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Millwall Watch



  • Alan Dunne has just sat down opposite me in Pierlugis in Beckenham ...






    That place must have gone downhill if they're letting people like that in.
  • Derby pricks when we went down Gave it shit loads to us , Yet they sing that's just embarrassing to millwank short memory
  • Alan Dunne has just sat down opposite me in Pierlugis in Beckenham ...






    That place must have gone downhill if they're letting people like that in.
    Come on mate, I'm not that bad ...
  • I remember seeing a video of some Charlton fan with Dowie where he asked for a selfie but it was actually a video where he slagged him off ... I'm thinking of doing the same!
  • I remember seeing a video of some Charlton fan with Dowie where he asked for a selfie but it was actually a video where he slagged him off ... I'm thinking of doing the same!

    this one you mean

    this was the thread
  • Trust Paulie to find it. Only surprise was it took 4 minutes ;)
  • Talal said:

    Trust Paulie to find it. Only surprise was it took 4 minutes ;)

    eventually got their, thing I tried typing in the search:
    Iain Dowie
    Iain Dowie Punch
    Dowie Punch
    Iain Dowie Video
    Dowie Video

    eventually tried Dowie pub and it was the 2nd link lol :wink:
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  • Vincenzo said:

    Current leader in the Millwall excuses bingo on Twitter is: Most of these idiots only come to one game a season.

    The sad thing is, they actually believe this horse crap.

    So the ones at Rotherham were different 'once a season Millwall fans'?

    Yes. These were the ones that only go to games against Derby.

    This article shows there were incidents with Derby in the 30s, 60s and 90s. So they must be getting on a bit now.

  • They are the scum is south London

    And that is why I want them down so passionately. It isn't even a football thing as much as what they stand for in terms of life, society and values. Just look at the people in that video. Absolute scum of the Earth. Hate is not strong enough a word to explain my loathing of those tossers.


    Years of living in South East London I've had to put up with them. Always wearing the shirt or a tattoo, anything to relay their love for the club - well more like for the culture of how their 'supporters' like to be perceived. This may be fair enough if the majority of them went to the games.

    But, it is just a front that allows them to have a reason and put a name (and to, that one of a proper football club) on the reason for their thuggish, 'hard', Charlie Big Potatoes anti-social, scum behaviour.

    Got respect for Neil Harris though.

  • Vincenzo said:

    Current leader in the Millwall excuses bingo on Twitter is: Most of these idiots only come to one game a season.

    The sad thing is, they actually believe this horse crap.

    why would these idiots choose this as there one game of the season to go to lol
    surely Watford, Charlton or Leeds would be a better game for them to go to
  • edited April 2015
    Remember the row over their delightful Philpott song when they played at Derby two years ago ? I tried to offer a brief explanation in the thread That's What They Do? Paulie, my old mate, you're the technical man - can you copy it over, maybe, please?
  • Derby pricks when we went down Gave it shit loads to us , Yet they sing that's just embarrassing to millwank short memory

    When do you mean?
  • edited April 2015

    Remember the row over their delightful Philpott song when they played at Derby two years ago ? I tried to offer a brief explanation in the thread That's What They Do? Paulie, my old mate, you're the technical man - can you copy it over, maybe, please?

    there was 2 on their but this one mentions Philpot so assumed this is the one you wanted Alan

    GlassHalfFull Member
    May 2013
    I was profoundly upset as the Philpott saga unfolded - that such a grievous event could have been perpetrated in a civilised society, it seemed unthinkable. To learn what that feckless rabble had come out with on Saturday was too much.

    Why are adjacent clubs so different ? Why are the Toffees a pleasure to meet, when Liverpool are
    much less so. Villa are by and large a decent lot - how can they inhabit the same city as the rabid scum from St Andrews? Would 25-5-98 have been such a sporting day if we'd have beaten Newcastle? Generalisations, I know, I know ....

    Sport is competition, and ours goes back to 1888. That's a long time for traditions to be built up. We know that football is prone to extremes, the days when enthusiastic becomes boisterous, boisterous become unruly, unruly turns aggressive and finally violence erupts. But why are Millwall and WHU (sorry, Thames Ironworks) still fighting their Victorian battles - this is actually more like something from medieval times.

    And what's almost worst of all is that we're talking about Millwall YET AGAIN !!!! The thousands of lines this forum has expended in the past couple of months which have been devoted to MFC - it's just criminal.

    They say that South Verminsey is about to be severely gentrified. Well, they can rename their shabby dump Denningtons, hire a horticultural genius to grow ivy up its charmless exterior, and for all I care become the world's first all-executive box stadium, but their swirling underclass of supporters will never relinquish a desperate grasp on the rags of their dismal tradition.

    I'm just sick of them and all they stand for. Why can't some public-spirited benefactor just buy them up and just shut the bastard franchise down, leaving the other 90 of us (and Palace) to get on with things in peace. Bill Gates - what about it, my old mate ?

    for anyone that missed them, some great posts from GHF
  • That video is hilarious, about 80% of them sh*t themselves and legged it even though they were nowhere near the police

  • Thanks very much, young man .... can you bring over the other longish post as well, please ?

  • Thanks very much, young man .... can you bring over the other longish post as well, please ?

    GlassHalfFull Member
    May 2013
    Millwall are outsiders. They were formed by the employees of a Scottish company which set up in business in The Isle of Dogs, and many of the personnel were expatriate Scots.

    For want of room to expand, in 1910 the club left the cramped island to hop over the water to The Den. If the club's heartland was Bermondsey and Surrey Docks, they found themselves further isolated from neighbouring communities. As London's population exploded Bermondsey itself never absorbed immigrants (at least from outside the UK) to anything like the same extent as other parts of London drew in newcomers from the Empire and Eastern Europe. It was an inward-looking community that looked after its own.

    Local industry was dominated by the docks and associated trades. There were aspects to dock work which fitted perfectly with the prevailing local mentality. The docks operated with casual labour. The irregular nature of dock work brought a powerful sense of loyalty within the dockers' gangs. Secondly, it was hard physical labour often in appalling condition and only the tough could thrive. Lastly, the endemic thieving and criminality brought a shared common cause and antipathy towards authority (police, Customs) and again a mandatory loyalty to their own.

    So, it can be understood that these hard characters with almost a fortress mentality (when have dockers never been routinely disparaged ?), a hatred of authority and with a resentment of other more privileged areas developed a tradition of hostility to their sporting opponents, and their physical strength and disregard for the law meant they showed little self-restraint when it came to trouble.

    But here's the thing - the docks closed over 40 years ago and much of the local population dispersed far and wide. The social conditions that produced the behaviour that brought this deservedly shameful reputation - never a justification but at least understandable - have long since ceased to exist.

    The present generation has no such background of deprivation and hardship but they have embraced and distorted the unsavoury elements of the club's past and they glory in it. If they can't be liked, then they must be respected, and if they can't be respected then they must be feared. They wear the club's reputation like a shabby old ill-fitting suit. They aim to shock, to be noticed. They care little or nothing for the club and its decent fans. They are self-indulgent and wholly self-obsessed, and the club will never be rid of them - the whole thing is self-perpetuating.

    I apologise if these comments are not better argued but I wanted just to try and show that however low Millwall have been before, to bring up Philpott was a step beyond even their own despicable boundaries, and it betrays a mentality that is past shame. Their forebears must be truly appalled at what their legacy has now produced.
  • When the league was upside down and dropped to league 1,
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  • We were already down and lost there I think 2-0 and they all came on the pitch calling out and giving it shit loads
  • Ah right. I missed all that.
  • There was no anger or our relegation we just slipped away quietly, no reason for Derby to give it, I hope they had an awkward journey out of there today
  • edited April 2015
    Would be funny if they were docked three points for the pitch invasion - and the fans became the reason for it.

  • There was no anger or our relegation we just slipped away quietly, no reason for Derby to give it, I hope they had an awkward journey out of there today

    Was severely pissed off by this, not really sure why - I suppose it was just because it was the arse end of a lousy season and their reaction was pointless.

  • I was at Derby and can't say it was really noticeable, minimal excitement from them at our demise
    A week later our fans were much worse with the joyous scenes because naaaaaarwich got relegated at The Valley
  • Come on Rotherham , don't let the filth have a chance , finish the job off
  • I was at Derby and can't say it was really noticeable, minimal excitement from them at our demise
    A week later our fans were much worse with the joyous scenes because naaaaaarwich got relegated at The Valley

    I agree with this.
    I thought the way we revelled in dragging Norwich down with us was far worse than how Derby were with us. Don't see how we can complain really.
  • edited April 2015
    got sent this but not sure if the burning coach stuff is real ? Surely not ? Think it's a fake, not even the scum would go that low
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