in that time in the FA Cup we have had 3 runs where we have reached the Quarter Final – Moan Utd in 1994, Bolton in 2000 and Middlesbro’ in 2006. Ok, there were also the good day outs for 5th round matches at Wolves in 1976, Ipswich in 1981 & Liverpool in 1996 but that’s it (apart from managing to lose at home to Leicester in the 5th round in 2005).

It’s a truly pathetic record. Year after year we have gone out in the 3rd round or just after, often to teams in Divisions below us, with the nadir surely being our defeat to Northwich Victoria – one of the most incompetent displays I have ever seen from a Charlton team. Frankly, it doesn’t seem to matter what players are in our starting 11 in a Cup game – be they the stars from our Premiership days or the dross from Phil Parkinson’s days – they just don’t perform in Cup games.

And to rub it in even further, even Smallwall and Palarse have managed to reach a Cup Final in this time.

As for the League Cup, blimey don’t even start me on that. The only time I believe we have ever got past the 4th round, we managed to lose “gloriously” to Wycombe when we were in the Premiership and Wycombe were 2 or 3 Divisions below us! And if we have lost to some rubbish teams in the FA Cup, Lord knows we have lost to even worse teams in this competition.

Frankly, I am getting completely pi**ed off with this. It’s not funny anymore. We deserve better.

So what are we to do? Firstly, it’s about bl**dy time the management started taking the cups seriously and play the first team, not a load of reserves and youngsters. I am fed up reading so and so is tired needs to be rested – these are athletes in the prime condition of their lives who surely must be able to play 2 games in a week.

Secondly, stop this obsession that the League is the only thing that matters. Let’s be honest – the only chance the club has got of winning a major piece of silverwear (not the Championship or Division 1 trophy) is the FA Cup or League Cup. Surely, the chance of a never to be forgotten day out at Wembley is something worth aiming for.

Thirdly, with everyone so disillusioned with our Cup form – was it just over 6000 in attendance today? - the club needs to do something to encourage fans to attend. (I rarely miss a home league match but just can’t be bothered now to attend cup games). How about free admission to season ticket holders for one game a year in each Cup competition? That would probably encourage more to go and help create a better atmosphere.

Sorry for the rant but this early exit from the FA Cup once again has really pi**ed me off big time. Thanks for listening!



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    Well said Fortune. My sentiments exactly.
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    I'd say £20 for a Charlton home cup tie is reasonable, mind you if they only offered to pay me £15 to attend I'd still consider it...
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    Possibly It's because the players and the managers don't need the extra money that a cup run brings in, unlike years ago when wages in football were so good as they are now and a cup run gave them a chance of boosting their income
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    Oakster said:

    I'd say £20 for a Charlton home cup tie is reasonable, mind you if they only offered to pay me £15 to attend I'd still consider it...

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    If I knew the answer to the thread question, I would bottle it and sell it :-). All profits going to finance new signings of course.
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    I bet every club who goes out in the 3rd round today is saying exactly the same thing.

    Would be interested to know if we're really as bad as we think we are.
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    sralan said:

    If I knew the answer to the thread question, I would bottle it and sell it :-). All profits going to finance new signings of course.

    How much would you charge per bottle ?

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    edited January 2013
    Nobody will take that magical win at highbury away
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    FA Cup Record:

    Won 82, Lost 82, Drawn 48.
    Scored 307, Conceded 307.

    Crap or just mediocre?
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    If there was such a thing as a league table for FA cup successes then I reckon we might be around 66th ish.
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    Bottom of League 1 then.
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    I think people are being a little harsh. We had't lost an FA cup game for a year until today, and who's to say we won't go on a similar unbeaten run again now?
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    Lol quality
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    We are shit in it because it means more to the fans than any of our managers for years

    What needs to happen is clubs fined for fielding weakens sides in the fa cup

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    Agree entirely with the OP. From the uninspiring team selection to the insipid performance to the pathetically small crowd to the inevitable crap result that followed, today has pissed me off more than any other match for a long time.

    People keep bemoaning that the FA Cup has become devalued, well it's because everyone keeps treating like it doesn't matter, that goes for managers, players and the media but also the fans who don't bother turning up. People seem to get more worked up about pre-season friendly games these days. In fact, that's what cup games have become for too many teams - mid-season friendlies. It's ruining what used to be the best day of the season, FA Cup 3rd Round day.

    I don't think CP particularly wanted to win today. At the very least, I doubt he's too bothered that we lost.
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    We have appeared in as many finals as Scotland's Queens Park and we have won the cup less times than the boys from Eton.

    We underperform in the cup.

    On the plus side we do at least equal Old Carthusians in terms of cup wins.
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    Off_it said:

    I think people are being a little harsh. We had't lost an FA cup game for a year until today, and who's to say we won't go on a similar unbeaten run again now?

    Good point Offy - how quickly people forget the excellent win over high flying Carlisle and the thrilling 1-0 giant killing of Barnet in our previous FA Cup home games - in fact our last home FA Cup defeat was in 2005!!
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    Feel sorry for those who went to it.

    Every player ratings I see for Kerkar averages a 4.

    Powell needs to let him go this month and get another couple of midfielders in.
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    We are no worse than many others of a similar stature to us. We just have a knack for going out with a whimper whenever we do get beat.
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    Was the sort of team/result/performance I was expecting so didn't bother attending....................
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    What teams Tom ?
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    Is Kerkar here on loan or did we actually sign him?
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    Because we never win !! ;)
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    Next year, instead of displaying the players names on the big screen and counting up how fans are in the ground the club might find it easier to list the fans names in the big screen and count the number of players...
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    I don't know why they don't include the cups in the season ticket package. It's not as if its going to cost them any money ...
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    I agree with everything Fortune says. From the comments on this forum tonight you can see that the cup still does mean something to the fans, otherwise who'd be bothered to comment? As a football fan, third round day is an opportunity for a bit of joy, like having a reason to look forward to the fourth round draw for example and dreaming of a run to Wembley. I can barely remember tuning in for a fourth round draw in anticipation in recent times.

    Charlton's (ironically the irritating spellcheck just altered Charlton's to Charlatans!) poorformances in the cup are driving what's left of this enthusiasm out of the fans. You have to ask if it is even worth entering. If we get a home tie against uninspiring oppo next season we will be lucky to get 5000 in. At what level do we make a loss?

    Another season in which I shan't be watching any FA cup or listening to the draw - its too disappointing to see other clubs (especially Nigels and Spanners) enjoying what we are denied.
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    Don't think you can judge the number of comments as a way of saying that the Cup still means a lot to people. If that was the case, then a lot of our support are gutted about being out of the Capital One cup after the panic on here when we lost to Orient.

    Judge it on how many bother to go. As you can see, not many are really bothered.
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    The reason a lot of people cant be bothered is because the club continually take the piss out of fans with their cup performances. I hope Huddersfield get a big payday in next round say Arsenal away and Jiminez gives Powell a bollocking for not making an effort.
    I feel compelled to go and will again next year I'm sure but won't be looking forward to it.
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    As I was getting my haircut this afternoon, I told the barber that I was boycotting today's game, too many dismal defeats in front of an empty stadium...
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    That performance was unacceptable, only just came in from today's journey from SE7 and I have to say that is the most half arsed display I've seen from a Charlton side in quite some time. Blinding result against Watford so just play the same team. Yes I know the possibility of injuries and what not and it gives fringe players a chance. But I for one love the FA cup and I think we should field our best 11, we could do with the revenue as well.
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