I wanted to buy Curbs' autobiography Valley of Dreams when it came out in 2006.But I was just a student then and without a credit card,buying things from the internet was simply impossible.In the recent few years I've come across some mediocre reviews and forgotten about the book.Then last week I noticed that Amazon offered free online preview so I read the first three chapters.Thought it was actually quite good and decided to buy the book.I discovered a new copy on ebay and placed my bid.Very glad to win it at starting price (£0.99,no one else bid) but was told today by the seller that he/she couldn't send it to China.To be honest I was really surprised.I've received parcels from England many times but never thought it was difficult for people in England to send small items abroad?
Anyways,two options left for me now:1.persuade the seller to send the book to me;2.buy a used copy from ebay or Amazon UK marketplace (it's currently unavailable on Amazon).I think #1 is unlikely to happen but I've never bought used books online and having read some terrible feedback on ebay and Amazon,I'm really not sure if that's a good idea.Has anyone here bought books from those online second-hand book shops?Or does anyone have a better suggestion?Thanks in advance.
I've bought plenty of 2nd hand books on Amazon & had no problems at all. (I don't live in China ;-)
Both Nelson books are very interesting and in nice easy style.
Must say huge huge thanks to ShootersHillGuru,AddickUpNorth and Granpa.I'm truly grateful.I'll try to decide which offer to take and sort out the payment method as soon as I can.
Again,thanks everyone.I'm really touched!
If you decide to take one of the books offered on here by Lifers, why not get Curbs to sign/dedicate it for you to make it extra special ?
I am happy to take it to the BBTV dinner for you, get it signed and arrange how to send it on .
I hope you are reading John Lawson!
Just sort it out with SHG, AUN or Granpa and if none of those are attending the dinner, we'll sort how to get the book to me and then I'll get it back to them after for forwarding on to you.
Really want to see it brought out as an ebook I wont lie