No. But he did looked lost and confused (but hard to tell). Probably the same look he had when he lost our team on a training run in Newcastle. Tosser.
into 2nd favourite now i no its still 8/1 but considering the last 4 managers who have been clear favourites have gone elsewhere would not be surprised if Dan Petrescu went elsewhere and dowie became favourite
Dwight Yorke was no better last night. He was the analyst on Athletico Madrid v Real Madrid. He kept banging on, Madrid this, Madrid that. It was pointed out to him, that they were both Madrid. He acknowledged, then carried on the same. Thick as .... .
Anyway, how do you know it wasn't Bob?
Rich coming from me I know...
Well done Kafka for showing such good restraint.
The gift that keeps on giving.
Exterminating the Eagles
Nullifying the numpties
He kept banging on, Madrid this, Madrid that.
It was pointed out to him, that they were both Madrid.
He acknowledged, then carried on the same.
Thick as .... .