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Can we discuss "Severe Terror threats"



  • At the moment UK and US are itching for an excuse to pile troops back into the Middle East. They know the public won't back them, but if an attack happens..........

    The US that I live in isn't itching for any such thing.

  • Well, the upgrade of threat severity certainly didn't hurt getting the recent UKIP defection off the front pages....
  • Worth reading what Paddy Ashdown had to say about it yesterday.

    Too much scaring the public going on

    really? I'd rather be scared than dead. It makes people more vigilant which is only a good thing and could save lives.

  • Two election ploys, the enemy within and the enemy without. But there's no Malvinas / Falklands this time, so thank you Isis and assorted Mooslims, we can raise the terror levels, nothing happens, ergo Cameron knows what he's doing so we'll vote for him. Islam is tearing itself to shreds and Cameron is playing the race card in its widest sense. If I were an Etonite mess seeking re-election, I'd do the same.
  • edited September 2014
    A wise man once told me not to worry too much about potential bad stuff the media and government warn you about. It only gets into the media because it does not happen often and does not affect many people.

    Bad shit with happen by either act of nature or planned by nutters and evil people but in all likelihood the only impact it will have on you is giving you something to talk about online and to your friends/family.

    There is plenty of boring everyday stuff to worry about without freaking out over this sort of thing.
  • edited September 2014

    At the moment UK and US are itching for an excuse to pile troops back into the Middle East. They know the public won't back them, but if an attack happens..........

    Absolute tripe.

    Some really do need to open their eyes. This isn't about political one-upping or image. In the past few months alone there are hundreds upon hundreds of people from around the world who are going to Syria with the intention of doing damage to the West. They have made it very clear that they will go to whatever extreme to reach their objective.

    The threat is very real. That is why the level has been raised.
  • edited September 2014

    Worth reading what Paddy Ashdown had to say about it yesterday.

    Too much scaring the public going on

    really? I'd rather be scared than dead. It makes people more vigilant which is only a good thing and could save lives.

    Two things really. For the general public "Being vigilant" without really knowing what you are looking for or how to spot it just creates an atmosphere of fear without necessarily protecting yourself. The condition of of being vigilant in these circumstances is more likely to create an environment where hostility and resentment (justified or otherwise) creates the likelihood of violence.

    Obviously this is presumably less true for the professional security services. Hope so anyway.

  • edited September 2014

    Two election ploys, the enemy within and the enemy without. But there's no Malvinas / Falklands this time, so thank you Isis and assorted Mooslims, we can raise the terror levels, nothing happens, ergo Cameron knows what he's doing so we'll vote for him. Islam is tearing itself to shreds and Cameron is playing the race card in its widest sense. If I were an Etonite mess seeking re-election, I'd do the same.

    I don't wish to be contentious, but the last big war we got ourselves involved in was largely down to Blair and in the face of very widespread public opposition he went ahead. Just in the name of fairness I think it is worth a mention, along with MT and DC.
  • Is this ISIS mob the same lot that we were considering helping in Syria as freedom fighters? Was it a case of 'better the devil we know' when we decided not to bomb Assad's forces?
  • edited September 2014
    I work in a big West End shop and saw two armed police officers walking through store about an hour ago. A lot more police than usual up in central today.
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  • My tube journey was unusually quieter this morning, I was hoping it was a bank holiday and that I just hadn't realised.
  • I didn't get the text so I guess they aren't targetting the Waterloo & City Line
  • This is actually very simple to explain:

    UKIP surprise everyone (including the PM) by announcing a defection from the Tories.

    It is the main breaking news topic on all media.

    24 hours later - the PM announces an increased terror threat and that an attack on British soil is "almost certain",

    It is the replacement main breaking news topic on all media.

    Just a way to frighten us all into thinking Dave is keeping us safe, and hence not to vote his mob out at the next election.
  • Just a way to frighten us all into thinking Dave is keeping us safe, and hence not to vote his mob out at the next election.


    Governments have been doing this kinda crap since, well, the forming of governments. They want us to think we're always in some sort of danger so we become compliant and docile to any clamp downs/law changes. It's all about controlling the masses and getting them to believe what you want them to believe. It's also a great excuse to keep up a healthy defense budget....

  • On the bright side, I don't remember a terrorist attacking ever happening during an elevated threat level period.
  • il be honest, im dumb to politics...but im starting to see through cameron.

    He annouced the "severe" threat like it was persuading the public that we are in danger...not just telling it like it is.

    If it was true it would probably carry more discretion as they would not want mass panic.
  • I'm amazed by the glib remarks on here regarding what appears to be a real threat. I don't imagine that the Christians living in Iraq who are being slaughtered by these maniacs have much doubt as to their intention of taking their Caliphate (look it up) as far as they can. The whole civilized world declared upon discovery of the concentration camps at the end of World War II, "We must never let this happen again." If the Western world doesn't stop ISIS, won't we be letting this happen again?
  • dont talk shit aboutplaying the "race card" feck off to Rotherham and see where it was played out for 16 fecking years
  • JiMMy 85 said:

    On the bright side, I don't remember a terrorist attacking ever happening during an elevated threat level period.

    I believe it was raised at the time of the Glasgow Airport bomb attempt as well as the other attempt to blow up the 6 planes flying between UK and US back in 2006.
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  • Following on from Leaburn's point above..........

    Don't forget that Gordon Brown tried to use this tactic to increase the time in which suspects could be held without charge to 6 WEEKS !

    If we had allowed this to pass into law, we might as well have gone back to burning people at the stake in the High Street or throwing suspects into the Thames.

    We should stay out of foreign issues , let the Yanks sort it out - everybody already hates them, and never lose sight of the fact that we have a Food Bank in Lewisham because our own population cannot afford to survive.
  • "The people don't want war, but they can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. This is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and for exposing the country to danger. It works the same in every country."
    Hermann Göring
  • JiMMy 85 said:

    On the bright side, I don't remember a terrorist attacking ever happening during an elevated threat level period.

    Would we not have had heightened threat levels throughout the many years of IRA bombing
  • The threat levels only came into public knowledge in 2006 as a result of the 7/7 bombings.
  • Maybe this ISIS threat is being reported differently in The U.K. than it is in The U.S. Apparently hundreds if not thousands of males are being slaughtered by ISIS, and the women distributed as wives. Christians are threatened "convert or die" and are fleeing their homes in fear. A Caliphate is nothing but a declaration of war on any state where there are Moslems, is it not?
    The comparison of Hamas and the Jewish freedom fighters in the Warsaw Ghetto is laughable.
  • cafctom said:

    JiMMy 85 said:

    On the bright side, I don't remember a terrorist attacking ever happening during an elevated threat level period.

    I believe it was raised at the time of the Glasgow Airport bomb attempt as well as the other attempt to blow up the 6 planes flying between UK and US back in 2006.
    I've looked it up on the MI5 web site. It was raised after the Glasgow Airport incident but from "Severe" to "Critical". That is, one stage above where it now is. But it only stayed there for a very short time.

    Threat levels, again, to quote MI5: "do not require specific responses from the public. They are a tool for security practitioners working across different sectors."

    In this regard, it's interesting to note that the "Response Level" "Heightened" is the same for both "Substantial" and "Severe" threat levels. The definition of "heightened" reads "Additional and sustainable protective security measures reflecting the broad nature of the threat combined with specific business and geographical vulnerabilities and judgements on acceptable risk."

  • .
    limeygent said:

    Maybe this ISIS threat is being reported differently in The U.K. than it is in The U.S. Apparently hundreds if not thousands of males are being slaughtered by ISIS, and the women distributed as wives. Christians are threatened "convert or die" and are fleeing their homes in fear. A Caliphate is nothing but a declaration of war on any state where there are Moslems, is it not?
    The comparison of Hamas and the Jewish freedom fighters in the Warsaw Ghetto is laughable.

    Not going to derail this thread (if we're going to debate this it should probably be on one of the other Israel threads) but the main point I was making is that it's a weak argument to suggest the world agreed after WW2 to stand strong in the face of atrocities from then on when the Western government have had such a transparently business- and politically-motivated inconsistent approach to those they intervene with and those they stand by and watch (while hand wringing and condemning with hollow words... if even that).
  • limeygent said:

    Maybe this ISIS threat is being reported differently in The U.K. than it is in The U.S. Apparently hundreds if not thousands of males are being slaughtered by ISIS, and the women distributed as wives. Christians are threatened "convert or die" and are fleeing their homes in fear. A Caliphate is nothing but a declaration of war on any state where there are Moslems, is it not?

    Generally this is what we're being told. That, along with hundreds of Brits going out there to fight for 'the cause' of fundamentalism.

    Those returning from the region still with the smell of blood for the infidel is the reason for the heightened security threat level announced by the Government.

  • .

    limeygent said:

    Maybe this ISIS threat is being reported differently in The U.K. than it is in The U.S. Apparently hundreds if not thousands of males are being slaughtered by ISIS, and the women distributed as wives. Christians are threatened "convert or die" and are fleeing their homes in fear. A Caliphate is nothing but a declaration of war on any state where there are Moslems, is it not?
    The comparison of Hamas and the Jewish freedom fighters in the Warsaw Ghetto is laughable.

    Not going to derail this thread (if we're going to debate this it should probably be on one of the other Israel threads) but the main point I was making is that it's a weak argument to suggest the world agreed after WW2 to stand strong in the face of atrocities from then on when the Western government have had such a transparently business- and politically-motivated inconsistent approach to those they intervene with and those they stand by and watch (while hand wringing and condemning with hollow words... if even that).
    Fair enough. The adherence to this credo has certainly been selective. Be assured though, that even if the need is clear, the current President will be a weak member of any coalition.
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