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Best new mobile phone?



  • csr_cafc said:

    Rothko said:

    Isn't the Note 3 so big you can even use it as a plate?

    If you think thats big have a look at the galaxy mega!
    Note 3 is a 5.7 inch screen

    Mega is 6.4 inch, which is almost a tablet. Aren't they calling them Phablets?

    Anyone got any experience of performance improvements on 4G? I am due an upgrade in October and I swear that T-Mobile are slowing down my 3G with a view to getting me to move to 4G on EE.
    4G is pretty good right now where you can get it...once everyone jumps on it will get slower although i cant see that happening for at least a year or two.

    I had the original note and the dell streak if anyone remembers that - was absolutely amazaing for the web and videos but a pain in the backside for calls - moved to a nexus 4 and that seems about right i tried using a mates iphone the other day and it was just way to small!
  • A question for the techy geeks, you'll probably be able to answer this.

    Is it possible to get two sims on the same telephone number??? So say I got Galaxy note 3, I could use this during the day and out but when I'm running, cycling etc, I can still use my 4s. I really dont want to keep having to swap the sims over. Any ideas???
  • Bit unrelated since this phone isn't actually commercially available yet, however its a revolutionary idea which supports a more unique approach to phones which also creates a more eco-friendly system rather than throwing away the old phones (which end up in third world countries in piles)

    Check out
  • csr_cafc said:

    Rothko said:

    Isn't the Note 3 so big you can even use it as a plate?

    If you think thats big have a look at the galaxy mega!
    Note 3 is a 5.7 inch screen

    Mega is 6.4 inch, which is almost a tablet. Aren't they calling them Phablets?

    Anyone got any experience of performance improvements on 4G? I am due an upgrade in October and I swear that T-Mobile are slowing down my 3G with a view to getting me to move to 4G on EE.
    With a 4G phone, you use 3G when making a call.
  • JohnBoyUK said:

    A question for the techy geeks, you'll probably be able to answer this.

    Is it possible to get two sims on the same telephone number??? So say I got Galaxy note 3, I could use this during the day and out but when I'm running, cycling etc, I can still use my 4s. I really dont want to keep having to swap the sims over. Any ideas???

    Possible yes, will you be able to, unlikely. Look up multi sim with Orange & Vodafone, have a feeling they've stopped it though.
  • JohnBoyUK said:

    A question for the techy geeks, you'll probably be able to answer this.

    Is it possible to get two sims on the same telephone number??? So say I got Galaxy note 3, I could use this during the day and out but when I'm running, cycling etc, I can still use my 4s. I really dont want to keep having to swap the sims over. Any ideas???

    It certainly is possible as out here in switzerland thats xactly what i have. BB for work and s4 for personal..same number for both. but as polo will be a questiom of whether vested interests allow it.

    very happy to be rooting for basel last night and they well deserved the victory. Chelsea losing from a set piece....oh the irony
  • LilAddick said:

    Bit unrelated since this phone isn't actually commercially available yet, however its a revolutionary idea which supports a more unique approach to phones which also creates a more eco-friendly system rather than throwing away the old phones (which end up in third world countries in piles)

    Check out

    I think it misses the point. People don't change their phone because there is a new component available or a broken component. People change their phone because they want a completely new one. This is why phones have changed so frequently. The manufacturers don't just upgrade the internal specs they change the whole look of it. This is why Apple get slated every other year with their 'S' version. The truth is that if you could just upgrade part of the phone people would be as uninterested as the companies that sell them.
  • very happy to be rooting for basel last night and they well deserved the victory. Chelsea losing from a set piece....oh the irony

    Basel are a very good side as they proved last year when they turned us over in the Europa League.

  • Kings Hill - I see what you're saying but I just don't agree, I think that people buy new phones for the sake of having the new features that come with said new phone - the phonebloks concept is a hardware equivalent to people buying the new iPhone because it has up to date/new features that their old phone didn't have. I think that if you could upgrade individual aspects of a phone over time without having to spend hundreds just to get the up-to-date model that has only just a few upgraded features that may or may not excite you, then it would appeal to a huge (imo majority) audience as the features that people don't care about could be ignored, with a focus on the aspects they did like, and so it would create a truly unique and comprehensively individual phone suited to its owner.
  • like the £5 pint,The £100 per month phone is not far away people.

    As a tee total miserable sod that speaks to NOBODY,I'm quids in. ;-)
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  • LilAddick said:

    Kings Hill - I see what you're saying but I just don't agree, I think that people buy new phones for the sake of having the new features that come with said new phone

    I completely agree - this is the logical explanation. However there is no logic at all in the £800 hand bag that my wife insists on buying herself once (or twice) a year, or the £400 shoes. They are not ten times as good as the equivalent for a reasonable price. She buys them because she thinks that they say something about her and one's mobile phone does the same thing. This is why more people tend to buy an iPhone when the shape changes - it proves to onlookers that they have the new one. I can't see enough people wanting a phone that looks like it could be brand new or really old.

    Before anyone assumes that I'm suggesting that just women like to have expensive status symbols men are just as likely to have clothes that cost functions of what they needed to spend to achieve the same goal - save for the impression setting.

    I also think that in the end the requirements on the block phone to upgrade one element might well be that other elements need updating at the same time in order for the new gadget to work properly. iPhones, for example tend to introduce new features when the processor can cope with them and when the battery is able to power them. Thus if the block phone wanted to have a new 4G antenna it might need to have a new processor to make it work and a different battery to ensure that the 4G works for longer than two hours as well as the new antenna. This is, often, why new features are introduced on brand new phones.

    You would also not benefit from the discount you get on the handset and/or components when taking a contract with the carrier. Thus over time it could cost more because it's ok not replacing the whole thing every two years bit if some components are much older they are, probably, more likely to fail.
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