with all the furore the FA will ban him for a long time. I genuinely believe that he is such a passionate man that the biting was not premeditated .. Ivanovic was using his arm illegally to hold Suarez back and Suarez just reacted in intense frustration. I am not trying to justify what he did, but to rationalise it
It is not rational to bite someone, so I don't see how it can be rationalised
with all the furore the FA will ban him for a long time. I genuinely believe that he is such a passionate man that the biting was not premeditated .. Ivanovic was using his arm illegally to hold Suarez back and Suarez just reacted in intense frustration. I am not trying to justify what he did, but to rationalise it
It is not rational to bite someone, so I don't see how it can be rationalised
Biting to you or I is not a rational response to a frustrating situation .. my point is that I am trying to rationalise, to understand Suarez's reaction .... IF you were fighting for your life, you would bite, scratch, punch, gouge, kick, elbow, shoot, knife .. do whatever it took to survive .. Suarez just has a different set of values and/or his survival instinct, his boiling point may be much lower than most rational humans. Also remember, he comes from a very hard and possibly more dangerous environment than we do. Having said all this, Suarez is a professional footballer in civilised (sic) England and not surviving against all odds in the Amazon jungle. Whatever his psychological rationale, he must a) learn better behaviour; and b) undergo a lengthy suspension, preferably unpaid, to contemplate his errors
'Suarez has a different set of values' - are you for real? There is no rationalising what he did. He's a f***ing animal, and should be kicked out of the game. He's already done the same thing before - there shouldn't be any attempt to 'understand' what makes a human being bite another human being.
'Suarez has a different set of values' - are you for real? There is no rationalising what he did. He's a f***ing animal, and should be kicked out of the game. He's already done the same thing before - there shouldn't be any attempt to 'understand' what makes a human being bite another human being.
Exactly. If there was some kind of genuine violence going on, I could maybe understand if in a moment of madness and anger he punched someone, though I would not condone it. But there was nothing happening that doesn't happen every time a team takes a set piece, and there is absolutely no justification ever for what Suarez did.
The problem with a lengthy ban is that Liverpool won't care - they'll sell him in the summer. I doubt any English team will want him, I can see him going to Spain or Italy, perhaps a team like Chewventus.