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Can we discuss "Severe Terror threats"



  • must admit i thought there would be a lot more posts here today ...probably shows how accepting we have become of the current situation ,probably a very dangerous thing in itself
  • There's a different thread called Grenoble where there are a lot more comments
  • Rizzo said:

    Quite where IS gets any sort of justification for attacking a mosque (you know, the church of your purported religion) on a Friday (the holy day of your purported religion) during Ramadan (the holy festival of your purported religion) is beyond me.

    Mind you, anything those frothing lunatics do is beyond reason so I'm not sure why I should be surprised.

    There's a pretty devout Muslim girl at work and she is unbelievably angry at IS and other such scumbags for perverting her religion.

    I imagine it is her that isn't following Islam correctly. The quar'an is an incredibly violent book.
  • Rizzo said:

    Quite where IS gets any sort of justification for attacking a mosque (you know, the church of your purported religion) on a Friday (the holy day of your purported religion) during Ramadan (the holy festival of your purported religion) is beyond me.

    Mind you, anything those frothing lunatics do is beyond reason so I'm not sure why I should be surprised.

    There's a pretty devout Muslim girl at work and she is unbelievably angry at IS and other such scumbags for perverting her religion.

    I imagine it is her that isn't following Islam correctly. The quar'an is an incredibly violent book.
    Read it a few times have you?
  • Rizzo said:

    Quite where IS gets any sort of justification for attacking a mosque (you know, the church of your purported religion) on a Friday (the holy day of your purported religion) during Ramadan (the holy festival of your purported religion) is beyond me.

    Mind you, anything those frothing lunatics do is beyond reason so I'm not sure why I should be surprised.

    There's a pretty devout Muslim girl at work and she is unbelievably angry at IS and other such scumbags for perverting her religion.

    I imagine it is her that isn't following Islam correctly. The quar'an is an incredibly violent book.
    Just like the bible, in fact
  • edited June 2015
    colthe3rd said:

    Rizzo said:

    Quite where IS gets any sort of justification for attacking a mosque (you know, the church of your purported religion) on a Friday (the holy day of your purported religion) during Ramadan (the holy festival of your purported religion) is beyond me.

    Mind you, anything those frothing lunatics do is beyond reason so I'm not sure why I should be surprised.

    There's a pretty devout Muslim girl at work and she is unbelievably angry at IS and other such scumbags for perverting her religion.

    I imagine it is her that isn't following Islam correctly. The quar'an is an incredibly violent book.
    Read it a few times have you?
    I have not read Mein Kampf. And I never intend to. But I think I can express a perfectly valid opinion about it.
  • I know, the Bible is a load of old trollop too.

    You don't need to be a muslim to know the Quar'an to establish it contains violent verses. Weak argument.
  • colthe3rd said:

    Rizzo said:

    Quite where IS gets any sort of justification for attacking a mosque (you know, the church of your purported religion) on a Friday (the holy day of your purported religion) during Ramadan (the holy festival of your purported religion) is beyond me.

    Mind you, anything those frothing lunatics do is beyond reason so I'm not sure why I should be surprised.

    There's a pretty devout Muslim girl at work and she is unbelievably angry at IS and other such scumbags for perverting her religion.

    I imagine it is her that isn't following Islam correctly. The quar'an is an incredibly violent book.
    Read it a few times have you?
    I have not read Mein Kempt. And I never intend to. But I think I can express a perfectly valid opinion about it.
    Might help if you got the right book pal.
  • colthe3rd said:

    colthe3rd said:

    Rizzo said:

    Quite where IS gets any sort of justification for attacking a mosque (you know, the church of your purported religion) on a Friday (the holy day of your purported religion) during Ramadan (the holy festival of your purported religion) is beyond me.

    Mind you, anything those frothing lunatics do is beyond reason so I'm not sure why I should be surprised.

    There's a pretty devout Muslim girl at work and she is unbelievably angry at IS and other such scumbags for perverting her religion.

    I imagine it is her that isn't following Islam correctly. The quar'an is an incredibly violent book.
    Read it a few times have you?
    I have not read Mein Kempt. And I never intend to. But I think I can express a perfectly valid opinion about it.
    Might help if you got the right book pal.
    Ok I spelt it incorrectly. But you knew which book I was talking about. So how would it help. In a couple hundred years Nazism will be a religion, Mein Kampf will be the book and Adolf Hitler will be the Mohammad/Jesus Christ figure.
  • colthe3rd said:

    colthe3rd said:

    Rizzo said:

    Quite where IS gets any sort of justification for attacking a mosque (you know, the church of your purported religion) on a Friday (the holy day of your purported religion) during Ramadan (the holy festival of your purported religion) is beyond me.

    Mind you, anything those frothing lunatics do is beyond reason so I'm not sure why I should be surprised.

    There's a pretty devout Muslim girl at work and she is unbelievably angry at IS and other such scumbags for perverting her religion.

    I imagine it is her that isn't following Islam correctly. The quar'an is an incredibly violent book.
    Read it a few times have you?
    I have not read Mein Kempt. And I never intend to. But I think I can express a perfectly valid opinion about it.
    Might help if you got the right book pal.
    Ok I spelt it incorrectly. But you knew which book I was talking about. So how would it help. In a couple hundred years Nazism will be a religion, Mein Kampf will be the book and Adolf Hitler will be the Mohammad/Jesus Christ figure.
    Can't wait for the Lloyd-Webber/Rice musical!
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  • edited June 2015

    colthe3rd said:

    Rizzo said:

    Quite where IS gets any sort of justification for attacking a mosque (you know, the church of your purported religion) on a Friday (the holy day of your purported religion) during Ramadan (the holy festival of your purported religion) is beyond me.

    Mind you, anything those frothing lunatics do is beyond reason so I'm not sure why I should be surprised.

    There's a pretty devout Muslim girl at work and she is unbelievably angry at IS and other such scumbags for perverting her religion.

    I imagine it is her that isn't following Islam correctly. The quar'an is an incredibly violent book.
    Read it a few times have you?
    I have not read Mein Kampf. And I never intend to. But I think I can express a perfectly valid opinion about it.
    You should do - it's a fascinating read, just as Das Kapital is.

    “Obstacles do not exist to be surrendered to, but only to be broken.”

    "A spider conducts operations that resemble those of a weaver, and a bee puts to shame many an architect in the construction of her cells. But what distinguishes the worst architect from the best of bees is this, that the architect raises his structure in imagination before he erects it in reality."

    But which is which?
  • colthe3rd said:

    colthe3rd said:

    Rizzo said:

    Quite where IS gets any sort of justification for attacking a mosque (you know, the church of your purported religion) on a Friday (the holy day of your purported religion) during Ramadan (the holy festival of your purported religion) is beyond me.

    Mind you, anything those frothing lunatics do is beyond reason so I'm not sure why I should be surprised.

    There's a pretty devout Muslim girl at work and she is unbelievably angry at IS and other such scumbags for perverting her religion.

    I imagine it is her that isn't following Islam correctly. The quar'an is an incredibly violent book.
    Read it a few times have you?
    I have not read Mein Kempt. And I never intend to. But I think I can express a perfectly valid opinion about it.
    Might help if you got the right book pal.
    Ok I spelt it incorrectly. But you knew which book I was talking about. So how would it help. In a couple hundred years Nazism will be a religion, Mein Kampf will be the book and Adolf Hitler will be the Mohammad/Jesus Christ figure.
    Ok I was being pedantic but passages in isolation could be taken by any one of us and used as very intelligent and inspiring words. I think a while ago there were memes going about with photos of famous people like MLK and JFK with sentences from Mein Kampf and people were sharing and retweeting them worldwide. My point being that take any words out of context and you can make of them what you want.
  • Rizzo said:

    Quite where IS gets any sort of justification for attacking a mosque (you know, the church of your purported religion) on a Friday (the holy day of your purported religion) during Ramadan (the holy festival of your purported religion) is beyond me.

    Mind you, anything those frothing lunatics do is beyond reason so I'm not sure why I should be surprised.

    There's a pretty devout Muslim girl at work and she is unbelievably angry at IS and other such scumbags for perverting her religion.

    I imagine it is her that isn't following Islam correctly. The quar'an is an incredibly violent book.
    You're pretty vocal in your belief that the UK should leave the EU too, aren't you ?
  • A plot to explode a pressure cooker bomb at a parade in south London yesterday was foiled, according to The Sun.
  • se9addick said:

    Rizzo said:

    Quite where IS gets any sort of justification for attacking a mosque (you know, the church of your purported religion) on a Friday (the holy day of your purported religion) during Ramadan (the holy festival of your purported religion) is beyond me.

    Mind you, anything those frothing lunatics do is beyond reason so I'm not sure why I should be surprised.

    There's a pretty devout Muslim girl at work and she is unbelievably angry at IS and other such scumbags for perverting her religion.

    I imagine it is her that isn't following Islam correctly. The quar'an is an incredibly violent book.
    You're pretty vocal in your belief that the UK should leave the EU too, aren't you ?
    I am.
  • . The quar'an is an incredibly violent book.

    In the Bible, with the world population of 4, Cain kills his brother Able, that's a 25% homicide rate, so a pretty violent start for the Bible and it continues in the same vein. God decides men are sinful, and commits genocide by flooding the earth. He also teaches Noah the code of the vendetta, " Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed."

    The 10 Commandments outlaw engraved images and the coveting of livestock but give a pass to slavery, rape, torture, mutiliation and genocide of neighbouring tribes, all common acts in the bible. For example, on the instructions of God, Moses & his brother Aaron kill 3,000 fellow Israelites for worshipping a statue of a calf. When Aaron uses the wrong incense in the slaughter of many animals (that must be sacrificed to God), God burns Aaron and his sons to death.

    When the Israelites meet the Midianites, God orders them to kill all the males, burn the city, plunder the livestock. However, Moses is furious they spared the women and children and orders them all to be killed, except "all the women children, that have not known man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves" i.e. young sex slaves to raped at their pleasure. Amongst other enemies, the genocide has to be total, "thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth. But thou shall utterly destroy them ... as the Lord thy God has commanded thee".

    And it goes on and on an on.
  • Can we stop comparing violence in these two books now? Nick (the person who mentioned the violence in the Qu'uran) also thinks the Bible is violent and made that point on another thread too.

    We do have to accept that violent extremism is not unique to one culture, race or religion, but the tit-for-tat stuff doesn't help.
  • Maybe so, but the vast, vast majority of violent extremism is committed by the followers of one particular faith. To try and argue otherwise is laughable.
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  • Maybe so, but the vast, vast majority of violent extremism is committed by the followers of one particular faith. To try and argue otherwise is laughable.

    Utter fucking bullshit = The vast majority of violent extremism is carried out by western goverments who invade countries and slaughter vast numbers of civilians - far more than any other agency. But I guess you werent including the US or UK govrrnments.
  • Maybe so, but the vast, vast majority of violent extremism is committed by the followers of one particular faith. To try and argue otherwise is laughable.

    Utter fucking bullshit. The vast majority of violent extremism is carried out by western goverments who invade countries and slaughter vast numbers of civilians - far more than any other agency. But I guess you werent including the US or UK govrrnments.
    Those Lib/Dem suicide bombers are right bastards.

  • se9addick said:

    Rizzo said:

    Quite where IS gets any sort of justification for attacking a mosque (you know, the church of your purported religion) on a Friday (the holy day of your purported religion) during Ramadan (the holy festival of your purported religion) is beyond me.

    Mind you, anything those frothing lunatics do is beyond reason so I'm not sure why I should be surprised.

    There's a pretty devout Muslim girl at work and she is unbelievably angry at IS and other such scumbags for perverting her religion.

    I imagine it is her that isn't following Islam correctly. The quar'an is an incredibly violent book.
    You're pretty vocal in your belief that the UK should leave the EU too, aren't you ?
    I am too, what point are you trying to make
  • You know what he/she is trying to do , don't lower yourselves to fall for the baited hook pal ignore and forget
  • Has anyone been following #findsuedavey on twitter? Absolute tragedy.. RIP Sue
  • You know what he/she is trying to do , don't lower yourselves to fall for the baited hook pal ignore and forget

    Trying not to mate! Haha

    Has anyone been following #findsuedavey on twitter? Absolute tragedy.. RIP Sue

    Just seen it. Absolutely heart breaking. RIP Sue
  • Rip Sue Davey

    Gutted for their candle of hope to have gone out tonight ,.

    It really is quite unbelievable the actions of the latest terror attack, how aimed to hurt those who have no influence or impact on the issues that are meant to cause this

    Filth absolute filth
  • Scott Chalkley also confirmed to be one of the dead too
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