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UKIP win a seat



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    This thread becomes more bizarre by the day.

    Quack quack quack quack QUAACCKK mooooooo woof woof
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    I am not knowledgeable on the subject of politics, but I thought that I could mention that I carefully read the UKIP leaflet which arrived this week. It was full of items that concern me, and left me with the clear impression that they understand the things that many people would like to change. I hope that Nigel is given enough time to rid them of the basket cases who are hanging onto his coat tails, and perhaps has his chance in Thanet to show us the proof of the pudding.
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    edited March 2015

    This thread becomes more bizarre by the day.

    Quack quack quack quack QUAACCKK mooooooo woof woof
    I hope that was not a swipe at the Avian, Bovine or Canine community?

    You wouldn't want 30-40 left wing herberts turning up to ruin your £3.75 Sunday Roast Meal Deal at Copperfields and causing Grandma to choke on a stray piece of boiled cabbage...
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    edited March 2015
    The constant need for people to make party political points over Farage being threatened at lunch is somewhat disheartening. What's happened to him is out of order however I can tell you now that no political party would even consider attacking another politician during their Sunday lunch. Not only is it unthinkable, but it does nothing to enhance their reputation, or diminish UKIPs.

    Nick Clegg posted a very sensible tweet with regards to the incident, and now I'm hearing Lib Dem members coming out questioning why Cameron & Milliband haven't done the same.

    Frankly it's sickening that the supporters of political parties feel the need for such opportunism, and they are all guilty of it. It's why I won't join one and it's a damning indictment of the adversarial style of politics we have in this country.
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    Frankly it's sickening that the supporters of political parties feel the need for such opportunism, and they are all guilty of it. It's why I won't join one and it's a damning indictment of the adversarial style of politics we have in this country.

    I agree, although it seems to be an avoidable part of politics. Wherever there is democracy there are political parties and they are always adversarial. The Americans tried to do without parties after gaining independence. Even though almost everyone agreed that parties should be avoided, they had formed within a few years.

    It's all the faux moral outrage I can't stand.

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    Sent to me yesterday, addressed to Cameron and Milliband. If nothing else, some food for thought.

    You BOTH Worry me! (in fact, both of your Political parties worry me!!)
    Over the last three years, you both have been turning this country into a place that I no longer feel at home in, or feel part of.
    I watch you in Parliament, sneering at each other, and acting like children!!! (and if you were my children, I would be ashamed of you).
    Years ago, aged 15 at grammar school, we had similar "Yah-Boo" debates in the Fourth Form. We quickly grew out of it when we realised that the real world was different. When will you two do the same?
    What an example you set the viewing millions!
    Although you would like us all to believe that you are putting the needs of this country first, everyone knows that NEITHER of you are doing that. You are more interested in scoring points off each other. Do you somehow think that will impress people and get you votes next year? WRONG !!
    What is achieved by all those shenanigans in Parliament, is denigrating our once-great nation in the eyes of the world. You would NEVER see the German politicians doing that. They have recovered so wonderfully from WW2 by hard work and IMAGE - being careful never to run down their own country in public.
    Your Parliamentary debates seem to be all about YOU as individuals, and not about what you are doing for this country!
    You are not listening to the people you are paid to govern !
    I am seeing the deterioration of living standards, but according to you, playing with statistics, we are doing better than most countries, yet the gap is widening between the "haves" and the "have-nots".
    I see our hospitals under-staffed, yet I see multi-millions of pounds being sent in aid to other countries, before attending to this country's needs! Are you quite sure that our precious aid-money is applied to where it is needed, and not funnelled off to despots' bank accounts in New York and Zurich?
    I see the "selling off of water rights to foreign interests. WHY...? You go to great lengths to tell us that water is a finite resource & supposedly, we must ALL be careful with how we use it.
    The Carbon Tax, (which we all KNOW is just another tax) will make NO difference, to carbon emissions at all. It is a tax, which in spite of all your arguments FOR it, you are doing alone, because other major countries DO NOT BELIEVE in it.
    Let's talk about Multiculturalism. People have come here from other countries, for a better life, for more years than I have been alive. Pre & post- war immigrants came for a better life, settled in and became wonderful contributors to this country. They have contributed to the rich diversity of Britain and many have fought FOR this country. They were glad to become U.K Citizens and they had NO hand-outs ....they worked hard for everything!
    I have never before had a problem with immigrants coming here.
    However, I DO NOW!!!
    Please tell me why we have areas in towns all over the country, where police WILL NOT GO, for fear of their life? Please tell me why we can no longer have religion in schools for fear of "OFFENDING" someone? Please tell me why Christmas celebration is no longer allowed in some schools for fear of OFFENDING someone? Please tell me HOW Christmas decorations in stores might OFFEND someone? Please tell me why we have to have segregated days in public swimming pools for fear of "OFFENDING" someone? Please tell me why we allow RADICAL Muslim clerics to demand Sharia Law when our religions would never be allowed in THEIR country ?
    Please tell me why our laws need to be changed, so as not to OFFEND someone?
    Please tell me why we true-Brits are fast becoming a MINORITY voice, in our own country, because of POLITICAL CORRECTNESS? Please tell me WHY Brits must not wear a bike helmet going into a bank and yet it is OK to wear a Burka, covering the whole of the face?
    And please tell me WHY, when those people who want asylum here, they can wreck our detention centres and STILL be allowed to stay?
    What does that say about just who and what are this government's priorities? Every British person that I speak to has genuine concerns about becoming a second-class minority in our own country, for the above reasons.
    Are you so blind that you cannot see this?
    And no, I am NOT racist !
    If I did not like Catholics or Protestants, would I be considered racist? Of course not!
    We are fighting extremist Muslims in Afghanistan and elsewhere, are we not?
    I hear you say, "yes but the Muslims we have here are not like that."
    Well how do you know?
    Do we see or hear ANY of them speaking AGAINST extremists on TV or radio?
    I haven't. Islam is not compatible with ANY of the values that we hold here in Britain ! Are not the experiences of France and the Netherlands examples of that?
    Why do you think it would be any different here?
    We even have a British born "radical," who states that Britain WILL become a Muslim country, under Sharia Law, & that we had "better get used to it ".
    Will both of you grow up and start sticking up for this country and its people?
    We are the people who put you where you are and PAY you to look after our interests!
    You are NOT doing that, by any stretch of the imagination!!!
    I would appreciate an answer, if only to convince me that once again I am not talking to a brick wall!
    them know we are dissatisfied with their behaviour!

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    The constant need for people to make party political points over Farage being threatened at lunch is somewhat disheartening. What's happened to him is out of order however I can tell you now that no political party would even consider attacking another politician during their Sunday lunch. Not only is it unthinkable, but it does nothing to enhance their reputation, or diminish UKIPs.

    Nick Clegg posted a very sensible tweet with regards to the incident, and now I'm hearing Lib Dem members coming out questioning why Cameron & Milliband haven't done the same.

    Frankly it's sickening that the supporters of political parties feel the need for such opportunism, and they are all guilty of it. It's why I won't join one and it's a damning indictment of the adversarial style of politics we have in this country.

    Agree with this. It also is partly the reason why MPs cannot be honest or just say they don't know the answer to a question. It's simply the fear of the backlash from the media and the opposing parties. Nothing to do with serving the best interests of the public.
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    Jeez, Granpa. I don't know what's worse in that rant, the content or the formatting.
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    Jints said:

    Jeez, Granpa. I don't know what's WORSE in that rant, the CONTENT or the FORMATTING.

    Fixed for you.
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    edited March 2015

    Jeez, Granpa. I don't know what's WORSE in that rant, the CONTENT or the FORMATTING!!!!
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    Jints said:

    Jeez, Granpa. I don't know what's worse in that rant, the content or the formatting.

    I'd have said the exclamation marks. Why use one when three will do?
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    Hi everybody, if you look at the top of that entry you will see that it was sent to me by email. Please don't shoot the messenger. it was not anything that I said.
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    Granpa said:

    Hi everybody, if you look at the top of that entry you will see that it was sent to me by email. Please don't shoot the messenger. it was not anything that I said.

    At least our comments didn't harm you, that's all that matters.
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    More nonsense from a prospective Green Party MP.


    A Ukip source said: "Ms Ross should probably resign her candidacy and donate her deposit to a cancer charity.”

    Ross has responded: “No surprise Kippers don’t like dark humour…”

    Farage had to have a testicle removed due to cancer
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    brogib said:

    More nonsense from a prospective Green Party MP.


    A Ukip source said: "Ms Ross should probably resign her candidacy and donate her deposit to a cancer charity.”

    Ross has responded: “No surprise Kippers don’t like dark humour…”

    Farage had to have a testicle removed due to cancer

    Just like those who mocked Cameron for having a disabled child, and then mocking him after he died. The thing is if they're having to resort to attacking a person like this, it means they have run out of arguments on their policies.
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    Stop worrying about UKIP - we are going to have Alex Salmond deciding the future of the UK.
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    Stop worrying about UKIP - we are going to have Alex Salmond deciding the future of the UK.

    beginning to look that way
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    Jints said:

    Jeez, Granpa. I don't know what's worse in that rant, the content or the formatting.

    What's wrong with the content?

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    "Meanwhile, Shakespeare explained how YouGov used its consumer data gleaned from 450,000 UK panellists to gauge the preferences of voters who have become Ukip supporters, with the groups split between 'Blue Ukipers' and 'Red Ukipers'.

    While both groups share a love for comedian Jim Davidson, the blues prefer figures such as Jeremy Clarkson, Boris Johnson and Margaret Thatcher, while the reds like Piers Morgan and Michael Barrymore."
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    WayneK said:

    Jints said:

    Jeez, Granpa. I don't know what's worse in that rant, the content or the formatting.

    What's wrong with the content?

    Honestly wouldn't know where to start and it would be pointless too anyway. If you really think that e.g. "we can no longer have religion in our schools", nothing I can say will persuade you otherwise.
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    Jints said:

    WayneK said:

    Jints said:

    Jeez, Granpa. I don't know what's worse in that rant, the content or the formatting.

    What's wrong with the content?

    Honestly wouldn't know where to start (Because I haven't really got an argument) and it would be pointless too anyway (Because I consider myself too intelligent to debate with you). If you really think that e.g. "we can no longer have religion in our schools" (Shit, this is the only thing I can find to pull to peices in the whole post), nothing I can say will persuade you otherwise (Which is a good job coz I ain't got much of an argument tbh).
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    We've had these arguments plenty of times and I've made plenty of contributions. I'm buggered if I'm spending a couple of hours setting out my position on Islam, immigration, education policy, the EU, the NHS, conduct in Parliament etc in response to a 2 year old email rant whose author isn't even on this board.

    But thanks for the insults anyway. They've really persuaded me that you want an open debate.
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    Jints said:

    We've had these arguments plenty of times and I've made plenty of contributions. I'm buggered if I'm spending a couple of hours setting out my position on Islam, immigration, education policy, the EU, the NHS, conduct in Parliament etc in response to a 2 year old email rant whose author isn't even on this board.

    But thanks for the insults anyway. They've really persuaded me that you want an open debate.

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    Rob I would probably fall on your side of the divide over most of this but I do have to say that you are wrong about Jints.

    I have often found myself in disagreement with him over the years but he is one of the most fair minded posters on here, always engaging in the debate rather than misrepresenting or insulting as some do.
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    Thanks Len, appreciate that.
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    LenGlover said:

    Rob I would probably fall on your side of the divide over most of this but I do have to say that you are wrong about Jints.

    I have often found myself in disagreement with him over the years but he is one of the most fair minded posters on here, always engaging in the debate rather than misrepresenting or insulting as some do.

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    Calm down fellas, it ain't nothing personal. I'm only questioning the geezer's post, no harm intended eh
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    LenGlover said:

    Rob I would probably fall on your side of the divide over most of this but I do have to say that you are wrong about Jints.

    I have often found myself in disagreement with him over the years but he is one of the most fair minded posters on here, always engaging in the debate rather than misrepresenting or insulting as some do.

    You should hear what he says about you ;-)
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    Fiiish said:

    brogib said:

    More nonsense from a prospective Green Party MP.


    A Ukip source said: "Ms Ross should probably resign her candidacy and donate her deposit to a cancer charity.”

    Ross has responded: “No surprise Kippers don’t like dark humour…”

    Farage had to have a testicle removed due to cancer

    Just like those who mocked Cameron for having a disabled child, and then mocking him after he died. The thing is if they're having to resort to attacking a person like this, it means they have run out of arguments on their policies.
    I think these two things are miles apart. The joke about Farage - whilst it's in bad taste - is actually quite funny. Jibes about Cameron having a disabled child; and mocking the child's death; are beyond the pale.
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