Sandler - the joke is almost never on him. I first noticed this in Happy Gilmore (which I like despite myself). No matter who he rows with, the joke is always on the other guy and he always comes out on top. Not like the classic comedy actors of the 80s like Candy, Martin and Chase. Those guys were happy to be the butt of the joke. but not Sandler. The guy hates doing press, which is fine, but turning up drunk? W****r.
Ferrell, meanwhile, resorts to shouty nonsense. I don't dislike him the way I do Sandler, but when he doesn't have a joke with a punchline, Ferrell just shouts and waves his arms. It's kinda pathetic. I find it so odd when people quote Anchorman, because it's basically just nonsense, allegedly made funny by moustaches.
He is great in Stranger than Fiction. I wish he'd do that kind of role more often.
Meh, he's equally good in Everything Must Go and Eastbound and Down. Anyone that doesn't like Anchorman is dead inside. And I'm Ron Burgundy. Go fuck yourself, San Diego
John C Reilly JiMMy? Really? Have you not seen Step Brothers?
I think he's a nice guy. I think he's funny. I think he's great playing it straight in We Need To Talk About Kevin. But I don't like his performances, I find them repetitive and not particularly funny. And I am going to try really, really hard to not talk about Will Ferrell/ Step Brothers. I honestly think you have to be f***** in the head to think Ferrell is funny. See, I knew I shouldn't have started...
You boys need to watch some Paul Thomas Anderson films. Both these actors take on very serious roles and are brilliant in them. Completely changed my opinion on them as actors. I thinks sandler unfortunately prefers to star in terrible films. Did you know sandler was tarantino's first choice to play the bear Jew donnie donowitz in Inglourious Basterds? There's a reason two of the finest modern filmmakers rate him.
Thing is most Adam Sandler fims are not very good but I recently watched a movie called "Reign Over Me" where he plays a man who loses his entire family in the 9/11 attacks and his life unravels until he meets up with an old friend played by Don Cheadle and I have to say he was really excellent in it. He grew his hair for the part and immediately looked like a young Bob Dylan. Check it out is a great movie.
Thing is most Adam Sandler fims are not very good but I recently watched a movie called "Reign Over Me" where he plays a man who loses his entire family in the 9/11 attacks and his life unravels until he meets up with an old friend played by Don Cheadle and I have to say he was really excellent in it. He grew his hair for the part and immediately looked like a young Bob Dylan. Check it out is a great movie.
Same with punch drunk love, it's really quirky but it works, you can feel his character slowly bubbling and boiling over.
Also I agree nic cage is a terrible actor, constantly overacts and tends to be box office poison. How he still gets roles is beyond me.
John C Reilly JiMMy? Really? Have you not seen Step Brothers?
I think he's a nice guy. I think he's funny. I think he's great playing it straight in We Need To Talk About Kevin. But I don't like his performances, I find them repetitive and not particularly funny. And I am going to try really, really hard to not talk about Will Ferrell/ Step Brothers. I honestly think you have to be f***** in the head to think Ferrell is funny. See, I knew I shouldn't have started...
You boys need to watch some Paul Thomas Anderson films. Both these actors take on very serious roles and are brilliant in them. Completely changed my opinion on them as actors. I thinks sandler unfortunately prefers to star in terrible films. Did you know sandler was tarantino's first choice to play the bear Jew donnie donowitz in Inglourious Basterds? There's a reason two of the finest modern filmmakers rate him.
I know I'm in the minority on Reilly whenever this comes up, and I am even more in the minority on PT Anderson. I've seen and respect all of his movies, but I didn't enjoy watching any of them.
Interesting fact on Sandler - just looked that up. He's had A LOT of interesting roles that he nearly took. Just makes him more of a twat in my eyes that he never pushed to appear in them as hard as he pushed for, say, Jack & Jill.
Sandler - the joke is almost never on him. I first noticed this in Happy Gilmore (which I like despite myself). No matter who he rows with, the joke is always on the other guy and he always comes out on top. Not like the classic comedy actors of the 80s like Candy, Martin and Chase. Those guys were happy to be the butt of the joke. but not Sandler. The guy hates doing press, which is fine, but turning up drunk? W****r.
Ferrell, meanwhile, resorts to shouty nonsense. I don't dislike him the way I do Sandler, but when he doesn't have a joke with a punchline, Ferrell just shouts and waves his arms. It's kinda pathetic. I find it so odd when people quote Anchorman, because it's basically just nonsense, allegedly made funny by moustaches.
He is great in Stranger than Fiction. I wish he'd do that kind of role more often.
Anyone that doesn't like Anchorman is dead inside. And I'm Ron Burgundy. Go fuck yourself, San Diego
It's... it's clever... 'cos he said 'fuck'... get it? A news anchor swearing.... He swore! Genius. With a moustache on too! Is there no end to this brilliance!?
Also I agree nic cage is a terrible actor, constantly overacts and tends to be box office poison. How he still gets roles is beyond me.
Happens to be Martin Scorsese's nephew = Hollywood Royalty, I tend to agree about most of his stuff but some of the work he did with David Lynch is excellent.
Nic Cage can be very good if he actually tries - but for every Leaving Las Vegas there are a dozen Ghost Rider/Wicker Man remakes/National Treasures. It's quite sad really. That said, he was also in Con Air, The Rock and Face/Off, three films I love so I can't possibly consider him in the same category of bad as Sandler/Dyer/Seagal.
Danny Dyer's schtick works perfectly in Severance. He's limited but he knows it. Hard to pick on him for making his way in the world quite successfully with such limited ability.
Who could forget dear old Peter Dean delivering lines like "Cup of splosh please Sis"?
Even when his wife died he didn't look upset, fake crying.
It was so bad I was laughing.
Also I agree nic cage is a terrible actor, constantly overacts and tends to be box office poison. How he still gets roles is beyond me.
Interesting fact on Sandler - just looked that up. He's had A LOT of interesting roles that he nearly took. Just makes him more of a twat in my eyes that he never pushed to appear in them as hard as he pushed for, say, Jack & Jill.
shitenot very good actor either.Sofia Coppola in Godfather part 3. What pile of steaming poo that film is.
She played the baby at the christening scene as a series of mafia hits takes place across New York.
And don't start any nonsense about Reservoir Dogs, even Harvey Keitel was embarrassed.
He's a blaze of dog-shit over the silver screen in anything he's ever appeared in.