I'd go along with di Caprio and Denzel Washington .. Also:
Michael Douglas Daniel Day Lewis Burt Lancaster Gregory Peck David Jason Michael Gambon .. amongst others .,. there are SO many genres and candidates to choose from
Robert De Niro was my absolute hero in my youth. Yes, I know it's a tragedy that he does absolute shite now, but that's an incredible body of work from Mean Streets to Raging Bull.
Jack Nicholson. Incredible in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, but my favourite Nicholson performance would be The Last Detail.
Warren Oates. One of the great unsung, and, if you will, cult actors of the Seventies. Favourite Oates performances: Two-Lane Blacktop, Cockfighter, Bring Me The Head of Alfredo Garcia, The Hired Hand, The Shooting, and a supporting turn in The Wild Bunch.
I love these threads. Have to agree hawksmoor about Warren Oates I would also give a shout for Jeff Bridges (never bad) and one of my all time favourites Robert Mitchum.
Jack Nicholson, Di Caprio, Denzel Washington, Tom Hanks, Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman, and our very own David Jason (not made it big in films but always plays very good characters).
There are actors who always more or less play the same role (Clint Eastwood, Robery Morley for example), and their are actors who can act. Day Lewis, and Dustin Hoffman are good examples of proper actors, and although I think he is a bit of a git Ben Kingsley. The criteria for actors, is first they should be actors rather than slightly different examples of the same person. BTW Check out Hugh Grant in 'An Awfully Big Adventure. I rate Timothy Spall, and a whole host of other Brits (e.g. Postlethwaite) especially those often found in Mike Leigh films.
De Niro
Day Lewis
In my opinion these are the absolute great actors of cinema. Then there's my personal favourites
Seth rogen
Stephen Fry
Clint Eastwood
Lee van cleef
Danny trejo
Perhaps not the most talented in ability and versatility but I will catch if it involves any of these.
De Niro
And a special mention for John Candy.
Michael Douglas
Daniel Day Lewis
Burt Lancaster
Gregory Peck
David Jason
Michael Gambon .. amongst others .,. there are SO many genres and candidates to choose from
Are we allowed to have actresses in this list - I see we haven't got any yet?
Daniel Craig
Liam Neeson
Jimmy Stewart
Spencer Tracey
Gene Hackman
Robert Duvall
Robert de Niro
James McAvoy
and many others
Jack Nicholson. Incredible in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, but my favourite Nicholson performance would be The Last Detail.
Warren Oates. One of the great unsung, and, if you will, cult actors of the Seventies. Favourite Oates performances: Two-Lane Blacktop, Cockfighter, Bring Me The Head of Alfredo Garcia, The Hired Hand, The Shooting, and a supporting turn in The Wild Bunch.
Yes actresses. Mine would be Jessica Stevensson for her spaced performance and royal family bit part.
The criteria for actors, is first they should be actors rather than slightly different examples of the same person.
Check out Hugh Grant in 'An Awfully Big Adventure.
I rate Timothy Spall, and a whole host of other Brits (e.g. Postlethwaite) especially those often found in Mike Leigh films.
David Morrissey
John Simm
Vincent Cassell
Cracking film to watch late at night in the dark on your own...
"Bringing in the sheep, bringing in the sheep..."