Much as I love the original Highlander film, I do think it's one film that might benefit from the current Hollywood trend of remakes. Let's face it, the special effects were crap, Christopher Lambert was a very unconvincing Scotsman and much as I love Seen Canary, he doesn't make for a convincing Egyptian! I'd keep Clancy Brown though.
Much as I love the original Highlander film, I do think it's one film that might benefit from the current Hollywood trend of remakes. Let's face it, the special effects were crap, Christopher Lambert was a very unconvincing Scotsman and much as I love Seen Canary, he doesn't make for a convincing Egyptian! I'd keep Clancy Brown though.
Remake has been in development hell for a number of years. Personally I like all the idiosyncrasies you've pointed out. It is also one of the few old films which I think has had a great hd conversion job.
Quite a few mentioned I have quite liked, but only one I would take anyone to task about - The History Boys - great film, sorry AUN you need to move south before its too late... ;-)
Not counting films I have seen bits of and just know I won't like - Jason Statham, Vin Deisel, Chuck Norris, Stephen Segal etc. I gave up on Cheaper by the Dozen after fifteen minutes, despite being a big Steve Martin fan. Two I have actually sat through in the cinema because the wife wanted to see them were 40 days of night and Final Destination 5 - total plop.
@Algarveaddick - both my missus and myself couldn't get past 25 minutes of History Boys. On the other hand, I thought 40 Days Of Night was excellent not least because Melissa George was in it.
@Algarveaddick - both my missus and myself couldn't get past 25 minutes of History Boys. On the other hand, I thought 40 Days Of Night was excellent not least because Melissa George was in it.
"The Road" sounded great, great cast, suicidally depressing. Agree with "Pineapple Express", Seth Rogan seriously painful. "Dusk till Dawn", loved the cast and the director what the hell happened, maybe I need to watch it again?
"The Road" sounded great, great cast, suicidally depressing. Agree with "Pineapple Express", Seth Rogan seriously painful. "Dusk till Dawn", loved the cast and the director what the hell happened, maybe I need to watch it again?
The Road,I read the book and saw the film and hated both of them. I still dont understand why people thought them masterpieces.
Easy one this, first hour of Twilight on TV, while I did my best to ignore it and play Football Manager. Nothing happened. At all. There was a girl at a school and she spent an hour deciding there was something strange about the boy at school (when he was obviously a vampire).
Then they ran around in the words and he shouted at her that he was a vampire.
Easy one this, first hour of Twilight on TV, while I did my best to ignore it and play Football Manager. Nothing happened. At all. There was a girl at a school and she spent an hour deciding there was something strange about the boy at school (when he was obviously a vampire).
Then they ran around in the words and he shouted at her that he was a vampire.
Then I made the Mrs switch it off.
did you get to the baseball bit? they can only play it when there is a thuderstorm because of how much noise they make when they hit the ball. only action in the whole film.
Some film about a man getting dragged into the air by a hot air balloon then falling.
Anything with that talentless feck Adam Sandler that I've had the misfortune to witness.
It's not a film, its a form of punishment.
Let's just say it wasn't one of his best.
for the reasons this guy gives in his 70 minute review of the film...
Not counting films I have seen bits of and just know I won't like - Jason Statham, Vin Deisel, Chuck Norris, Stephen Segal etc. I gave up on Cheaper by the Dozen after fifteen minutes, despite being a big Steve Martin fan. Two I have actually sat through in the cinema because the wife wanted to see them were 40 days of night and Final Destination 5 - total plop.
Different strokes for different folks
Then they ran around in the words and he shouted at her that he was a vampire.
Then I made the Mrs switch it off.
If it's not, then I've no idea what you're talking about.
Absolute bollocks.