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UKIP win a seat



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    Irish ?
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    I know one of the ringleaders and she's on Mark Serwotka's payroll so I'm damn sure that it was OK'ed by the Labour powers that be.

    I very much doubt it. I assume you are saying that she works for PCS. PCS are not affiliated to labour but are very strong on campaigning and activism, much more so than many unions at the moment.

    The union movement as a whole, is full of activists of varying degrees, but many are hard liners and believe in direct action protest. From my experience, the people on the this extreme end of campaigning hate Labour more than the Tories as they see them as having sold out. Just spend time hanging out with the SWP activists. Commendable for their commitment to the cause, but completely blinkered and no sense of reality or looking for real solutions to problems and a deep hatred for all things Labour.

    This protest was organised (at least partly) by Dan Glass, a man who is a serial protestor on multiple fronts but never offers up any sensible solutions. He is probably more linked to the Greens rather than Labour. Any sensible party wouldn't have him, even informally, as speaking for them.
    I had a quick look at Dan Glass Facebook page. He is clearly a twankunt of the highest order and if he hates this country so much he should go live in Syria.

    However he claimed to support the LGBTI communities. Does anyone know what the 'I' stands for?
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    Chizz said:

    I know one of the ringleaders and she's on Mark Serwotka's payroll so I'm damn sure that it was OK'ed by the Labour powers that be.

    I very much doubt it. I assume you are saying that she works for PCS. PCS are not affiliated to labour but are very strong on campaigning and activism, much more so than many unions at the moment.

    The union movement as a whole, is full of activists of varying degrees, but many are hard liners and believe in direct action protest. From my experience, the people on the this extreme end of campaigning hate Labour more than the Tories as they see them as having sold out. Just spend time hanging out with the SWP activists. Commendable for their commitment to the cause, but completely blinkered and no sense of reality or looking for real solutions to problems and a deep hatred for all things Labour.

    This protest was organised (at least partly) by Dan Glass, a man who is a serial protestor on multiple fronts but never offers up any sensible solutions. He is probably more linked to the Greens rather than Labour. Any sensible party wouldn't have him, even informally, as speaking for them.
    I had a quick look at Dan Glass Facebook page. He is clearly a twankunt of the highest order and if he hates this country so much he should go live in Syria.

    However he claimed to support the LGBTI communities. Does anyone know what the 'I' stands for?
    Is that like Pornhub ?
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    PL54 said:

    Chizz said:

    I know one of the ringleaders and she's on Mark Serwotka's payroll so I'm damn sure that it was OK'ed by the Labour powers that be.

    I very much doubt it. I assume you are saying that she works for PCS. PCS are not affiliated to labour but are very strong on campaigning and activism, much more so than many unions at the moment.

    The union movement as a whole, is full of activists of varying degrees, but many are hard liners and believe in direct action protest. From my experience, the people on the this extreme end of campaigning hate Labour more than the Tories as they see them as having sold out. Just spend time hanging out with the SWP activists. Commendable for their commitment to the cause, but completely blinkered and no sense of reality or looking for real solutions to problems and a deep hatred for all things Labour.

    This protest was organised (at least partly) by Dan Glass, a man who is a serial protestor on multiple fronts but never offers up any sensible solutions. He is probably more linked to the Greens rather than Labour. Any sensible party wouldn't have him, even informally, as speaking for them.
    I had a quick look at Dan Glass Facebook page. He is clearly a twankunt of the highest order and if he hates this country so much he should go live in Syria.

    However he claimed to support the LGBTI communities. Does anyone know what the 'I' stands for?
    Is that like Pornhub ?

    Intersex, in humans and other animals, is a variation in sex characteristics including chromosomes, gonads, or genitals that do not allow an individual to be distinctly identified as male or female. Such variation may involve genital ambiguity, and combinations of chromosomal genotype and sexual phenotype other than XY-male and XX-female.

    Not really something for making fun of, really.
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    Chizz said:

    PL54 said:

    Chizz said:

    I know one of the ringleaders and she's on Mark Serwotka's payroll so I'm damn sure that it was OK'ed by the Labour powers that be.

    I very much doubt it. I assume you are saying that she works for PCS. PCS are not affiliated to labour but are very strong on campaigning and activism, much more so than many unions at the moment.

    The union movement as a whole, is full of activists of varying degrees, but many are hard liners and believe in direct action protest. From my experience, the people on the this extreme end of campaigning hate Labour more than the Tories as they see them as having sold out. Just spend time hanging out with the SWP activists. Commendable for their commitment to the cause, but completely blinkered and no sense of reality or looking for real solutions to problems and a deep hatred for all things Labour.

    This protest was organised (at least partly) by Dan Glass, a man who is a serial protestor on multiple fronts but never offers up any sensible solutions. He is probably more linked to the Greens rather than Labour. Any sensible party wouldn't have him, even informally, as speaking for them.
    I had a quick look at Dan Glass Facebook page. He is clearly a twankunt of the highest order and if he hates this country so much he should go live in Syria.

    However he claimed to support the LGBTI communities. Does anyone know what the 'I' stands for?
    Is that like Pornhub ?

    Intersex, in humans and other animals, is a variation in sex characteristics including chromosomes, gonads, or genitals that do not allow an individual to be distinctly identified as male or female. Such variation may involve genital ambiguity, and combinations of chromosomal genotype and sexual phenotype other than XY-male and XX-female.

    Not really something for making fun of, really.
    Yeah but a bloke and his kids attacked while having Sunday lunch is fair game.

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    No, no it isn't.
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    The joke isn't really harmless, but I think we can agree not to belittle minorities or attack people during their lunch as a matter of decency

    If Dan Glass wanted to make the point that UKIP might be inimical to the represented minorities in his fancy-dress parade, he would be best served waiting for the manifesto and making a video or blog post carefully deconstructing actual UKIP policy, not making a complete arse of himself
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    Leuth said:

    The joke isn't really harmless, but I think we can agree not to belittle minorities or attack people during their lunch as a matter of decency

    If Dan Glass wanted to make the point that UKIP might be inimical to the represented minorities in his fancy-dress parade, he would be best served waiting for the manifesto and making a video or blog post carefully deconstructing actual UKIP policy, not making a complete arse of himself

    Who was harmed ?
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    Probably nobody in this instance (although you never know who's reading, and it probably stings to read others' ignorance of one's identity), but it's just not a good idea to say these things in public. If you're in a private room with an intersex individual and they're happy with you referring to them as 'Irish' to a third party, or that their condition means - hehe - they're 'into sex' - hell, they might even find it funny in a weak moment - this is obviously very different. Trivialising these signifiers of identity is not the best way to engage with them - you're probably best off ignoring them and getting your pun kicks elsewhere - there's plenty of opportunity. Anyway, I'm not saying you CAN'T say these things (because that'd be censorship, which is shit), just that I might raise a mild objection if you do.
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    Chizz said:

    PL54 said:

    Chizz said:

    I know one of the ringleaders and she's on Mark Serwotka's payroll so I'm damn sure that it was OK'ed by the Labour powers that be.

    I very much doubt it. I assume you are saying that she works for PCS. PCS are not affiliated to labour but are very strong on campaigning and activism, much more so than many unions at the moment.

    The union movement as a whole, is full of activists of varying degrees, but many are hard liners and believe in direct action protest. From my experience, the people on the this extreme end of campaigning hate Labour more than the Tories as they see them as having sold out. Just spend time hanging out with the SWP activists. Commendable for their commitment to the cause, but completely blinkered and no sense of reality or looking for real solutions to problems and a deep hatred for all things Labour.

    This protest was organised (at least partly) by Dan Glass, a man who is a serial protestor on multiple fronts but never offers up any sensible solutions. He is probably more linked to the Greens rather than Labour. Any sensible party wouldn't have him, even informally, as speaking for them.
    I had a quick look at Dan Glass Facebook page. He is clearly a twankunt of the highest order and if he hates this country so much he should go live in Syria.

    However he claimed to support the LGBTI communities. Does anyone know what the 'I' stands for?
    Is that like Pornhub ?

    Intersex, in humans and other animals, is a variation in sex characteristics including chromosomes, gonads, or genitals that do not allow an individual to be distinctly identified as male or female. Such variation may involve genital ambiguity, and combinations of chromosomal genotype and sexual phenotype other than XY-male and XX-female.

    Not really something for making fun of, really.
    Yeah but a bloke and his kids attacked while having Sunday lunch is fair game.

    I disagree. I don't think it's right at all to attack a bloke and his kids while they have Sunday lunch. And I don't think anyone on here has said that it is.
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    Leuth said:

    No, no it isn't.

    Some of the comments on this thread suggest otherwise.

    A bloke attacked with his family and the first comments were about him driving off in a French car. Someone makes a harmless joke about what the I stands for is LGBTI and Chizz is all over it like a tramp on chips.

    The hypocrisy on here at times just makes me laugh.

    *sorry not tramp, 'homeless person'

    Wow! So the remark "not really something for making fun of, really" equates to being "all over it like a tramp on chips". Really?
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    All about discarded houmous crisps and falafel nowadays, mate - chips are beneath the modern urban vagrant
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    OK, back on topic. It turns out that, since the last General Election, Ukip has suspended at least 19 councillors, 14 parliamentary candidates, a national secretary, its youth leader, one spokesperson, its Scotland chair, an entire local branch, three MEPs and a local committee.

    There can't be many left, can there?
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    Just imagine what all the suspended people could achieve if they banded together and formed a new party!
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    Chizz said:

    Leuth said:

    No, no it isn't.

    Some of the comments on this thread suggest otherwise.

    A bloke attacked with his family and the first comments were about him driving off in a French car. Someone makes a harmless joke about what the I stands for is LGBTI and Chizz is all over it like a tramp on chips.

    The hypocrisy on here at times just makes me laugh.

    *sorry not tramp, 'homeless person'

    Wow! So the remark "not really something for making fun of, really" equates to being "all over it like a tramp on chips". Really?
    I'm just amazed that for someone who is so against offending people, you failed to leap to the defence of Farage when the 'jokes' were flying about in regards to him and his family being attacked. Cos hey, "it's not really something to be making fun of really"
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    Chizz said:

    Leuth said:

    No, no it isn't.

    Some of the comments on this thread suggest otherwise.

    A bloke attacked with his family and the first comments were about him driving off in a French car. Someone makes a harmless joke about what the I stands for is LGBTI and Chizz is all over it like a tramp on chips.

    The hypocrisy on here at times just makes me laugh.

    *sorry not tramp, 'homeless person'

    Wow! So the remark "not really something for making fun of, really" equates to being "all over it like a tramp on chips". Really?
    I'm just amazed that for someone who is so against offending people, you failed to leap to the defence of Farage when the 'jokes' were flying about in regards to him and his family being attacked. Cos hey, "it's not really something to be making fun of really"
    Most people are pious when it suits

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    Leuth said:

    Probably nobody in this instance (although you never know who's reading, and it probably stings to read others' ignorance of one's identity), but it's just not a good idea to say these things in public. If you're in a private room with an intersex individual and they're happy with you referring to them as 'Irish' to a third party, or that their condition means - hehe - they're 'into sex' - hell, they might even find it funny in a weak moment - this is obviously very different. Trivialising these signifiers of identity is not the best way to engage with them - you're probably best off ignoring them and getting your pun kicks elsewhere - there's plenty of opportunity. Anyway, I'm not saying you CAN'T say these things (because that'd be censorship, which is shit), just that I might raise a mild objection if you do.

    Im fat and bald and get hurt when someone takes the piss. I hope Mr Glass took some fat bald people along to represent me and my hang ups. Mind you, I think the breastfeeding woman represented me quite well.
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    edited March 2015
    Mine was the post about the French motor and my conscience is clear on the matter. At worst it was crap timing and I would never condone the events especially as his family were there (I have a wife and daughter so know what family is about) but I don't really accept the hypocrite accusation or think it fair that a joke I made has moved some to infer that I supported the incident on Sunday.

    For the record I would like to say that in the interviews I have seen with Dan Glass he came across as a prize, smug cock. You have to remember that I'm a lefty of the traditional, northern, working class type and I don't have a lot of time for the southern, middle class idea of leftyism espoused by Glass and his ilk.
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    There's a big difference between making a joke and condoning the actions of others.
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    Indeed their is. Or at least I think there is.
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    Chizz said:

    Leuth said:

    No, no it isn't.

    Some of the comments on this thread suggest otherwise.

    A bloke attacked with his family and the first comments were about him driving off in a French car. Someone makes a harmless joke about what the I stands for is LGBTI and Chizz is all over it like a tramp on chips.

    The hypocrisy on here at times just makes me laugh.

    *sorry not tramp, 'homeless person'

    Wow! So the remark "not really something for making fun of, really" equates to being "all over it like a tramp on chips". Really?
    I'm just amazed that for someone who is so against offending people, you failed to leap to the defence of Farage when the 'jokes' were flying about in regards to him and his family being attacked. Cos hey, "it's not really something to be making fun of really"
    I don't follow your argument, I'm afraid. I didn't see any "jokes" about Farage - maybe I just missed them.

    Incidentally, I am not against offending people, per se. No-one has a right not to be offended. I think Farage is an arse. And if I met him, I'd say it to his face. He'd equally have a perfect right to tell me what he thinks of me. I do, however, object when groups are singled out for xenophobic, generalised, us-against-them abuse.

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    Mine was the post about the French motor and my conscience is clear on the matter. At worst it was crap timing and I would never condone the events especially as his family were there (I have a wife and daughter so know what family is about) but I don't really accept the hypocrite accusation or think it fair that a joke I made has moved some to infer that I supported the incident on Sunday.

    For the record I would like to say that in the interviews I have seen with Dan Glass he came across as a prize, smug cock. You have to remember that I'm a lefty of the traditional, northern, working class type and I don't have a lot of time for the southern, middle class idea of leftyism espoused by Glass and his ilk.

    So what, are you now saying that a Southerner can't be a traditional lefty? Bit prejudice ain't it!?!?

    Is it coz I is norvvern?

    ; )
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    People like Glass (who tried to superglue himself to Gordon Brown at the last election, so is at least an equal opportunity twat) are no more representative of the left than EDL are of the right.
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    brogib said:

    Mine was the post about the French motor and my conscience is clear on the matter. At worst it was crap timing and I would never condone the events especially as his family were there (I have a wife and daughter so know what family is about) but I don't really accept the hypocrite accusation or think it fair that a joke I made has moved some to infer that I supported the incident on Sunday.

    For the record I would like to say that in the interviews I have seen with Dan Glass he came across as a prize, smug cock. You have to remember that I'm a lefty of the traditional, northern, working class type and I don't have a lot of time for the southern, middle class idea of leftyism espoused by Glass and his ilk.

    So what, are you now saying that a Southerner can't be a traditional lefty? Bit prejudice ain't it!?!?

    Is it coz I is norvvern?

    ; )

    Nail on head my brother :wink:
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    Chizz said:

    OK, back on topic. It turns out that, since the last General Election, Ukip has suspended at least 19 councillors, 14 parliamentary candidates, a national secretary, its youth leader, one spokesperson, its Scotland chair, an entire local branch, three MEPs and a local committee.

    There can't be many left, can there?

    How many of them were intersex though?

    Why does everybody need to have a 'label' nowadays.

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    I would love to know who the gutless coward was who gave the information (wrong at first)
    where Nigel Farage and his family would be having their lunch.
    I have tried to Email Chris Baugh or the heroic Dan Glass but impossible to get through.
    Socialist Worker cowards of the highest order.
    They are probably whinging now about death threats what do the c---ts expect!
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    This thread becomes more bizarre by the day.

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