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Getting married on Sunday... what's your one bit of advice for a happy marriage?



  • Buy a season ticket for the valley...get your priorities can change wives you love but you cant change the team you support...
  • Don't go to bed on an a man and stay up and fight! Best wishes
  • If she's like me you don't need advice, you're one hell of a lucky mofo ;)
    Celebrating 18 years of happy wedded life tomorrow.
    The secret?
    Laugh, sex, booze, sport, laugh.
    In no particular order ;)
    LLLBH xxxx
  • rikofold said:

    My best advice is not to marry my ex.

    Is the correct answer...nor mine :)
  • Just remembered (having been married 5 years) that there are only 3 responses you need for a happy marriage. They are:

    1. 'Really'?
    2. 'That's interesting'.
    3. 'So what did you do?'

    Trust me, doesn't matter what you do or what she's blathering on about, just interject one of these into the conversation every so often, thus giving the impression you're actually listening, and you'll be fine.

    Good thing is, whether you've been married 40 days or 40 years, this always works.

  • Always put each other first. Choose to love.
  • Don't get a divorce if she's in debt.

    My brother is getting married next year and I'm a Groomsman so that'll be fun.
  • Get an allotment.
  • edited September 2013
    Don't bang the bridesmaid forget the ring.

    Congrats by the way, have a great day!
  • You have already done well to avoid getting married on a Charlton match Satiurday. Best advice is to remember that Charlton was in your life before you got married and always will be (we hope) no matter what happens. Oh and try and take her to Millwall away one year as an anniversary present!!
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  • Check that the the future Mrs likes football or at least is happy for you to go. (I am sure that you have checked this bit already or you wouldn't be getting hitched).

    Don't shirk or put off or shelve important discussions. Make space for them in the week.

    Good luck.

  • Good luck fella

    I find putting enough money in the joint account that's supposed to be for bills but actually gets spent on handbags helps

    And if you're going on the lash phone ahead..

  • Good luck Greenwithenvy. If you discover the secret happy marriage please let me know. Just kidding my lovely MrsMatt...
  • edited September 2013
    Remember that you are both idiots so don't point the finger.
    Don't forget to notice the nice stuff that you take for granted, and mention it.
    What is your capacity for being bothered? Reduce it.
    Make the sure the spare room is comfortable, with a TV and DVD player.
  • Make time for yourselves. Regardless of work, kids and all the shit of life.

    1. You can be great parents
    2. You can be a successful provider to your family
    3. Balance it all out with not forgetting why you were originally together for just a small part of the week.

    How do I know? We fucked up number 3.
  • One thing I'm surprised no-one's mentioned yet is kids. Having them will change your relationship permanently, possibly for the better, possibly for the worse. Make sure you talk over how you're going to deal with the various issues relating to the kids and don't just assume it'll work in the same way your parents did. If she says she doesn't want kids now, don't assume she won't change her mind (but don't assume she will either).

    Oh and if it's a choice between a new big TV or a dishwasher, get the dishwasher first.
  • Don't buy her a new iron for her Birthday, even as a joke, speaking from experience.
  • Don't buy her a new iron for her Birthday, even as a joke, speaking from experience.

    Ouch! Hope she let it cool down before she hit you with it!
  • good luck tomorrow, hope you take all the good advice on board :)
  • The only advice that I will give you is for tomorrow the rest of it is hit and miss

    Tomorrow will go very quickly so take it in and enjoy the attention remember it is your wedding day but to your future wife this is the day little girls dream of

    don't do anything stupid to ruin it no matter how funny you think it is at the time

    good luck god bless and the advice given on here about Love trust honesty is all bollox the rest is reality
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  • Good luck tomorrow and make sure you enjoy the day. In my opinion, marriage is about give and take, saying you are sorry and not being too stubborn to accept when you are wrong (and I am the wife!). All the best to you both.
  • Good luck tomorrow and make sure you enjoy the day. In my opinion, marriage is about give and take, saying you are sorry and not being too stubborn to accept when you are wrong (and I am the wife!). All the best to you both.

    then never wrong according to mine

  • Too true! Years of marriage has taught you something NLA!
  • No advice, you and she will will make mistakes, but, hopefully, you both will learn by them and will enjoy your lives together.
    Best wishes.

    Lovely comment from MOG which pretty much sums it up.

    But if I was to offer any advice after 38 years of marriage (to the same woman), I'd say don't imagine that you have to do absolutely everything together. If you have interests you don't share, don't give them up and don't try to convert each other - just agree to pursue them seperately. My wife has only ever been to one Charlton match in her life (v Portsmouth on Boxing Day 1986), and she only came to that because one of our sons was a mascot. By the time the game kicked off, the only thing she wanted to see was already over and she read a book for the next 90 minutes.

    She never tried to stop me going to Charlton and I never tried to persuade her to accompany me. It's worked perfectly well for nearly 40 years!

    Good wishes to you both.

  • Good luck your going to fucking need it.
  • Cheer up Steve
  • Good luck your going to fucking need it.

  • One way to remember your anniversary is to forget it once. She will make sure you wont forget it again
  • Be friends as well as everything else.
  • If your idea of romance is football and her idea of romance is a soppy film, then you both have romance. Don't EVER let her take an idea of romance to wont live up to it.
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