Am all for the idea of having anything Greenwich related plastered all over our kit. However I must say that I expected a much more explorative font than that on the front!
“Andrews Sykes have enjoyed a thoroughly positive two years as Charlton’s main sponsor, which has enabled us to reach out to a broad spectrum of fans and clients in London and beyond,” said Paul Wood, Managing Director of Andrews Sykes.
What a load of old tosh....So they were able to sell a few air con units big deal....
those units are cheaper on ebay...who needs to hire heat anyway..most houses have central heating!!
Ahh, yes, you must be right. That's why they've got 30 branches around the UK with all their staff just sitting around twiddling their thumbs. [They also have branches around the world in hotter places like the USA, six countries in the Middle East (and Belgium), to name but a few.]
The sponsors all look budget. Clearly done in a roast-minute rush. Why the standard font for the main sponsor? Where's the proper font and logo? Surly they have time to correct this.
Can someone explain why as a team reknowned for playing in red we have gone we now have half a white half red shirt?
Was it a decision just to wind the fans up even more? It looks like an away kit ffs, simple decision KEEP THE SHIRT RED! But no they messed that up as well
Just the shirt and I'd say it's got too much white, but actually the red shorts balance it out. Love hooped socks they are the nuts, remember Darren Bent bent bent in them destroying the Premiership, but they should have used UoG's actual font for the logo, or the compass
Never usually too bothered about the kit (apart from thinking the last few were very plain) but don't like the look of this one. Why so much white? And red shorts? And the main sponsor doesn't even have the logo or font they actually use themselves?
Any idea what colour the away kit is? Wouldn't be surprised if it's the same with red and white reversed.
However I must say that I expected a much more explorative font than that on the front!
Sponsor is terrible and it needs white shorts.
Love the hooped socks though.
Aka - Ronald Mcdonald.
Was it a decision just to wind the fans up even more? It looks like an away kit ffs, simple decision KEEP THE SHIRT RED! But no they messed that up as well
The white shoulders
The Arsenal look from the back
the V design
The red shorts
The hooped socks
The strange U og G non-logo
I wonder how much Mitsibishi pay for that much exposure.
Oh well, it's only a kit, it's the players wearing it that matter
Let's be honest if it was the best kit design in world people would still moan about things!
Am i right in saying people voted for this on the trust?
I'm undecided, bit of a limp looking text for the main sponsor.
I believe it is Arial in 142pt.
I do like the kit though
Any idea what colour the away kit is? Wouldn't be surprised if it's the same with red and white reversed.