One bloke who's highly rated is Trevor Eve, but to me he's awful - I gave up watching waking the dead because of him, every line he utters is total bombast, like a hyped up Brian Blessed only without the humour. Cup of tea boss? NO, NO, NO COFFEE! HOW DO I COPE etc, etc. More ham than Sainsburys deli.
John C Reilly JiMMy? Really? Have you not seen Step Brothers?
I think he's a nice guy. I think he's funny. I think he's great playing it straight in We Need To Talk About Kevin. But I don't like his performances, I find them repetitive and not particularly funny. And I am going to try really, really hard to not talk about Will Ferrell/ Step Brothers. I honestly think you have to be f***** in the head to think Ferrell is funny. See, I knew I shouldn't have started...
Whoopi Goldberg is class. Sister Act is a masterpiece. I choose Adam Sandler. If all is he's got is being funny, then the fact that he isn't funny kind of wrecks it
Adam Sandler and Will Ferrell. Put them in a film together and I will watch no more films.
Whoopi Goldberg is class. Sister Act is a masterpiece. I choose Adam Sandler. If all is he's got is being funny, then the fact that he isn't funny kind of wrecks it
Adam Sandler and Will Ferrell. Put them in a film together and I will watch no more films.
They are both great comedy actors with some classic films between them!
I have to say mark wahlberg, Justin timberlake and Tom selleck come to mind as bad actors.
Adam Sandler only plays Adam Sandler. To put him in a film just puts the image of what the film is going to be like to attract the loyal idiots that enjoy watching garbage.
Any of the 'hard men' who play in those ridiculous football violence movies, utter, utter shower of c----s, especially that retarded gorilla Frank Harper.
The kid who played Mark Fowler originally in Eastenders was awful as was the bloke who played Ali who had the cab firm........ "Take my wife, take my bus-in-ess, but give me back my baby......"
Adam Sandler only plays Adam Sandler. To put him in a film just puts the image of what the film is going to be like to attract the loyal idiots that enjoy watching garbage.
Loyal idiot bit aggressive isn't it you hurt my feelings
Sandler - the joke is almost never on him. I first noticed this in Happy Gilmore (which I like despite myself). No matter who he rows with, the joke is always on the other guy and he always comes out on top. Not like the classic comedy actors of the 80s like Candy, Martin and Chase. Those guys were happy to be the butt of the joke. but not Sandler. The guy hates doing press, which is fine, but turning up drunk? W****r.
Ferrell, meanwhile, resorts to shouty nonsense. I don't dislike him the way I do Sandler, but when he doesn't have a joke with a punchline, Ferrell just shouts and waves his arms. It's kinda pathetic. I find it so odd when people quote Anchorman, because it's basically just nonsense, allegedly made funny by moustaches.
He is great in Stranger than Fiction. I wish he'd do that kind of role more often.
Sandler - the joke is almost never on him. I first noticed this in Happy Gilmore (which I like despite myself). No matter who he rows with, the joke is always on the other guy and he always comes out on top. Not like the classic comedy actors of the 80s like Candy, Martin and Chase. Those guys were happy to be the butt of the joke. but not Sandler. The guy hates doing press, which is fine, but turning up drunk? W****r.
Ferrell, meanwhile, resorts to shouty nonsense. I don't dislike him the way I do Sandler, but when he doesn't have a joke with a punchline, Ferrell just shouts and waves his arms. It's kinda pathetic. I find it so odd when people quote Anchorman, because it's basically just nonsense, allegedly made funny by moustaches.
He is great in Stranger than Fiction. I wish he'd do that kind of role more often.
I think your getting yourself a little bit wound up Jimmy. Calm down, its Friday ;-)
The bloke that plays norris in corrie and that bird that plays emily in the same programme
I think that's a bit harsh on Emily. Her husband was shot dead on a Monday night, and they didn't call the ambulance until Wednesday.
Interesting back story behind Ernest Bishop’s demise. He was played by Stephen Hancock who rallied the rest of the cast to ask for more money. The show at the time was by far the biggest in UK and he felt Granada were seriously underpaying them as more and more stories came from the US about how much soap actors were being paid. He went to the management and demanded a pay rise and said he had all the other actors behind him. The bosses stood firm and when he threatened an all out strike the other cast members let him down and bottled it and Stephen was swiftly written out. Ironically within 18m all the main actors received new contracts which were far more lucrative than anything else on UK TV at the time.
Sandler just isn't versatile enough. Could say the same about Dyer. Both of them represent the image of a certain type of film which Dyer has got caught out with to get people to watch what is known to be a terrible film "The Basement"
I have to say mark wahlberg, Justin timberlake and Tom selleck come to mind as bad actors.
Danny Dyer, no more needs to be said.
Any of the 'hard men' who play in those ridiculous football violence movies, utter, utter shower of c----s, especially that retarded gorilla Frank Harper.
Bruce Willis.
No wonder I gave up watching it in the 80's.
Ferrell, meanwhile, resorts to shouty nonsense. I don't dislike him the way I do Sandler, but when he doesn't have a joke with a punchline, Ferrell just shouts and waves his arms. It's kinda pathetic. I find it so odd when people quote Anchorman, because it's basically just nonsense, allegedly made funny by moustaches.
He is great in Stranger than Fiction. I wish he'd do that kind of role more often.
Ormiston Bruce Willis? Go wash your mouth out. Love the guy. Going to see Red2 tonight..................
Interesting back story behind Ernest Bishop’s demise. He was played by Stephen Hancock who rallied the rest of the cast to ask for more money. The show at the time was by far the biggest in UK and he felt Granada were seriously underpaying them as more and more stories came from the US about how much soap actors were being paid. He went to the management and demanded a pay rise and said he had all the other actors behind him. The bosses stood firm and when he threatened an all out strike the other cast members let him down and bottled it and Stephen was swiftly written out.
Ironically within 18m all the main actors received new contracts which were far more lucrative than anything else on UK TV at the time.