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Dispatches channel 4: British Property Boom

Just at the first ad break - as a non home owner born an bred in south east London I am riled and angry by it so far. That probably won't abate come 9pm


  • 75% of new builds in London go to overseas buyers according to this show. A young girl's mum is selling her house to get her daughter and son in law on the property ladder. How many more examples are there like this. I dread to think.
  • It's no accident. There are a few people making shedloads of money.

    That's the plan.

    But it won't include you. Nor many others.

  • Its the buy to lets I despise. The 1/2 bed flats or small houses that were there for 1st time buyers being bought by Homes Under the Hammer fans.
  • Oggy Red said:

    It's no accident. There are a few people making shedloads of money.

    That's the plan.

    But it won't include you. Nor many others.

    Poor woman has now re-mortgaged her home to pay for her daughter's. Keep the greed conveyor running, why the hell should people born in London have a shot at owning a home in their own city. Get us out, gentrify the living soul out the SE postcode
  • edited December 2014
    Astonishing so far!

    Just watching the six foot wide house being auctioned... Failed to sell...NEVER!!!
  • Part of Nu Labours legacy was unaffordable house prices for normal working people. They let house prices triple in ten years and along with this government encouraged wealthy overseas buyers with a generous taxation regime.

    We're always being told that it's good for the economy but not too good for you if you have to pay three times what you should for somewhere to live!
  • Part of Nu Labours legacy was unaffordable house prices for normal working people. They let house prices triple in ten years and along with this government encouraged wealthy overseas buyers with a generous taxation regime.

    We're always being told that it's good for the economy but not too good for you if you have to pay three times what you should for somewhere to live!

    I think you cant blame a single government, more or less been this upward price rise in SE since ordinary people started buying their own houses, increased by the right to buy and not reinvesting in new stock.
  • what I found interesting was the new build properties in SE London. 101 for sale, off plan - but only 66 for sale to UK buyers the other 35 specifically put by to be sold in Hong Kong. I have no problem with foreign investors buying our properties, but it should be on the same basis as how we have to buy them, not have a certain amount set aside to be sold to a certain section of the market.

    After watching tonight golfie I do have a problem with foreign buyers. Seeimg that Chinese couple who had bought 4 properties in London and were looking at a 5th, just to rent out, to me that's disgusting.
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  • Its the buy to lets I despise. The 1/2 bed flats or small houses that were there for 1st time buyers being bought by Homes Under the Hammer fans.

    Damn all those people in their early twenties who don't wanna buy but wanna rent. If it were not for you there would be no rich landlords.
  • It's pointless blaming Labour or the Tories. They're both completely the same and have been since the early nineties, when Labour moved away from social housing being one of the basic tenets of their policy.

    The economy is almost completely driven by the housing market now and, as with everything else, the people who already have money have all the advantages when it comes to purchasing property. Be it UK based or from abroad. the correct answer.

    Doing anything about the London property market risks a media backlash from most of the press and a massive PR campaign from the property interests and the mega rich Chinese, Russians and Arabs.

    Now, seriously, can you see any contemporary UK politician with the balls to take on that little lot?

    Me neither.
  • It's pointless blaming Labour or the Tories. They're both completely the same and have been since the early nineties, when Labour moved away from social housing being one of the basic tenets of their policy.

    The economy is almost completely driven by the housing market now and, as with everything else, the people who already have money have all the advantages when it comes to purchasing property. Be it UK based or from abroad. the correct answer.

    Doing anything about the London property market risks a media backlash from most of the press and a massive PR campaign from the property interests and the mega rich Chinese, Russians and Arabs.

    Now, seriously, can you see any contemporary UK politician with the balls to take on that little lot?

    Me neither.
    I don't think it's going to take long for that politician to show up. Too many people are being shafted by this issue and it's ripe for a UKIP style party to exploit.

  • It's bollocks is what it is

    The homes under the hammer analogy is an interesting one. Entrepreneurialism is encouraged and encouraging but when you see these cowboys tosh up a 2 up 2 down in a shit part of rochester and then ask for the rents they do it makes me choke!

  • It's pointless blaming Labour or the Tories. They're both completely the same and have been since the early nineties, when Labour moved away from social housing being one of the basic tenets of their policy.

    The economy is almost completely driven by the housing market now and, as with everything else, the people who already have money have all the advantages when it comes to purchasing property. Be it UK based or from abroad. the correct answer.

    Doing anything about the London property market risks a media backlash from most of the press and a massive PR campaign from the property interests and the mega rich Chinese, Russians and Arabs.

    Now, seriously, can you see any contemporary UK politician with the balls to take on that little lot?

    Me neither.
    I don't think it's going to take long for that politician to show up. Too many people are being shafted by this issue and it's ripe for a UKIP style party to exploit.

    To really do anything substantial about the London property market you would really need a Socialist style 'market intervention' which is not something that someone from the far-right like Farage would ever countenance.

    The government could - if it were not potless - commission a massive social housing program but that would take a long time to do and would also have implications on bringing down the house prices of those already on the ladder.

    Another option would be to tax existing high-end property assets more heavily in order to raise more money for social housing - but you will get massive blowback from vested interests or you could look at some kind on rent-capping system but that is also politically risky.

    Ultimately London is the greatest city in the world and the richest of the rich from the emerging economies want to own property there so prices will always be high.
  • edited December 2014
    Bloody foreigners. I cannot afford a pad overlooking Hyde Park as they have driven the prices up.
  • MrOneLung said:

    Bloody foreigners. I cannot afford a pad overlooking Hyde Park as they have driven the prices up.

    Go pass go and buy it the next time round.
  • If you want to stop exploitative foreigner owners buying property to rent at out of reach prices, then introduce rent controll. It worked in New York. The knock effect is house prices would drop as buy to let would not be as attractive.
  • Carter said:

    It's bollocks is what it is

    The homes under the hammer analogy is an interesting one. Entrepreneurialism is encouraged and encouraging but when you see these cowboys tosh up a 2 up 2 down in a shit part of rochester and then ask for the rents they do it makes me choke!

    On the show last night there were landlords being shown by other more established landlords how and where to carve up properties from 4 to 5 bed.

    I don't want this to be a vilification of landlords, as I understand some get left or buy properties as an investment, they're only looking after their families at the end of the day.

    But because I'm on the other side of the fence I really can't get my head round those that have 4/5 properties. For me that is too many, regardless if that is their income. I don't know, just doesn't sit with me well.

    The part of the show that made me laugh was when they were speaking about domestic landlords being driven out of London by wealthy foreign owners. I actually thought to even give oxygen to that was a joke. You've got people that already have 4/5 houses, talking about the fact that they've been pushed out up to places like Leeds for their next property!!! Boohoo
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  • edited December 2014
    Thirteen years (13) of a Labour govt most of their tenure was during a global upturn and massive boost in government coffers. Should we really trust any of them?
  • My property has gone up £55k in the last 2 years.

  • cabbles said:

    Carter said:

    It's bollocks is what it is

    The homes under the hammer analogy is an interesting one. Entrepreneurialism is encouraged and encouraging but when you see these cowboys tosh up a 2 up 2 down in a shit part of rochester and then ask for the rents they do it makes me choke!

    But because I'm on the other side of the fence I really can't get my head round those that have 4/5 properties. For me that is too many, regardless if that is their income. I don't know, just doesn't sit with me well.
    Perhaps we should set limits on how many children people are allowed to have as well as how many properties they can buy - and tax windows.
  • Oggy Red said:

    The government could - if it were not potless - commission a massive social housing program but that would take a long time to do and would also have implications on bringing down the house prices of those already on the ladder.

    What planet are you on, Ormy?

    A predominantly Tory government "commissioning a massive social housing program" .........?
    That's as likely as David Cameron joining a Trade Union.

    Thatcher began the process selling off council housing in the 80s, and the entire debacle of lack of social housing today can be directly attributed to her Tory government policies, perpetuated by every government since.

    There won't be any commissioning of a massive social housing program.
    That's not where the money is.

    The housing needs of people don't count, it's all about maximising PROFIT for those who already have money to invest.

    I did not just mean the current Coalition, I meant a government of any stripe - but no matter who is in power their hands are tied to a large extent by a lack of cash.

    I wholly agree that a LOT more social housing is needed BUT if you do that then you are - by definition - probably going to lower house prices and there will be a backlash to that.

    I find it very sad that lifelong Londoners are getting forced out of their own town but this is a problem that goes beyond party politics and really speaks to the globalisation of capital - and what can anyone really do to stop that?

  • cabbles said:

    Carter said:

    It's bollocks is what it is

    The homes under the hammer analogy is an interesting one. Entrepreneurialism is encouraged and encouraging but when you see these cowboys tosh up a 2 up 2 down in a shit part of rochester and then ask for the rents they do it makes me choke!

    On the show last night there were landlords being shown by other more established landlords how and where to carve up properties from 4 to 5 bed.

    I don't want this to be a vilification of landlords, as I understand some get left or buy properties as an investment, they're only looking after their families at the end of the day.

    But because I'm on the other side of the fence I really can't get my head round those that have 4/5 properties. For me that is too many, regardless if that is their income. I don't know, just doesn't sit with me well.

    The part of the show that made me laugh was when they were speaking about domestic landlords being driven out of London by wealthy foreign owners. I actually thought to even give oxygen to that was a joke. You've got people that already have 4/5 houses, talking about the fact that they've been pushed out up to places like Leeds for their next property!!! Boohoo
    It's a difficult issue for sure.

    I'm an ordinary working bloke who has (nearly) bought his own terraced house after many years.

    I don't work in the public sector so I have no gold plated pension. The (limited) money I've saved in so called private pension schemes might buy me a decent night out if the projections are right but they certainly won't provide an income to live on any more than the State Pension will.

    I've not done it because I've not been able to afford to but, given the pension scenario I've described above, I would seriously consider buy to let as a means of acquiring some sort of pension income.

    As it stands I will have to keep working until I drop dead or get sacked whichever is the earlier.

    I suspect that I am not alone either.
  • Thirteen years (13) of a Labour govt most of their tenure was during a global upturn and massive boost in government coffers. Should we really trust any of them?

    None of them, Soapy. Don't politicians show they can't be trusted time and time again?
    Christ, the present Government have even changed Law in order to empower their own party agenda.

    Forget the distinction between Conservatives and Socialists. Those days are gone.
    Labour are now just Tories in Labour clothing. They all went to school together.
    They all drink together, propping up the bar at Westminster.

    As Cameron says, "We're all in it together".

    That's the politicians, he means. They're all in it together, regardless of the lip service they pay to the voters.

    It's their positions of power, career and wealth that's important.
    Their gravy train - and you dear mug voter, are here to pay for it all.

  • You've got to wonder what is going on when 3 bed terrace houses in my 'OK' street in the not posh part of SE10 (I'm between Maze Hill and Westcombe Park stations) are going for £875k...up to £1m if you've gone and had your loft done...bloody ridiculous...and what chance of my 10 year old son ever getting on the London property ladder (let alone my 28 year old brother who is currently paying more in rent to live in a shit part of east London than I do in mortgage repayments on my house)? I don't know what the answer is but the only thing I can hope for for my son is that he finds a great job, he wants to do, in a city that isn't London where he somehow has a chance to buy somewhere..
  • i've pretty much accepted that, as a 23 year old, it will be a very, very long time until i am able to own my own property.
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