I am more amazed by the quality of video from the helmet-camera, bloody amazing really that something relatively cheap and parked on a bike helmet can produce clear video like that.
How long before more people are using these in their jobs to enable 'monitoring of performance' and so on?
You mean like the Met Police?
Could be, they may be using them already for all I know - and others could easily use them to monitor the Police too.
Easy to stop people filming things with a mobile but not if they have a concealed camera on their head, obviously leads to some privacy issues too in certain circumstances here.
Dont know why he wants to exchange details, the accident is surely he fault? If a car or someone pulls out in front of you, if you dont stop its your fault...
Although why didnt she get out of the car to see if he was ok? Bit hash!
looking at some of the other vids on that link involving black cabs, that twonk (premises 187) is typical of the pillocks I have to suffer on a daily basis! Dunno about endangering life..... needs to get one!!! rant over!
Dont know why he wants to exchange details, the accident is surely he fault? If a car or someone pulls out in front of you, if you dont stop its your fault...
Although why didnt she get out of the car to see if he was ok? Bit hash!
He was probably expecting the car to stop or not pull out at all as he had right of way....
Leroy.... you're talking a load of tosh. We are advanced drivers who have also have the benefit of two wheeled perspective having spent years doing the knowledge on a scooter. Of course you might see a cabbie do the odd wrong thing but you need to remember that there are 25000 of us driving around all day and night. Nobody is 100% perfect all the time! (don't get me started on bus drivers!!!!)
When a car edges up beside me in the cycle box at traffic lights I simply walk my bike forward and position myself in front of the car and pull away really slowly when the lights turn green.
Doesn't matter what people here think about it but one inescapable fact is that that passenger is going to regret that incident for the rest of his life. That is an extremely violent and unprovoked assault. That cannot be less than 12 months jail and a criminal record.
When I see a cyclist jump a red light (everyday in fact) I step out in front of them. Sure its gonna fricking hurt if they hit me but hopefully they fall off the bike and they get in trouble with the law at the same time. Usually they just shout abuse at me as if it's my fault though.
I see cars/vans/taxis/buses/lorries do the same every day too. Bet you won't be stepping out in front of one of them.
I suspect he clocked her rack and wanted her details so he can try the "I'm the chap you hit on my bike last week, just wondered if I could buy you a drink....." Line.
When a car edges up beside me in the cycle box at traffic lights I simply walk my bike forward and position myself in front of the car and pull away really slowly when the lights turn green.
Doesn't matter what people here think about it but one inescapable fact is that that passenger is going to regret that incident for the rest of his life. That is an extremely violent and unprovoked assault. That cannot be less than 12 months jail and a criminal record.
When I see a cyclist jump a red light (everyday in fact) I step out in front of them. Sure its gonna fricking hurt if they hit me but hopefully they fall off the bike and they get in trouble with the law at the same time. Usually they just shout abuse at me as if it's my fault though.
I see cars/vans/taxis/buses/lorries do the same every day too. Bet you won't be stepping out in front of one of them.
I am more amazed by the quality of video from the helmet-camera, bloody amazing really that something relatively cheap and parked on a bike helmet can produce clear video like that.
How long before more people are using these in their jobs to enable 'monitoring of performance' and so on?
You mean like the Met Police?
Could be, they may be using them already for all I know - and others could easily use them to monitor the Police too.
Easy to stop people filming things with a mobile but not if they have a concealed camera on their head, obviously leads to some privacy issues too in certain circumstances here.
i've tried my hardest but i'll be fucked if i can hide a camera on my head.
I am more amazed by the quality of video from the helmet-camera, bloody amazing really that something relatively cheap and parked on a bike helmet can produce clear video like that.
How long before more people are using these in their jobs to enable 'monitoring of performance' and so on?
You mean like the Met Police?
Could be, they may be using them already for all I know - and others could easily use them to monitor the Police too.
Easy to stop people filming things with a mobile but not if they have a concealed camera on their head, obviously leads to some privacy issues too in certain circumstances here.
i've tried my hardest but i'll be fucked if i can hide a camera on my head.
True, it helps if you're wearing a hat or a bike helmet or are game enough to wear a head-band.
Inner City Roads really arent designed for the internal combustine engine and the velosipede to get along . I spent a lot of last summer driving from Bromley via Lewisham to Camberwell or via the South Circular/Dulwich to Camberwell.The number of near misses I had with push bikes was something I wasnt prepared for and I have formed a view as a consequence .If you want to drive a pushbike do it at the weekend,and not in Inner London.If you do sooner or later you will get seriously injured or worse.(it may not be your fault but you will come off worse).Please wear a helmet ,dont use a phone /wear headphones/have a child as a pillion/do it as some kind of fashion statement.
I am more amazed by the quality of video from the helmet-camera, bloody amazing really that something relatively cheap and parked on a bike helmet can produce clear video like that.
How long before more people are using these in their jobs to enable 'monitoring of performance' and so on?
You mean like the Met Police?
Could be, they may be using them already for all I know - and others could easily use them to monitor the Police too.
Easy to stop people filming things with a mobile but not if they have a concealed camera on their head, obviously leads to some privacy issues too in certain circumstances here.
I believe the Met Police are going to use them a bit more widely soon, to prevent 'misunderstandings', like falling down the stairs.
I think they made it illegal to film the police while they are on duty, which is more the pity.
I am more amazed by the quality of video from the helmet-camera, bloody amazing really that something relatively cheap and parked on a bike helmet can produce clear video like that.
How long before more people are using these in their jobs to enable 'monitoring of performance' and so on?
You mean like the Met Police?
Could be, they may be using them already for all I know - and others could easily use them to monitor the Police too.
Easy to stop people filming things with a mobile but not if they have a concealed camera on their head, obviously leads to some privacy issues too in certain circumstances here.
i've tried my hardest but i'll be fucked if i can hide a camera on my head.
You can get one now that straps on to your helmet. I saw it on Tomorrow's World.
Cyclist deserved what he got. As for those that think he deserved prison, FFS.
best bit is just ride through them all when they group up in their 4 or 5 across in them boxes, put your legs out and kick all cyclists out the way 8)
Easy to stop people filming things with a mobile but not if they have a concealed camera on their head, obviously leads to some privacy issues too in certain circumstances here.
that accident happened at about 3mph , do reflexes still exist ??
Although why didnt she get out of the car to see if he was ok? Bit hash!
Worst drivers on the road - make even bus drivers and white van men look considerate.
(don't get me started on bus drivers!!!!)
Doubt you see cars go through reds when there are mums pushing prams, old people struggling across when the green man is showing.
Yeah I would
i've tried my hardest but i'll be fucked if i can hide a camera on my head.
I spent a lot of last summer driving from Bromley via Lewisham to Camberwell or via the South Circular/Dulwich to Camberwell.The number of near misses I had with push bikes was something I wasnt prepared for and I have formed a view as a consequence .If you want to drive a pushbike do it at the weekend,and not in Inner London.If you do sooner or later you will get seriously injured or worse.(it may not be your fault but you will come off worse).Please wear a helmet ,dont use a phone /wear headphones/have a child as a pillion/do it as some kind of fashion statement.
I think they made it illegal to film the police while they are on duty, which is more the pity.