Not just a list of Turkeys but films that you thought were right up your street and anticipated the release; but then left you empty and disappointed.
For me I must say that Last Orders was a big let down. Had it all, cast (Caine, Hoskins, Courtenay, Hemmings, Winston and even Mirren -good actress but I can't stand her) location (from London down to the Kent Coast), everything but enough to hold my attention.
44 Inch Chest, decent cast including Ray Winstone and John Hurt, same writers as the brilliant Sexy Beast. Spent the entire film expecting it to liven up at any moment, but it was a complete snorefest from start to finish.
Loved all the old ones and thought a bit of CGI might make the new one even better. Then it all went a bit alien and tits up.....
What a load of self indulgent twaddle. Treid to be too clever.
Some great performances but would have been better if something actually happened.
At the end all I could say was "Is that it?"
The one film of recent years that got loads of plaudits, Oscars etc which I thought was the most boring self-indulgent pile of shite ever was The Social Network. Can't believe it was praised so highly.
Fair enough to be disappointed by Blair Witch, but for a 30k movie like that to have even made it to your attention in the first place is pretty incredible.