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    If true won't be getting a buyer just yet then!
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    Well that story has obviously been placed, but by who and with what motivation...
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    edited August 2013
    £40m plus the debts and any money invested...
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    Damn, just checked my coat pockets, back of the sofa, pot in the car and the copper jar, and it only come to £37m.

    Oh well, this time next year Rodders....
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    40 million quid who the feck has wrote that shit, if we are asking that genuinely (I don't think anyone would be that stupid unless they are thinking of building potential for residential properties) then we are truly run by deluded fools
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    So 5 interested parties have been quoted £40m, (if not newspaper guess a figure speak!!), no-one interested at that price and all players up for sale............perhaps MS and TJ need to take a long hard look at themselves and think "Do we carry only losing £7m a year, sell the team and risk relegation, OR, drop our asking price sell a going concern and move on?"
    They are being a little naive if they think that with 5 interested parties walking away another one or two will pop up and pay that price, head in sand syndrome in my opinion.
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    edited August 2013

    Damn, just checked my coat pockets, back of the sofa, pot in the car and the copper jar, and it only come to £37m.

    Oh well, this time next year Rodders....

    No, go for it!! If you offered £20m upfront and £20m on promotion, they'd probably bite your hand off!! You can then use the remaining £17m to fund the losses for three years!! Count your money again and make sure it's all there!!

    Crazy price, but no doubt it covers all liabilities, including those contingent on promotion.
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    Wonder if Kevin Cash wants to buy a Football Club.......
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    Well that story has obviously been placed, but by who and with what motivation...

    This. Someone close to home is my guess.
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    You could get two and a half Charlton's for one Gareth Bale. Depressing.
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    Wasn't RM going to sell us for £30 million to zabeel? How are we worth ten million more now than we were then?? Madness.
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    Well that story has obviously been placed, but by who and with what motivation...

    This. Someone close to home is my guess.
    I think it may be some one looking to buy the club and putting pressure on them to drop the price. That's the overall tone I get from the piece.
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    What paper is it from?
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    The Super Soaraway Sun
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    What paper is it from?

    Current bun.

    Wasn't RM going to sell us for £30 million to zabeel? How are we worth ten million more now than we were then?? Madness.

    Probably values by the same people that rejected £2m for Dale Stephens !
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    It's in the Sun. Must be true.
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    If we get off to a slow start then how long before the pardew out style sack the board protests after games?
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    It's in the Sun. Must be true.

    We all know The Sun isn't the most reliable, but I can't imagine they'd run that story if there wasn't an element of truth, or someone ITK had given them a whisper - We're not worth that sort of story just to make it up.
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    Someone left out the .
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    Damn, just checked my coat pockets, back of the sofa, pot in the car and the copper jar, and it only come to £37m.

    Oh well, this time next year Rodders....

    No, go for it!! If you offered £20m upfront and £20m on promotion, they'd probably bite your hand off!! You can then use the remaining £17m to fund the losses for three years!! Count your money again and make sure it's all there!!

    Crazy price, but no doubt it covers all liabilities, including those contingent on promotion.

    Wooah there Mundell, before you arrange my first press conference and put up a new Chairman's plate in the car park for my dented Nissan, I've a confession to make. It appears a rogue 'm' made its way into my post. It should have been £37.

    Sorry for any confusion.
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    Well that story has obviously been placed, but by who and with what motivation...

    This. Someone close to home is my guess.
    I think it may be some one looking to buy the club and putting pressure on them to drop the price. That's the overall tone I get from the piece.
    There is an undertone of incredulity in that piece. Totally deserved too...
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    Sounds about right to me on what Muted Tone might be putting about. They've collectively lumped £20m+ in in some form or another (no idea of.make up of loans, interest etc), want their money back, and want a return that will need to be spread between 4-6 of them.

    They won't get it of course, but that wouldn't surprise me if that is what is being sought
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    It's a ridiculous price tag, but anyone else at least slightly encouraged by the fact there have been 5 interested parties recently?
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    Lol. Charlton are in money troubles and want to be bought for 40M. Why are there not people queueing round the block! Assume the story below is about Coventry going bust which is interesting the stories are right next to each other.
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    It's a ridiculous price tag, but anyone else at least slightly encouraged by the fact there have been 5 interested parties recently?

    Only if I suspend reality and believe it for a second.
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    I think it will be quite telling if we don't get a statement from slater. Seems to me that if they don't immediately come out and deny something (bates being interested in the club) it's usually true
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    It's a ridiculous price tag, but anyone else at least slightly encouraged by the fact there have been 5 interested parties recently?

    And presumably they were put off by the price tag.

    £40m is either a mis-print, a piece of made up journalism or perhaps is the final bill if/when Charlton get promoted to the Premier league, win the Champion's League and defeat Mars in the first inter-galactic football league etc.

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    It's in the Sun. Must be true.

    We all know The Sun isn't the most reliable, but I can't imagine they'd run that story if there wasn't an element of truth, or someone ITK had given them a whisper - We're not worth that sort of story just to make it up.
    It's in The People as well
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    All the players are available for transfer? Yea okay..
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