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No All male panels on BBC



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    Riviera said:

    PaddyP17 said:

    As long as these women have huge tits who cares?

    Poetic. Now head on back to the 1950s with toss like that.
    Good lord!

    What is wrong with everyone today?

    If Alan Davies had said that everyone would be marvelling at his wonderful ironic comedy.
    If it WAS ironic, my apologies. Sarcasm via text isn't exactly clear. If not - then I simply don't take kindly to casual misogyny.

    PaddyP17 said:

    As long as these women have huge tits who cares?

    Poetic. Now head on back to the 1950s with toss like that.
    Pure CL...

    Hah. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. You're bigoted - that's apparently okay; you call out bigotry - you're typical CL for calling it out.
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    edited February 2014
    To be fair SELR, I implied it. She doesn't make me laugh. Whilst there are other people who don't make me laugh, I can often see that they've got something even if it doesn't appeal to me. I haven't had that feeling about Miranda since she played the baby shop owner in Lead Balloon. I genuinely can't help but think that a lot of women like her because she's gawky and awkward - there's a sense that she has a wide level of support presicely because she doesn't come across as the stereotypical female tv personality.

    Where I differ from Huskaris is that no amount of positive discrimination would turn a black transgender lesbian me into a multi millionaire.
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    Huskaris said:

    I am all for women being included, but on merit. So often I watch a BBC comedy show and see people kind of laughing out of sympathy with so many female comedians.

    The only funny female comedian on TV is Katie Hopkins.

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    I agree in all aspects of life the key words are "on merit" this also applies to men.
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    Stig said:

    To be fair SELR, I implied it. She doesn't make me laugh. Whilst there are other people who don't make me laugh, I can often see that they've got something even if it does't appeal to me. I haven't had that feeling about Miranda since she played the baby shop owner in Lead Balloon. I genuinely can't help but think that a lot of women like her because she's gawky and awkward - there's a sense that she has a wide level of support presicely because she doesn't come across as the stereotypical female tv personality.

    Where I differ from Huskaris is that no amount of positive discrimination would turn a black transgender lesbian me into a multi millionaire.

    Honestly, I don't see the appeal myself. But there are many male comics I can't really stand either that have a huge amount of appeal towards a demographic i'm not in. For example Russell Howard with the teen audience.
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    edited February 2014

    Stig said:

    To be fair SELR, I implied it. She doesn't make me laugh. Whilst there are other people who don't make me laugh, I can often see that they've got something even if it does't appeal to me. I haven't had that feeling about Miranda since she played the baby shop owner in Lead Balloon. I genuinely can't help but think that a lot of women like her because she's gawky and awkward - there's a sense that she has a wide level of support presicely because she doesn't come across as the stereotypical female tv personality.

    Where I differ from Huskaris is that no amount of positive discrimination would turn a black transgender lesbian me into a multi millionaire.

    Honestly, I don't see the appeal myself. But there are many male comics I can't really stand either that have a huge amount of appeal towards a demographic i'm not in. For example Russell Howard with the teen audience.
    the bbc have stated that there must be a certain amount of comics that have bonk eyes as to not offend the people who suffer with the same problem
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    Stig said:

    Tio be fair SELR, I implied it. She doesn't make me laugh. Whilst there are other people who don't make me laugh, I can often see that they've got something even if it does't appeal to me. I haven't had that feeling about Miranda since she played the baby shop owner in Lead Balloon. I genuinely can't help but think that a lot of women like her because she's gawky and awkward - there's a sense that she has a wide level of support presicely because she doesn't come across as the stereotypical female tv personality.

    Where I differ from Huskaris is that no amount of positive discrimination would turn a black transgender lesbian me into a multi millionaire.

    This argument would never have happened if there were more female moderators........

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    Huskaris said:

    Huskaris said:

    Would prefer if they didn't release this kinda stuff publicly. Just put more women on panel shows without the fanfare of 'Look at how progressive we are!'

    It just makes the women seem like token panel members only there because they have to be, even if they're deserving.

    But most the time they are. Don't tell me you think people like Sarah Milican and Miranda Hart are there on merit...
    Miranda makes more money than most of the men, which is kinda the aim of a comedian.
    Ok she makes more money but that's because shes the benefactor of positive discrimination. I would be a multi millionaire comedian if I was a black transgender lesbian...
    She's the benefactor of positive discrimination? So she financially contributes to the very thing you're alleging she benefits from?

    If you're going to use words that you think highlight your specious arguments, at least use them in the correct context.
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    Imagine being on a show just because of your sex, what an insult to woman.
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    Wonder if itv will allow males to be part of the loose women panel.. Doubt it
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    Perhaps women like different comedians/ennes to men? Don't see what's wrong with giving women what they want, not my fault if some/most men don't know how to do it ;-)
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    Greenie said:

    Imagine being on a show just because of your sex, what an insult to woman.

    The implication of the statement is that there are plenty of female options for panel shows, hence "no excuse". Sure, he's never going to say "the quality of female comedy is not high enough" even if it's true. I watched a room full of women laugh maniacally watching Miranda, so I really wouldn't trust this site's demographic to get to the bottom of the debate!
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    Huskaris said:

    Huskaris said:

    Would prefer if they didn't release this kinda stuff publicly. Just put more women on panel shows without the fanfare of 'Look at how progressive we are!'

    It just makes the women seem like token panel members only there because they have to be, even if they're deserving.

    But most the time they are. Don't tell me you think people like Sarah Milican and Miranda Hart are there on merit...
    Miranda makes more money than most of the men, which is kinda the aim of a comedian.
    Ok she makes more money but that's because shes the benefactor of positive discrimination.
    I agree. She is about as funny as being at a loved ones funeral.
    I understand people have different senses of humour, but there is nothing funny about her, just cringey material.
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    Huskaris said:

    Huskaris said:

    Would prefer if they didn't release this kinda stuff publicly. Just put more women on panel shows without the fanfare of 'Look at how progressive we are!'

    It just makes the women seem like token panel members only there because they have to be, even if they're deserving.

    But most the time they are. Don't tell me you think people like Sarah Milican and Miranda Hart are there on merit...
    Miranda makes more money than most of the men, which is kinda the aim of a comedian.
    Ok she makes more money but that's because shes the benefactor of positive discrimination. I would be a multi millionaire comedian if I was a black transgender lesbian...
    She's the benefactor of positive discrimination? So she financially contributes to the very thing you're alleging she benefits from?

    If you're going to use words that you think highlight your specious arguments, at least use them in the correct context.
    Oops, my mistake! Been reading a lot of Roman stuff lately and clearly misinterpreted what a "benefactor" was!

    But I stand by my point. If Miranda Hart was a man she wouldn't have ever been heard of.
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    Problem with female comedians is they think they're moaning is funny. Why buy a ticket to hear a woman go on about about being fat/on her period/unattractive/not having kids when you can just listen to your missus for free
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    Huskaris said:

    Huskaris said:

    Would prefer if they didn't release this kinda stuff publicly. Just put more women on panel shows without the fanfare of 'Look at how progressive we are!'

    It just makes the women seem like token panel members only there because they have to be, even if they're deserving.

    But most the time they are. Don't tell me you think people like Sarah Milican and Miranda Hart are there on merit...
    Miranda makes more money than most of the men, which is kinda the aim of a comedian.
    Ok she makes more money but that's because shes the benefactor of positive discrimination. I would be a multi millionaire comedian if I was a black transgender lesbian...
    This is the first time I have ever been flagged. Clearly there are many people on here who have no sense of humour, presumably that goes hand in hand with being a Miranda fan, you just laugh because the tinned laughter says you should.
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    PaddyP17 said:

    As long as these women have huge tits who cares?

    Poetic. Now head on back to the 1950s with toss like that.
    Have a break mate.

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    edited February 2014
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    Huskaris said:

    Huskaris said:

    Huskaris said:

    Would prefer if they didn't release this kinda stuff publicly. Just put more women on panel shows without the fanfare of 'Look at how progressive we are!'

    It just makes the women seem like token panel members only there because they have to be, even if they're deserving.

    But most the time they are. Don't tell me you think people like Sarah Milican and Miranda Hart are there on merit...
    Miranda makes more money than most of the men, which is kinda the aim of a comedian.
    Ok she makes more money but that's because shes the benefactor of positive discrimination. I would be a multi millionaire comedian if I was a black transgender lesbian...
    This is the first time I have ever been flagged. Clearly there are many people on here who have no sense of humour, presumably that goes hand in hand with being a Miranda fan, you just laugh because the tinned laughter says you should.
    You got all of that from nothing more than a JPEG of a tiny flag? That's impressive.
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    Huskaris said:

    Huskaris said:

    Huskaris said:

    Would prefer if they didn't release this kinda stuff publicly. Just put more women on panel shows without the fanfare of 'Look at how progressive we are!'

    It just makes the women seem like token panel members only there because they have to be, even if they're deserving.

    But most the time they are. Don't tell me you think people like Sarah Milican and Miranda Hart are there on merit...
    Miranda makes more money than most of the men, which is kinda the aim of a comedian.
    Ok she makes more money but that's because shes the benefactor of positive discrimination. I would be a multi millionaire comedian if I was a black transgender lesbian...
    This is the first time I have ever been flagged. Clearly there are many people on here who have no sense of humour, presumably that goes hand in hand with being a Miranda fan, you just laugh because the tinned laughter says you should.
    Yeah, I've got no argument with that. She's about as funny as a bus timetable.
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    Huskaris said:

    Huskaris said:

    Huskaris said:

    Would prefer if they didn't release this kinda stuff publicly. Just put more women on panel shows without the fanfare of 'Look at how progressive we are!'

    It just makes the women seem like token panel members only there because they have to be, even if they're deserving.

    But most the time they are. Don't tell me you think people like Sarah Milican and Miranda Hart are there on merit...
    Miranda makes more money than most of the men, which is kinda the aim of a comedian.
    Ok she makes more money but that's because shes the benefactor of positive discrimination. I would be a multi millionaire comedian if I was a black transgender lesbian...
    This is the first time I have ever been flagged. Clearly there are many people on here who have no sense of humour, presumably that goes hand in hand with being a Miranda fan, you just laugh because the tinned laughter says you should.
    Yeah, I've got no argument with that. She's about as funny as a bus timetable.
    Thank God you steered clear of saying "rail timetable" there Leroy, which I'm guessing was a conscious choice on your part. Otherwise there would've been claret everywhere, and nobody likes spilling good claret, by Jove!
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    OK fellas, time for the Neanderthal chauvinists to rip Sandi Toksvig apart. I've got bored with the Miranda stuff............................
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    Surely the BBC would chase the ratings.
    So they should put the panel on that makes most people happy.
    Male, female, Emu, Mr Blobby whoever makes most people laugh.
    Why impose an artificial restriction?
    I just don't get it.
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    OK fellas, time for the Neanderthal chauvinists to rip Sandi Toksvig apart. I've got bored with the Miranda stuff............................

    This thread is no place for a Could'Ya

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    OK fellas, time for the Neanderthal chauvinists to rip Sandi Toksvig apart.

    I like her a lot.
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    does this include M O T Day ? .. and the FL show ?
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    Surely the BBC would chase the ratings.
    So they should put the panel on that makes most people happy.
    Male, female, Emu, Mr Blobby whoever makes most people laugh.
    Why impose an artificial restriction?
    I just don't get it.

    Restriction? Women are 50% of the population. Maybe they're chasing ratings by encouraging them to watch.
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    51% actually.
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    Surely the BBC would chase the ratings.
    So they should put the panel on that makes most people happy.
    Male, female, Emu, Mr Blobby whoever makes most people laugh.
    Why impose an artificial restriction?
    I just don't get it.

    Restriction? Women are 50% of the population. Maybe they're chasing ratings by encouraging them to watch.
    In which case they would already be there on merit, wouldn't they?
    No quota would be necessary, and if such a quota is imposed, then the final product will not be as popular as it would have been without it.
    Just a thought.
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