I promised myself that I wouldn't get wound up by silly answers. But there's a few on here that are just nuts. If you said any of these:
Minority Report Severence Walter Mitty Lethal weapon All Tom cruise films (one of the most consistent script-pickets that ever existed) Wall-E
Not only should you pay more attention when watching films, but you also clearly haven't seen:
Movie 43 A Serbian Film Young Einstein Jack and Jill (most Sandler movies really) Spawn
I'll add Platoon to the list of films which should not be on this thread.
People are saying films they dislike or do not understand and they are not necessarily the worst films of all time.
Agreed - for example many Coen movies divide audiences (O Brother, Lebowski) but shouldn't be anywhere near a list if out-and-out bad films. I wasn't sure if the Gravity comments earlier on we're ironic or not!!
Walter Mitty was slightly flawed - some of Stiller's comedy simply didn't belong, such as the Benjamin Button skit - and while it wasn't universally liked, I loved it and thought it was meticulously and beautifully shot.
Each to their own...its "Your" worst 5 after all. Nothing wrong in picking something you felt terrible even if its not universally acknowledged as being a terrible film.
I figured someone would come out with that, which I find a cop out. This isn't the 'films you didn't like' list, it's 'worst of all time' which is pretty specific. There are flawless and bona fide classics in here, so if someone's going to list a great movie, you should expect to be challenged (few of the classic in this lot have credible reasoning for their inclusion). I'd be surprised if anyone questions Young Einstein. Even Jack and Jill is derided by Sandler fans!
I am listening ... and I personally agree with most of your picks. IMO its not a poll of what you consider to be the worst critiqued films of all time though is it? Its subjective, what are YOUR worst films?
Yes there is! I said why in my last post. I could repeat it but I don't think you're listening!
So who says what are the worst films of all time then? The thread doesn't specify we should sit through every film that has been critically panned by the film critics, lost loads of money and then go "well he's right you know, that was pants." Believe me I have seen some junk in my time and I am glad I can't think of them now because they were utterly forgetful. The ones I do remember are my worst choices for a reason. I have also watched films that have been slaughtered like The Adventures Of Ford Fairlane, yet I loved it.
On both film threads I was really asking for personal top five Best or Worst films. It isn't a poll of what you think are generally thought of as good or bad films.
I knew this in particular thread would throw up some odd choices.
No-one has mentioned Eraserhead. Seeing is believing. An absolute pile of artistic tosh. It was so bad I had to watch all of it just to be sure. Made my eyes bleed.
I love it. For me it works both as an art house film noir and as an allegory about teenage pregnancy. I'll grant you it's not going to be everyone's cup of tea; it's weird and repetitive and there's little in the way of dialogue or action, but it's still up there as one of my favourites. I absolutely love it.
Yes there is! I said why in my last post. I could repeat it but I don't think you're listening!
So who says what are the worst films of all time then? The thread doesn't specify we should sit through every film that has been critically panned by the film critics
Haha I was being a little facetious I admit. But i do think someone such as Indigo Joe hasn't watched enough movies if Star Wars and The Social Network are two of the worst movies he's seen.
I am listening ... and I personally agree with most of your picks. IMO its not a poll of what you consider to be the worst critiqued films of all time though is it? Its subjective, what are YOUR worst films?
True, but I stand by the point that if you're sharing a critical list on a forum, it's fair game to question that list, rather than just hide behind "it's my opinion, deal with it". What good is that!?
Like I said, few people are backing up the negativity with any real justification. I would for mine, but I don't think its necessary. But if somebody picks Wall-E, I'd like to know why! Might even see the movie in a new light. Alternatively, as with the OP regarding Fight Club, they might be convinced to try again. I used to hate Unforgiven and Carlito's Way (interestingly, very similar films) for no justifiable reason until I was told to look again.
For me it would be, only including films I sat through to the bitter end (not always by choice)
1. Ace ventura 2 2. Jurassic park 3 3. Sex lives of the potato men 4. Highlander 2 - awful film but there is an original cut of this knocking around that makes slightly more sense 5. The third matrix film
Many others I have given up on but can't count the 10 minutes I gave one of the underworld sequels in the list as it might have got better.
Oh Jesus, I knew I'd forgotten something. Sex Lives of the Potato Men is on a par with Movie 43. Worse even, given that lottery funding went on that film. The close up of a bogey remains the lowest level anyone has stooped to for a laugh.
Yes there is! I said why in my last post. I could repeat it but I don't think you're listening!
So who says what are the worst films of all time then? The thread doesn't specify we should sit through every film that has been critically panned by the film critics
Haha I was being a little facetious I admit. But i do think someone such as Indigo Joe hasn't watched enough movies if Star Wars and The Social Network are two of the worst movies he's seen.
I am listening ... and I personally agree with most of your picks. IMO its not a poll of what you consider to be the worst critiqued films of all time though is it? Its subjective, what are YOUR worst films?
True, but I stand by the point that if you're sharing a critical list on a forum, it's fair game to question that list, rather than just hide behind "it's my opinion, deal with it". What good is that!?
Like I said, few people are backing up the negativity with any real justification. I would for mine, but I don't think its necessary. But if somebody picks Wall-E, I'd like to know why! Might even see the movie in a new light. Alternatively, as with the OP regarding Fight Club, they might be convinced to try again. I used to hate Unforgiven and Carlito's Way (interestingly, very similar films) for no justifiable reason until I was told to look again.
Fair point and I also find it hard to think that someone could put Inception, Social Network, Star Wars to name a few mentioned, down as their worst. But, as has been said before, one mans ceiling is another mans floor. I have watched Inception 3 times and each time I have noticed somenthing that I missed previously.
If I had to give reasons for my worst films then they would be these -
Freddy Got Fingered. Totally unfunny, pointless, nasty, idiotic collection of sketches and truly felt ashamed to have cast my eyes on something so rotten when I should have known better. And what makes it worse was I had avoided the film because of the write ups and yet still gave it a go. Normally I would have ditched before the end but was round a friends at the time.
Pineapple Express - Crap acting, crap sets, crap story, crap film. What is worse is it has some decent actors in it. Don't know why but when I think of this I think of Tropic Thunder which was a bit of a stinker with a few funny moments.
Dune - Just remember it being boooooooooooorrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggg.
Pirates of the Caribbean 3 - Far too much going on topped off with a ton of CGI.
Severance - Supposed to be a comedy horror about a group of employees on a team building jolly that goes pear shaped. One of those films that tried to be different types of genre of film at once and failed miserably to entertain. Shame the ending didn't end how I wanted it to.
Got about 20 minutes into Kick Ass 2 and had to give up due to it being so bad. Don't normally give up on a film but I liked Kick Ass so much I didn't want this one to ruin my memory of the first one.
I figured someone would come out with that, which I find a cop out. This isn't the 'films you didn't like' list, it's 'worst of all time' which is pretty specific. There are flawless and bona fide classics in here, so if someone's going to list a great movie, you should expect to be challenged (few of the classic in this lot have credible reasoning for their inclusion). I'd be surprised if anyone questions Young Einstein. Even Jack and Jill is derided by Sandler fans!
Might as well just link to this page and close the thread then.
Blair Witch. A screaming teenage borefest that is more notable for it's viral marketing and huge gross to expenditure ratio than for anything that happens on the screen.
1. Superman 2. I actually think the anchormans are crap most people give them praise and think there funny, just can't see it. 3. Spider-Man 3 was disappointing seen as the 1st 2 were great. 4. Harry Potter films 5. Lord of the rings films.
My 4 and 5 are very popular but personal taste in films is varied and I think there both horseshite.
Think this came up a couple of years ago, I nominated The Russia House.....Einstein got a Nobel prize for working out time could run slow, I think he must have got the idea after sitting through this tripe.
I thought Pulp Fiction was a classic to be honest, and since then, I don't think Tarrantino has come close to beating it. The Blair Witch Project was also a great film, though that may say more about my low tolerance of frightening stuff. One which has'nt mentioned yet is the Python film, 'The meaning of life'. I love the Pythons, but how they managed to write an entire 90 minute film after the wonderfull 'Life of Brian' and not include a single funny momento beats me.
My problem with Blair Witch was precisely that I didn't find it frightening at all, though that may say more about my low tolerance of hysterical teenagers.
As for The Meaning of Life, you're right that it is largely pretty poor (certainly in comparison with LoB). Surely this bit alone rules it out of being a worst movie though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUspLVStPbk&feature=kp
I do wonder of Monty Python is holding up these days though. When I was younger, The Holy Grail, was one of my favourite films. A few weeks ago I persuaded my son to watch it with me. I was quite relieved when he walked out of the room with a typical teenage, "this is boring" as that meant I didn't have to watch it any more.
Yes there is! I said why in my last post. I could repeat it but I don't think you're listening!
So who says what are the worst films of all time then? The thread doesn't specify we should sit through every film that has been critically panned by the film critics
Haha I was being a little facetious I admit. But i do think someone such as Indigo Joe hasn't watched enough movies if Star Wars and The Social Network are two of the worst movies he's seen.
I am listening ... and I personally agree with most of your picks. IMO its not a poll of what you consider to be the worst critiqued films of all time though is it? Its subjective, what are YOUR worst films?
True, but I stand by the point that if you're sharing a critical list on a forum, it's fair game to question that list, rather than just hide behind "it's my opinion, deal with it". What good is that!?
Like I said, few people are backing up the negativity with any real justification. I would for mine, but I don't think its necessary. But if somebody picks Wall-E, I'd like to know why! Might even see the movie in a new light. Alternatively, as with the OP regarding Fight Club, they might be convinced to try again. I used to hate Unforgiven and Carlito's Way (interestingly, very similar films) for no justifiable reason until I was told to look again.
My point with my choices was to highlight films that have been praised as greats which I thought were terrible. I know that Sex Lives of the Potato Men was worse than The Social Network but it wasn't shortlisted for a handful of Oscars. Do you understand what I'm getting at? If not, look again.
Bad Lieutenant (remake)
An Officer and a Gentleman
Fried Green Tomatoes
Walter Mitty was slightly flawed - some of Stiller's comedy simply didn't belong, such as the Benjamin Button skit - and while it wasn't universally liked, I loved it and thought it was meticulously and beautifully shot. I figured someone would come out with that, which I find a cop out. This isn't the 'films you didn't like' list, it's 'worst of all time' which is pretty specific. There are flawless and bona fide classics in here, so if someone's going to list a great movie, you should expect to be challenged (few of the classic in this lot have credible reasoning for their inclusion). I'd be surprised if anyone questions Young Einstein. Even Jack and Jill is derided by Sandler fans!
I thought Walter mitty was awful for example. Each to their own...there is no right or wrong Jimmy
I knew this in particular thread would throw up some odd choices.
One mans classic is another mans Turkey !
Like I said, few people are backing up the negativity with any real justification. I would for mine, but I don't think its necessary. But if somebody picks Wall-E, I'd like to know why! Might even see the movie in a new light. Alternatively, as with the OP regarding Fight Club, they might be convinced to try again. I used to hate Unforgiven and Carlito's Way (interestingly, very similar films) for no justifiable reason until I was told to look again.
blue velvet, mull drive and elephant man are classics.
Twin Peaks would be high on any list of best series
1. Ace ventura 2
2. Jurassic park 3
3. Sex lives of the potato men
4. Highlander 2 - awful film but there is an original cut of this knocking around that makes slightly more sense
5. The third matrix film
Many others I have given up on but can't count the 10 minutes I gave one of the underworld sequels in the list as it might have got better.
If I had to give reasons for my worst films then they would be these -
Freddy Got Fingered. Totally unfunny, pointless, nasty, idiotic collection of sketches and truly felt ashamed to have cast my eyes on something so rotten when I should have known better. And what makes it worse was I had avoided the film because of the write ups and yet still gave it a go. Normally I would have ditched before the end but was round a friends at the time.
Pineapple Express - Crap acting, crap sets, crap story, crap film. What is worse is it has some decent actors in it. Don't know why but when I think of this I think of Tropic Thunder which was a bit of a stinker with a few funny moments.
Dune - Just remember it being boooooooooooorrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggg.
Pirates of the Caribbean 3 - Far too much going on topped off with a ton of CGI.
Severance - Supposed to be a comedy horror about a group of employees on a team building jolly that goes pear shaped. One of those films that tried to be different types of genre of film at once and failed miserably to entertain. Shame the ending didn't end how I wanted it to.
Got about 20 minutes into Kick Ass 2 and had to give up due to it being so bad. Don't normally give up on a film but I liked Kick Ass so much I didn't want this one to ruin my memory of the first one.
I figured someone would come out with that, which I find a cop out. This isn't the 'films you didn't like' list, it's 'worst of all time' which is pretty specific. There are flawless and bona fide classics in here, so if someone's going to list a great movie, you should expect to be challenged (few of the classic in this lot have credible reasoning for their inclusion). I'd be surprised if anyone questions Young Einstein. Even Jack and Jill is derided by Sandler fans!
Might as well just link to this page and close the thread then.
Shockingly bad and strangely popular.
1. Superman
2. I actually think the anchormans are crap most people give them praise and think there funny, just can't see it.
3. Spider-Man 3 was disappointing seen as the 1st 2 were great.
4. Harry Potter films
5. Lord of the rings films.
My 4 and 5 are very popular but personal taste in films is varied and I think there both horseshite.
2. V for Vendetta
3. Pulp Fiction (what was all the fuss about?)
4. Cocktail
5. Anything with Depp in
One which has'nt mentioned yet is the Python film, 'The meaning of life'. I love the Pythons, but how they managed to write an entire 90 minute film after the wonderfull 'Life of Brian' and not include a single funny momento beats me.
As for The Meaning of Life, you're right that it is largely pretty poor (certainly in comparison with LoB). Surely this bit alone rules it out of being a worst movie though:
I do wonder of Monty Python is holding up these days though. When I was younger, The Holy Grail, was one of my favourite films. A few weeks ago I persuaded my son to watch it with me. I was quite relieved when he walked out of the room with a typical teenage, "this is boring" as that meant I didn't have to watch it any more.