Anyone got funny stories of things they have done or had done to them
Had a good one today:
Started my new job 2 weeks ago then last week 3 guys who i work with including my Line manager kept talking about "Report Week" being this week meaning we would be staying till around 22:00 instead of 17:30, they was talking about different things about it, then today I received a reminder email from the Receptionist also in on the prank about "Report Week", Hung around when I was meant to finish until the other 3 had finished so we could go to the room where we was doing, they went ahead of me whilst I picked something up I got in the room and that's when they told me it was a joke and "Report Week" does not exist.
All week i was dreading finishing so late and I cant believe I feel for it
But revenge shall be mine
At Natwest used to send them to various offices in the city to get the Long Wait printouts whereby they would find the person you told them to collect it from and they would then stand by their desk for an hour or more before finally being given some random sheets of paper to take back.
Billy Connolly tells a great one about going down to the stores at the shipyard at the request of the senior welders and being told to ask for some "elbow grease" and "spotted paint" - he was still there at closing up time!
It would be stretching things to say hilarity ensued.
And, of course, other silly names like Ima Pratt....
A young italian tough nut straight from school obviously thought Rocky was real was broken by being sent to the stores for a box of sparks for the grinding machine or some steam to clean the parts or even the chequered paint for the walls but the final straw was the broom through the sleeves of his overalls and then sent 6 ft in the air on the ramp in a crucifix position and spraying the overalls with spray glue which was set on fire! Oh the good old days before H&S!
He turned jehobah after 6 months and sung hymns all day to get back at us
Crazy goings on.
Their faces were a picture!
weightwait.Unsurprisingly there wasn't a Scott Chegg at the catering supplies company I had been given the number for.
You'd never get away with that these days. I bet they never made a mistake after that though.
One day they filled the foreman's pipe with strips of magnesium. He lit it on the tram on the way home and the resultant flash, set light to his paper. An old girl sitting near him fainted.
The toilets didn't have cubicles, just small partitions with a trough running underneath. They used to flush a piece of wood down it with burning paper on top, burning peoples arses as it went along.
I did have a chuckle when he actually believed me.
As his sibling approached he leapt out and grabbed him by the sphericals with the cry " gotcha ! "
A very startled and frightened managing director was less pleased!
I was a 16 year old print apprentice many many moons ago.
My monday morning job was to clean the mice and rat shite from the type cases and galleys.
I found a dead mouse and decided to pop said mouse into my overseers sandwich with its head out one end and its tail out the other, thinking that he would see it before he took a bite. I didnt know he would be reading the paper as he bit into it.......I got a right hiding for that one....!
He wasn't too pleased when we saw him the next morning!
Luckily didnt investthe money in RBS shares other than some left over sharesave schemes.
This guy I know was responsible for keeping the bogs clean, so on the pre-inspection inspection, he lobbed a covering of HP Sauce down one of the lavs.
When his CO came along and spotted it, he went mental. 'What the fuck is that down there' he bellowed.
My mate dipped his finger in the HP sauce, licked it, and replied 'Shit, sir'.